Council Members

Julian Priddle

Philippa and I moved to Barrington soon after we married in 1988.  Our son grew up in the village, attending the primary school then going to Comberton and on to Hills Road.  His first place on his own was in Heslerton Way, and he and his wife and son now live in Cambridge.

I spent much of my career in environmental science research, before Philippa and I became freelance science education developers. From 2005 I worked in staff development in higher education.

I served as a school governor at Barrington Primary School and later joined the Parish Council for seven years.  During this time, I led the preparation of the Village Plan, published in 2007.  Amongst other activities, I was active in campaigns to retain bus services in the village.

After retiring in 2021, I have been volunteering at the village school.  I support Philippa in running the Safari Supper and we have both been involved in other volunteering activities.