East West Rail Concerns – Barrington Parish Council
Effects of the Development
- Environmental impact of the line upon Barrington – vibration, noise, visual impact
- Fundamental loss of the unique setting of Barrington as one of a group of villages separated by open views of the green south western ribbon around the city of Cambridge
- Disrupted access to Cambridge with the line intervening between Barrington and city amenities – especially main route A10 via Harston but also via Haslingfield.
- Consequential traffic impact long term if the main arterial routes are disrupted. Barrington already is used as a “rat run” to Cambridge because of the delays caused to the A10. This will be worsened – it is unclear what the exact effect of EWR will be – but it will likely exacerbate the situation currently caused by the main line level crossing (LC) at Foxton. Traffic impacts need to be properly modelled and closely examined. A tunnel or bridge at Foxton LC should be part of the “strategic” assessment.
- Absolutely no benefit to Barrington in terms of rail links. Reductions in road traffic will not happen but will likely worsen. All the benefits are to Addenbrookes Biomedical Campus and its distant workers.
- Therefore, the business model for this proposal and for this route needs to be examined very closely given the environmental impacts during construction and thereafter. Given the experience of HS2 the level of Optimism Bias within the EWR proposal needs to be properly understood.
- If spoil from tunnelling through Chapel can be used to hasten the infilling of the Cemex quarry on Chapel Hill that is the only direct potential benefit – subject to careful assessment of the potential damage to the Barrington Chalk Quarry SSSI.
Effects of / during Construction
- Major disruptive traffic impacts through the village and including Barrington Conservation Area with associated social, economic and environmental costs.
- Environmental impacts – vibration, noise, dirt and dust, visual impact, effects on Barrington Chalk Quarry SSSI
- Barrington access roads to and from Shepreth and Foxton already experience significant flooding during poor weather – increased traffic movements will exacerbate the effects
- Social connections between local villages will be severely hampered.
- Significant detrimental impact upon access to Cambridge – Cambridge will be isolated for several years
- BPC has joined local Parish Councils in highlighting their concerns to South Cambs District Council about the impact of the Southern route of East West Rail into Cambridge (see under Planning – East West Rail).
- BPC will also be responding formally to the EWR consultation – get in touch with the Parish Council if you can / wish to help us.
- Find out more about EWR via the following links:
The Cambridge Approaches campaign group opposes the current EWR proposals and is an excellent source of questioning and information:
- East West Rail have their own views here:
- Please consider signing up to the following petition: “Pause plans for Bedford – Cambridge rail link pending a full, independent review”
Government will likely respond that that is the job of the Development Consent Order process – but any pressure to get parliament involved and starting to question the massive costs and supposed benefits of the proposals could help.
Barrington Parish Council
30 December 2024