Policy Statement
Barrington Parish Council has a duty of care to safeguard all the children and vulnerable adults from harm who are involved in the Council’s play areas.
The Council has two play areas one at the Challis Green Recreation Ground and another at High Street/Haslingfield Road junction (known as the Under 5’s). The Council also has responsibility for the weekly youth club aimed at 11 – 16 year olds.
All children have a right to protection, and the needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable must be taken into account.
The Council will do all possible to ensure the safety and protection of all children using the play areas through adherence to the Child Protection guidelines adopted by the Council. In this policy a child is defined as a person under the age of 18 (The Children Act 2004).
Policy Aims
The aim of this policy document is to guide members of the Council should any child protection issue arise during their work.
Policy Objective:
• To ensure that where possible all facilities and activities offered by the Council are designed and maintained to limit risk to children and vulnerable people.
• To promote the general welfare, health and development of children by being aware of child protection issues and to be able to respond where appropriate as a local government organisation.
• To develop procedures in recording and responding to accidents and complaints and to alleged or suspected incidents of abuse and neglect.
• As the Council does not directly provide care or supervision services to children, it expects all children using its facilities to do so with the consent and
• the necessary supervision of a parent or other responsible adult.
Responsibilities & Procedures
The Councillors and Parish Clerk will be responsible in:
• Ensuring that before any Parish Council organised event with children or vulnerable persons involved, they will brief outside organisers taking part in the event appropriately.
• Ensuring that whilst they are unlikely to be involved with children during the performance of their duties they are mindful of the risk they face.
• Deciding on whether any person employed by Council or any volunteer used by Council should be DBS checked. The Chairman, after consultation with the Clerk, will decide following risk assessment.
• Ensuring that new councillors are provided with a copy of this policy and are required to acknowledge they will abide by it.
• Adhering to the ‘List of Recommended Behaviour’ namely:
. A minimum of two adults present when supervising children.
. Not to play physical contact games.
Adults to wear appropriate clothing at all times.
Ensure that accidents are recorded in an accident book.
. Never do anything of a personal nature for a young person.
• Keeping records in an incident book of any allegations a young person may make to any Council member or volunteer. The incident book to be presented to every Parish Council full meeting for inspection when any action is
recorded. Any incident of child abuse will be acted upon in accordance with the Local Safeguarding Children Board’s procedures.
• Ensuring facilities offered by the Parish Council are inspected on a regular basis and at least annually by a representative of RoSPA or a similar organisation.
• Sharing information about child protection and good practice with partner organisations, councillors, employees, volunteers, parents and carers.
Barrington Parish Council is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of children by protecting them from physical, sexual, emotional harm and neglect.
All members of the Council should read the Council’s Child Protection Policy.
Having read the Policy they should be proactive in providing a safe environment for children and vulnerable people who are involved in Council activities.
This Policy will be reviewed annually by the Council
Reviewed January 2022 and no changes made.