
Barrington Parish Council – Freedom of Information

Policies Uploaded on August 19, 2021

Freedom of Information

This publication scheme has been prepared in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) (V1.2 –
October 2015) guidelines for a Publication Scheme.
Barrington Parish Council is committed to making the information it holds available to the public as part of its normal
business activities. This scheme commits Barrington Parish Council to proactively publish or otherwise make
available as a matter of routine, information held by the Council within the seven classes identified to:
✓ Specify the information held by the Council.
✓ State the method by which the information is available.
✓ Review and regularly update the information available under this scheme.
✓ Provide a schedule of fees and charges for access to information made available.
✓ Make this scheme available to the public.

Classes of information;
1. Who the Council is and what it does.
▪ Organisational information, location and contacts. Constitutional and legal governance.
2. What the Council spends and how it spends it.
▪ Financial information, actual income and expenditure, procurement and contracts.
3. What the Council priorities are and how it’s doing.
▪ Strategy and performance, information, plans, assessments inspections and reviews.
4. How the Council makes decisions.
▪ Policy proposals and decisions. Decision making process and consultations.
5. Council policies and procedures.
▪ Current written protocols for delivering its functions and responsibilities
6. Lists or registers.
▪ Information held in registers required by legislation and other lists and registers relating to the function of
the Council.
7. The services the Council offers.
▪ Advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases. A description of services
Please note that the classes will not generally include:
• Information the disclosure of which is prevented by law, or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act,
or is otherwise properly considered to be protected from disclosure.
• Information in draft form.
• Information that is no longer readily available as it is contained in files that have been placed in archive
storage, or is difficult to access for similar reasons.

Barrington Parish Council cannot issue information under this scheme in the following circumstances:
a) Where there would be a contravention of the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulations.
b) Where it is not in the public interest.
c) Where it is available from other sources.
d) Where it comes under the authority of The Green Charity.

Clerk to Barrington Parish Council                                                           Information Commissioners Office
35 Priams Way                                                                                              Wycliffe House,  Water Lane
Stapleford                                                                                                       Wilmslow Cheshire
CB22 5DT                                                                                                        SK9 5AF
Tel : 01223 845328                                                                                       Tel: 01625 545745
E mail:                          website:
Website :

Reviewed Febuary  2022