Barrington Society
Founded in 1967, the Barrington Society is a flourishing group of approximately 60 members interested in local topics and further afield activities, both past and present.
Meetings are held every 3rd Wednesday of the month and have one or more speakers with time for questions and chat over coffee. Doors open at 7.30pm with the speaker at 8pm, held usually in the village hall.
Two outings are held during the year, along with a festive Christmas party and a summer garden barbecue.
All for an annual subscription of £15; you can even try a free taster meeting to see if this is for you. Non-members welcome to hear any speakers – £3 per meeting.
Barrington Village Archive
Members of the Society run the comprehensive Barrington Archive which traces the history of the village from its geological beginnings to the present day. You can read some of the history of Barrington on Village history page.
Open events and exhibitions are held, when the scrapbooks, publications and historical documents can be viewed in an informal and friendly setting. Many fascinating publications about the village, written by local people, are available to buy.