Barrington Annual Parish Meeting
Tuesday 3rd May at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
1. Apologies for absence.
2.. To receive the Minutes of the last Meeting held on 27th April 2021.
3. Update from the Chairman of the Parish Council, Cllr Rhodes-Kemp.
S106.I have been keeping you all updated but recent developments include the Transfer of the Land off West Green to the Parish Council.
Also, the footpath through the site to the school is moving closer-slowly. The Foul Water work is completed which apparently means that work on the Footpath can start. We are trying to persuade Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) or Redrow of the need for this to be lit. Likewise to extend the pavement from the main entrance to the school as it is hard to see that parents with small children will wish to walk across one part of the site to the other to access a path. You may have seen people walking on the road to the school which is clearly not safe. Anyway, we are endeavouring to get the best outcome, but responsibility lies with the Developer and Highways.
We are still awaiting feedback on Village facilities which goes to the Trustee of the Village Hall on May 19th . Once it is assimilated, we will be able to take the process forward with Feasibility studies and Architects. At some point we shall be recruiting a Project Manager.
Thank you. We are losing a number of Councillors and I would like to thank Anne Day, Tim Bedford, Jacquie McBride and Peter Bird for their tremendous contribution to the work of the Parish Council over the last 4 years. Far more years for Anne who has also Chaired the Green Charity. For longer than I can remember. Anne with her husband have done so much for the Village over many years. This will be recognised after the Jubilee Celebrations are over.
I am delighted to say that bar one Councillor, who is relocating, all the former Councillors have kindly offered to lend their expertise when required. Our best wishes go with Tim and family when they begin their new life in Scotland.
We are welcoming 5 Councillors to the new Council later in May. Thank you to them all for putting themselves forward.
4. Parish Council Reports
4.1 Playgrounds – Cllr Day
The Play Area on Challis Green and the Under 5s’ Play Area adjacent to the Church Car Park have been monitored monthly by Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance and a report presented to the Parish Council. Our Clerk and Cllr McBride have between them inspected weekly. We received an Annual Inspection from RoSPA which took place last April and we are currently expecting another one. Repairs have been carried out by Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance.
Our equipment is robust and is generally valued and respected. However, there have been instances of vandalism, in particular damage at the Under 5’s to the gate and fencing and to some of the equipment. Thankfully such instances are relatively rare, although there have been more this year, and they do have a financial cost.
Sadly, it was found that the metal on the elderly A frame was becoming so corroded as to be deemed to be unsafe and it had to be removed. Research into what is available has been carried out and it will be replaced by a Climber. There have been difficulties in obtaining the play sand and in the logistics of where it could be delivered and then brought to site. We are grateful to Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd for their help with this and their continued care in grass cutting, etc of the Challis Green Area and to the Ranger for helping to keep the sand in the Under 5s clear of weeds and tree debris. Also, to the volunteer who regularly rakes the sand. We hope to have the sand topped up within the next few weeks.
4.2 Footpaths – Cllr Day
Barrington continues to work with Cambridgeshire County Council Highways in monitoring and routine maintenance to those paths closest to the Village. There is no longer funding for this from the County Council, so we are limited on the whole to one Annual maintenance in the Autumn. During this past year it was necessary to cut back in some areas earlier than usual as a result of overgrowth. We are grateful for volunteer help with maintenance to the sides of the Footpath leading down to Little Rivers and to the Footpath leading from West Green. Liaison with local landowners is ongoing when necessary.
Following the storms and high winds there have been trees down, in some cases blocking a Footpath/Bridleway and we are grateful to Herts and Cambs for dealing with the removals so promptly.
The Bridge at the bottom of the disability access path leading from Boot Lane has been regularly monitored by Cllr McBride and by CCC Highways – Bridges. It had become very unstable in its moorings in the banks following the flooding, as reported on last year. The good news is that Cllr McBride has recently been informed by the CCC Project Manager – Bridges that they have been working on a design and that they hope to replace the Bridge late Summer. They will have to close the Footpath for several weeks while the work is done.
Our Footpaths continue to be well used and appreciated by our residents and by those from further afield. The damage to one of one of the most popular walks following the Bridleway from the Church Car Park to West Green was beginning to heal in the Summer. Some more hedging has now been removed from the edge of the garden of the listed building at the beginning of the “Green Lane”, but the owner is willing to replace with indigenous species. A lot of remedial work needs to be carried out to the Permitted Roadway which is laid on the Green and the Bridleway just before the entrance to the “Green Lane”. We wait to see if there will be further building at 7 Back Lane.
4.3 Ditches and ponds
Ditches – Cllr Bird
This report summarises the work on the village’s ditch system that has been done over the last year.
In general terms, the programme of work which was initiated last year and reported at the Annual Parish Meeting in 2021, has been continued.
More of the overgrown parts of the ditch system have been cleared in order to expedite the flow of water towards the river. In particular: the stretch alongside Challis Close towards the main northern ditch system; the ditch along the northern side of High Street; and certain intermediate lengths around the Green area. The work has been commissioned with an eye to enabling the Ranger to keep the growth in check during his routine visits, with the implements at his disposal.
Due to the vagaries of the weather and absences of staff due to Covid restrictions, the contractor was not able to complete the whole programme of work budgeted for the 2021-2022 year so the rest of the programme, which principally involved the drains underneath sections of the Green, has been held over for the current year. in particular, the drainage of the 5-a-side pitch and the smoothing out of the section of the Green opposite the entrance to Boot Lane in order to enable a more efficient mowing programme in the future.
The result of the endeavours listed in last year’s report have been clear to see: the water in the northern ditch system is flowing more freely which reduces clogging up of the ditch through silt deposition. Apart from notable areas on the 5-a-side pitch, the general drainage of the Green has somewhat improved.
The clearance of the Challis Green Pond reported elsewhere has had a beneficial impact on the drainage in that area, as flow has been established into the pond from the other side of the High Street. it had been feared that that drain was blocked which has turned out not to be the case.
The Council wishes to record its gratitude to the volunteers who maintain the West Green Pond and its environs and to the owners of the stretch along Daphmoir Close who maintain that section of ditch so well.
Looking to the future, the Council is generally satisfied that the measures it has taken to protect the village from the sort of storm events which are likely to become more prevalent in the future due to climate change, will be adequate. Planning permission requirements for the treatment of surface water all relate to “100-year events” which, in the view of the Council, will be inadequate if the severity of storms, which are even now being experienced in other parts of the country, are visited upon Barrington.
The responsibility for the infrastructure investment in the face of developmental pressures: in area flood protection measures; foul water drainage measures; and the management and replenishment of the underlying aquifers all lie with others but, as the effects will be felt by residents, they are encouraged to join the Council as individuals in making representations at district and county levels to ensure that the features which make our village an attractive place to live are protected for our and future generations
Challis Pond – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
The main works are now complete, and fish and frogs spawn have been seen in the pond for the first time in many years.
Volunteers are continuing to tidy the surrounding areas and the Island. Going forward professional maintenance will be arranged to prevent this pond getting into such a sorry state again. With this and the help of volunteers we stand a good chance of doing so.
Thanks to all the donors and volunteers.
4.4 Traffic Calming and Speedwatch– Cllr Rhodes- Kemp, Cllr Kemp, Cllr Walker
In the last year we have had some successes but also some failures in what we have been able to achieve with traffic issues through the village.
On the plus side, the Council engaged a specialist Consultancy Company (2020) to produce a report on traffic through Barrington, and what the options and rough costs would be to significantly improve traffic calming across the village.
Results of the survey showed unacceptable levels of speeding at all points across the village. For example, at Haslingfield Road very close to the school (currently a 30mph zone) it recorded:
- Northbound: 9% of vehicles exceeding 40mph
- Southbound: 4% of vehicles exceeding 40mph
In the words of the engineer:“the problem is considered severe if there is more than 5% of the total vehicles travelling [at] 40mph plus. Figures above this, should be concerning for local authorities and enforcement teams. This shows that along Haslingfield Road there is an issue with the numbers of vehicles travelling at or over 40mph, which isn’t acceptable within a village. [A]lso note that Haslingfield Road [South Bound] SB would be a lot higher without the measures in place such as build out and on-street parking that will slow vehicles down.” (email report from 2020 Consultancy 26.10.21)
These results are very concerning and have been raised with the Local Planning and Highways Authorities in objection to a further 38 houses at the Redrow site.
The principal traffic management options identified by the Consultant Engineer were displayed at the Open Day and many of you filled in the survey asking for your views on what the priorities should be. When these have been analysed, the Traffic Calming Group, together with the consultant, will propose next steps. These are likely to be to work up detailed proposals to discuss with Cambridgeshire County Council Traffic department and obtain the relevant approvals to start (some of) the work.
We have already received £85k from Redrow towards traffic management costs and a further £85k is due on the 50th house occupation on the Redrow site. We remain convinced that the issues around the school should be the responsibility of the County Council and not of the PC and we will be working hard to achieve that.
While the Speedwatch team was active until the autumn, the lack of an administrator has meant that operations have ceased for now. Despite many appeals for help no-one has stepped forward which is a real shame given the importance of the issue, we have a team of willing, trained speedwatchers, and we have the equipment. The team notice a real impact on slowing traffic down when they are out there – but they need a co-ordinator to help plan the sessions and feedback the results on a spreadsheet – that is all. But no offers!
On top of this, the moveable Vehicle Activated Sign panel (the type that can be left in place) which we now possess has been used only once as, in spite of endless and constant badgering, we have been unable to obtain approval from South Cambs DC to use the lampposts we have identified as suitable for the job.
The PC is very aware of the prospect of increased traffic from the 220 new Redrow houses but also from the potential Foxton Hub (station car park). In addition, we have been pressing Redrow for early completion of the footpath from their site through the woods to the school.
It is clear that this is an area of deep concern amongst residents and the PC recognises that there is much to be done – but we have a way forward now and will keep the village informed as things progress.
4.5 Woodland/Community Orchard – Cllr McBride
Volunteers continue to help alongside professionals with the annual maintenance in the Woodland and it has been heartening recently to welcome several new helpers. Thank you to all who are involved.
Residents of all ages enjoy the space in the Woodland but unfortunately there has also been unwelcome activity this year. The picnic benches have been overturned and damaged and many thanks go to the Cubs and Beavers for helping to repair and subsequently maintain them.
The path has also had to be repaired in places where it has been dug up to make ramps and dips for bike runs. It’s wonderful to see creative den building in the Woodland, but Challis Green play area has ramps purpose built for bikes.
The fruit trees in the Orchard have grown well during their first year, along with fruit bushes, herbs and other flowers. A seating area made from dead trees from the Woodland will soon be created. The work has been delayed due to Covid-related staff problems with tree surgeons.
Younger pupils from the school were introduced to the Orchard and Cubs and Beavers have helped with watering.
The Orchard is a space for everyone in the village. If you enjoy being outdoors and perhaps don’t have much garden space do get in touch and get involved. Any input and ideas are very welcome.
Elsewhere in the village three new trees have been planted recently – two crab apples near Challis Pond and, to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee, a Wild Cherry (near 1, West Green).
Following requests from residents several areas of the Green were left to grow long last season to encourage wider biodiversity. Cowslips on Heslerton Way green were also left to flourish before mowing.
4.6 Planning – Cllr Kemp
- Barrington Parish Council (BPC) is a “Statutory Consultee” on Planning Applications – it does not make the decisions, but its views must be taken into account by the relevant authority.
- In fact, planning decisions are largely made by (often quite junior) planning officers under delegated powers from the Local Planning Authority – South Cambs District Council (SCDC). Very limited grounds are now available to ask the SCDC Planning Committee (formed by our District Councillors) to take the decision. Providing the Parish Council input is therefore increasingly important.
- Barrington now has approximately 460 properties including the first additions at “All Saints Gardens” (the Redrow site) and in the region of a further 250 planned.
- This year has seen an increase in applications for major extension work on properties in Barrington and applications for “in fill” development around the Green.
- There has also been a significant increase in requests to respond to consultations on major infrastructure projects locally and regionally.
BPC Planning Committee Work 2021-22
During the past year Barrington PC dealt with the following – many of which required the review of a substantial number of documents and agreeing and submitting considered responses.
- Full Planning Applications – 34
- Planning Appeals – Nil – but 2 appearances at GCP / SCDC Planning Committees
- Numerous notifications such as amendments and planning condition discharges
- Tree work applications (required for work in the Conservation Area) – 9 detailed
- Informal advice to several residents regarding difficulties they have been experiencing with local planning matters – including technical issues, disputes between neighbours, and where work has been undertaken without prior consent.
Formal Consultations 2021-22
In addition, BPC has responded in detail to numerous consultations, including:
- The Greater Cambridge Partnership / South Cambridgeshire Local Plan
- East West Rail
- Thakeham “New Town”
- Foxton Travel Hub
- Other consultations such as the “Ox Cam Arc”
Thanks to all councillors who have become involved and to several volunteers who have given up their time to help with this work.
Supporting Work
The Deed of Variation to the Redrow / SCDC / CCC S 106 planning agreement has taken up considerable time and planning input from BPC in the past year. Quarterly consultation meetings with Redrow and SCDC have been held this year on the progress of the construction work at All Saints Gardens.
Conservation Area Appraisal
The Barrington Conservation Area Appraisal document was consulted upon and then approved in January 2022. It is available on the BPC web site. The Appraisal document shows the new extended boundary of the Conservation Area and provides guidance regarding development within the Conservation Area. Thank you in particular to Cllr Anne Day for her careful and considered input to the Appraisal during the drafting stage.
4.7 Website – Cllr Hopewell.
After sourcing recommendations from other Parish Councils who have upgraded their websites, a decision was made, and choice selected. A working group with some Councillors and Clerk put together their thoughts and sought feedback from villagers.
Once the concept and ideas had been brought together the draft website was built with village groups being sent their pages to be amended as required. There is still some work to do to finish pages off, but this will be ongoing as information changes. The news area of the website has seen some traffic and people are also getting in touch via the link to the Clerk.
Having a Facebook page was trialled for 6 months, and we saw a good amount of interest in it and the page is being followed by many people. The Parish Council puts posts on to keep the village up to date with news, in addition to the website, and for items that impact the village widely then they are shared to the village Spotted in Barrington page.
5. Parish Council Financial Matters – To receive the Parish Council Draft 2021-22 Accounts – to follow
6.To record attendance of Parish Council Members. Between May 2021 and April 2022 inclusive, the Council met 12 times.
Cllr Bedford (10) Cllr Bird (12) Cllr Day (10) Cllr Hopewell (9)
Cllr Kemp (11) Cllr McBride (10) Cllr Rhodes-Kemp (10) Cllr Walker (10)
7. Mobile Warden – Harston and District village Warden Trust. Registration Charity No: 1088033
The Warden Trust and our Wardens have continued to be active within the area we serve under the constantly changing circumstances that have arisen over the past two years. There have been a significant number of changes in personnel, levels of service as permitted within the rules and advice published by the State and other agencies. Sadly, over the period, we have said farewell to a significant number of our long-term members but have welcomed several new joining members. Currently we are proud to report that we are serving 17 members spread across the villages, with eight members resident in Harston but now including 4 members in Barrington and 2 in Hauxton and three who have just joined in Grantchester, the latter villages being new locations for members.
In Barrington, three members have left the Scheme, two have died and a third member was lost when the family insisted that we stopped visiting.
As you will understand, apart from adhering to the coronavirus guidance from Government, we have had to vary our support of members which has involved several periods when visiting has not been practicable. To try and meet the increasing loneliness felt by our members, we were able to recruit a group of volunteers willing to act as “telephone buddies” providing supplementary social telephone conversations. These have proved very well received. Indeed, they have provided a social lifeline to those who were and still are house-bound or unable to conduct their normal lives because of the closure of many public social activities. One of the less anticipated but obvious consequences of the COVID pandemic has been that our members have all aged by two years in confined and restricted circumstances that have significantly impacted on their lives in our community. Loneliness, deteriorating public services and the worsening of health conditions, have left our members less capable and, in several cases, experiencing the onset of illnesses including dementia needing medical support and care which is sadly overwhelmed and overwhelming.
You will understand that this is taking our wardens into areas where they are finding difficulty in providing support for those “who wish to stay in their own homes as long as this is practicable”, as defined in the Trust’s objectives. In some cases, this has proved impossible despite their best efforts, and those of the NHS and the care services. With regard to funding, our former Treasurer resigned in April 2020, and we have been unable to recruit a replacement through the COVID crisis until very recently.
Our new Treasurer has battled to prepare the accounts for the year 2020 to 2021, which were completed successfully before the end of January 2022, enabling the Trust to meet its statutory duty to report to the Charity Commission.
Below are some key considerations that may influence the costs of operations in the next year.
1 The care of our members within our present brief is becoming significantly more time consuming and involves:
a) time in collecting medication from the surgery and some increased time shopping for members (including supermarket telephone ordering for home delivery)
b) receiving substantially increased telephone calls and request for help, often arising from members wanting to talk to someone outside their normal contacts
c) members seeking more visitor contact (when that can be permitted).
d) a more general deterioration in the health, both physical and mental, of our members
Despite these problems the Village Warden Scheme remains in good heart and the Trust is entirely convinced that it has a growing task to fulfil in the villages now served by the Scheme.
8. Cambridgeshire County Council – Report from County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley
The Gamlingay Division comprises the Parishes of Abington Pigotts, Arrington, Barrington, Croydon, Gamlingay, Guilden Morden, Litlington, Hatley, Orwell, Shingay-cum-Wendy, Steeple Morden, Tadlow & Wimpole.
Following the Elections in May 2021 the Council now comprises 61 Councillors made up by 28 Conservatives, 20 LibDems, 9 Labour and 4 Independent. The Joint Administration (JA) formed of Lab/LD/Ind members took control of the Council with a new Joint Administration Agreement which you can view at:
The Chair is Cllr Stephen Ferguson (Ind), and I am Vice Chair. I also chair the Council’s Constitution & Ethics Committee and I sit on the Planning Committee. I am a substitute member for several other Committees. The leadership team as is often the case with new administrations saw a number of retirements and a new CEO, Stephen Moir, was appointed during the year.
The JA has had a number of immediate issues to wrestle with including:
- First year on budget-setting of the new Joint Administration.
•Current year deficit of £22m with -£80m over 5 years left by previous administration.
•Council Tax increase of 4.99% is 3% (half of inflation) plus 1.99% adult social care.
The County Council continues to struggle with the impact of Covid. Although officers are now back in post from their emergency placements we are still not back in New Shire Hall and other sites. All services have been impacted by delays caused by staff absence. Other Covid related issues include:
- The Household Support Fund – with a £20 payment now available to all 39,000 Cambridgeshire
people on universal credit – as well as additional help if people need it for specific bills or
replacement of essentials. - Continued funding for Free School Meals of £15 per week for each eligible child throughout the
school holidays.
• A 100% council tax rebate for Care Leavers until they are 21 – and a targeted fund to support
them, if they need it, until they are 25.
• A £1m ‘catch up’ fund to help children catch up on activities which help them learn skills, build
self-confidence and make friends.
The County Council’s property ‘arm’ This Land has undergone a major review and the Board restructured to ensure best value for Cambridgeshire residents – important as it has been loaned £120m of public money.
The Constitution & Ethic Committee brought forward a report on the award of a County Council farm tenancy to the previous Deputy leader who resigned and left the Council. This episode caused considerable reputational damage, and so full disclosure of the Independent Report was important.
I am also appointed to the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Fire Authority where I chair the Scrutiny & Overview Committee. A recent Government inspection of the service looked at three main areas – how effective it is, how efficient and how well colleagues are looked after – and found the Service continued to be rated Good: putting us among the best performing fire and rescue services in the UK.
Locally in Barrington I continue to chair the Cemex Liaison Group which is an important place for opinions to be aired, information shared, and problems solved. I have worked on a wide range of casework ranging from mud on the roads (of which there was a lot!) to public footpath issues to implications arising from the new housing at the Quarry. I continue to campaign against the current favoured alignment of the Cambridge Oxford railway by EastWestRail and I am part of a team of local Councillors ensuring that Thakeham cannot proceed with its plan for a new town of 25k houses obliterating 9 local villages including Barrington.
It has been a pleasure to work with the Parish Council on many different issues throughout the year and I would like to pay tribute to those Parish Councillors standing down – truly Local Heroes. As always, I welcome feedback, casework and the opportunity to serve the people of Barrington as your County Councillor.
9.South Cambridgeshire District Council – Report from District Councillor Aidan Van de Weyer
This is the end of my 9th year as your district councillor. We will find out on Thursday whether you have given me the opportunity to continue to work for you on the issues below for four more years.
Local Plan. Over the past year, we reached a major milestone in the creation of a new Local Plan for the area, which will determine what development happens and where over the next 20 years. The quality of life in our village is what brought us here, and it what keeps us here. A big part of my job is to make sure that that quality of life here is protected and improved.
The best protection we have against damaging development is the new South Cambs local plan drafted by the district council, which I have been closely involved with. The draft plan makes provision for around 49,000 dwellings across South Cambs and Cambridge City between now and 2041. Obviously, the vast majority are already being built or are in the planning process already. The remaining 11,000 are nearly all in Cambridge City. There are some allocations at New Towns (Cambourne, Northstowe and Waterbeach) and then there are about 350 in the rest of South Cambs – all in villages with railway access. If we do not have a Local Plan in place, we would lose our local planning powers and there would be a free-for-all for developers, which is what happened for several years up to 2018 under the previous administration at South Cambs. Over 4,000 homes were given permission which were not in compliance with our policy on protecting villages.
The forthcoming iteration of the Local Plan delivers sensible levels of sustainable housing – especially affordable housing – in communities which are themselves already sustainable by virtue of size, public transport links and public services.
Budget. You will have received your Council Tax bills in the last few weeks, showing that the District Council has had to increase the amount raised in order to maintain services, despite the cost-of-living crisis. We felt that the consequences to our residents of cutting our services, which especially support the most vulnerable, would be too great. The South Cambs District Council element has gone up by 10 pence a week or £5 a year for a Band D property. We have managed to increase our sources of income from elsewhere as well as saving money where we can. We are one of a few councils in the country to have set a balanced budget for the coming financial year.
EWR. The news from the East West Rail project has been very quiet over the last year. EWR was conceived as part of a wider plan by government to boost the economy along what is known as the Oxford Cambridge Arc, or OxCam. OxCam now seems to have been dropped by government. Along with the Cambridge Approaches campaign group, I asked government for more details of the business case for EWR. What we know so far on the economic justification has been very vague. Unsurprisingly, we didn’t get a helpful reply.
Foxton Travel Hub. Another transport project that will affect us is the Foxton Travel Hub. This involves building a car park, secure bike parking and a bus stop across the A10 from Foxton station, south of the railway line, as well as improving the crossing of the A10 as much as it can be. The idea is that people travelling to the Biomedical Campus will park here and catch a train to the new Cambridge South station. This will reduce the number of cars travelling through Harston and making residents’ lives a misery. Expectations about the numbers of people using the travel hub have shrunk and the size of the car park has therefore been reduced. A fully detailed scheme will be submitted for planning permission in the summer, so we will get the chance to scrutinise it all more closely.
Ukrainian and Afghans. I am very proud of the support that South Cambs has been able to provide for Afghan refugees from last summer and now for Ukrainians fleeting the war. Since 2018, we have managed to provide houses for four families of vulnerable Syrians. So, when the Afghan crisis happened, we were able quickly to offer to play our part in welcoming Afghan families. We are currently doing what we can to ensure that Ukrainians arriving with host families here are supported well. Full information is on the SCDC website at
10. Open discussion for residents.
Other reports
11. Redrow Home Ltd – Planning Director
At the time of writing there are circa 35 dwellings currently under construction, at various stages. The construction of a network of ponds and swales in the southern part of the site has now been completed and we are starting to look at implementing the wider landscaping scheme. The foul drainage connection works have also now been completed, which will enable us to progress the construction of the footpath/cycleway connection to Barrington. In the coming months we will be looking to progress access works for the northern part of the site. We are holding regular meetings with CEMEX and the Local Authorities in order to progress the offsite cycleway connection to Foxton. We will continue to attend Liaison Meetings involving the Parish Council, County Councillors and the District Council in order to keep key bodies updated on progress
The Annual Meeting of the Green Charity will follow.
Reg Nº 205 227
May 3rd, 2022
1. | Apologies for absence:
2. | Review of the year Chairman
3. | Financial Report
3.1 Audited Accounts 01.04.20 – 31.03.21 Accepted by the Charity Commission 3.2 Draft Accounts 01.04.21 – 31.03.22 |
4. | Attendance Record for 2021 – 2022 Trustee Meetings (3)
All via Zoom
5. | Open discussion for residents |
The Green Charity: Chairman’s Report 2021 – 2022
The Trustee held 3 meetings via Zoom during the year.
Most of the Trustee’s activities are related to the maintenance, appearance and preservation of The Green, along with the administration of the Permitted Way Licence Scheme. This involves issuing Licences enabling vehicular access across the Green and dealing with Estate Agents and Solicitors when properties come onto the market and when they are sold. This work has increased considerably as the number of properties adjacent the Green changing hands has risen markedly this year. 2 new builds have also been sold.
The current four-year cycle of Permitted Way Licences will run until
August 31st, 2023. The “permitted roadways” are surveyed annually: quotations for repairs obtained from our preferred Contractor, John Cobb & Sons Ltd. In the future we hope that it will be possible to implement a rolling maintenance programme to incorporate an entire “roadway” surface dressing which will hopefully reduce the necessity for spot repairs for a number of years on “roadways” so treated.
It has been difficult to organise repairs this year as there have been a number of building projects, some of which have gone on for a long time. In each case there is now a policy of working with the property owner on a Construction Traffic Management Plan to arrive at an agreement, including a sum deposited against possible damage to the permitted roadway and the nearby grassed areas. The sum will depend on the scope and likely timing of the project. Some projects are very large and involve back land development of new houses in gardens, building onto or renovation of existing properties and demolition to allow replacement within or adjacent to a Conservation Area. One such area is Back Lane where there have been 2 new builds and a complete remodelling of the access “track” leading from it. There is a further application for a large Bungalow and Garden Studio following demolition of the existing bungalow at 7 Back Lane. There has also been a new build in the garden of 8 High Street closer to the Highway. In each case of such large projects the Trustee requires that £5,000 is deposited in their bank account against any repairs which are deemed necessary on completion. We would like to think that Developers will respect the surroundings but sadly this does not always happen; we are grateful to those working at 20 West Green and at 8 High Street who have attempted to do so. There is also a further Application for demolition and building of 2 new houses at 7 West Green.
Following the work undertaken by a Senior Planning Officer and Cllr Kemp and Chairman reported on last year, there is now a newly adopted Conservation Area. The area it covers has been increased beyond The Green. It includes identification of key features – buildings, views etc, which are important to the character of our Village. We hope that this will help to better inform Planning Officers when making judgements about future applications.
The number of vehicles using our “roadways” continues to increase, in particular delivery vehicles and as more new properties are built. Following previous legal advice, anyone intending to build a property in an existing garden is asked to pay a capital sum of £11,000 towards future increased usage of the accessways. We are likely to spend more on repairs than we will have received in fees during the current 4-year period which expires 31st August 2023. Parking is also a problem, and I would like to remind residents that this is not permitted on the grassed areas of The Green or on access spurs unless absolutely necessary. This problem is more apparent when there has been a lot of rainfall and frosts. It becomes obvious when corners are cut, and drivers do not keep to the “roadways”.
The Trustee has been liaising with County Broadband who now understand that they will need to seek an agreement with The Green Charity when it comes to installation around West Green. Some of the Trustee walked the area with our then Contact to see where they would need to create small trenches to install their cabling. They believe that their sub-contractor will be able to make use of some of the ducting for the existing telephone cabling. Our contact recently left the Company but the new Contact, has proved to be very willing to work with us and has recently signed a management plan agreement. We wait to hear from the Wayleave Department. Permission has also been given to East/West Rail to carry out a nonobtrusive survey of wildlife, etc over a few days. This is something they are doing throughout the area which might be close to any railway.
The Trustee wish to continue to encourage use of The Green by all those living in the Village for events and for private functions. Barrington Classic has an Organiser, and it will be held on the First Friday of each month April – September and on New Year’s Day working with The Royal Oak. Football and Cricket have been much more in evidence. A wedding reception held on The Green in a tepee invited a lot of interest and seemed to be popular. The Celebration for all residents held in September on The Green near the Pavilion was a great success. We have given permission to the organisers of The Safari Supper to have a tent opposite the Village Hall for Aperitifs in July; also, to the PCC to allow parking for Vintage Tractors as part of visit to all the Churches in the Benefice in September. Also, to the organisers of Jubilee events during the celebrations.
Following requests and with the approval of those attending the Annual Meeting via Zoom last year, some areas have been left uncut to encourage wildflowers, bees, etc.
Following a cut by Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance Services at the end of the season, volunteers from the Eco Group raked the arisings into heaps to be removed by the above. This all seems to have been successful and well supported. The Green Charity has made donations to the work at Challis Green Pond and to materials for the construction of a very special footbridge to replace the existing one across West Green Pond.
Our Green is very special and unique and was obviously enjoyed by many people during the lock downs. Sadly, there have been some examples of vandalism, such as the attacks on the Telephone Box now used as a Library, we do need to protect it and make sure that it does not turn into a car park and that anyone behaving inappropriately is challenged. This is for now and for future generations.
The Trustee is grateful to the auditor of the Accounts.
I thank all members of the Trustee, the volunteers who contribute to the maintenance of different aspects of The Green, including West Green Pond.
Other volunteers who care for flower beds, the Litter Pickers, the Eco Group and to the Village Hall for allowing use of the car park when events are held on The Green. Also, to all at Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance for all their efforts and care. Finally, I especially thank Sheila Potter our secretary, for all her hard work and for her support to me during a difficult year.
Anne Day Chairman April 2022
Balance at 1st April 2021
Lloyds Treasurers Account 60486.98
Vat Repaid 2652.92
Other income
Permitted Way Licences 7551.00
Use of the Green 545.00
Donations 270.00
Parish Council Lease Play Area 150.00
Gate Agreement 750.00
Table Licence 885.00
Wayleaves 2817.26
Challis Pond Donations 6670.00
Deposits against damage to
Access Roadways 10.000.00
Roadway Repairs 7995.00
Ground Maintenance 690.00
Payment BPC: Grass cutting 2600.00
Transfer of Donations to BPC re:
Challis Pond Restoration 6679.00
Donation to BPC re: Challis Pond 500.00
Donation for New Bridge at
West green pond 1000.00
Glebe Road Flower tubs 65.00
No Parking sign Back Lane 155.00
Wages Secretary 2749.88
PAYE & NI 593.60
Printing 69.99
Stationery 36.69
Computer supplies 89.99
Professional Fees
Legal 1506.00
Accountancy 187.50
VAT input tax 2106.70
Balance at 31st March 2022 65753.81
Cambridge Building Society: Notice Business Saver-issue 3
31/03/2021opening balance £45,757.59
Interest 15/07/2021 £518.71
31/03/2022 Closing Balance £46094.30
Secretary 31.03.2022
To be Audited April 2022