
February 2021 Parish Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on August 1, 2021


Barrington Parish Council
Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on February 16th.
2021 by Zoom.

Present: – Councillors Rhodes-Kemp (Chairman), Bedford, Bird, Day, Hopewell, Kemp, McBride, and Walker.
In attendance: The Clerk, SCDCllr Van de Weyer, CCCllr Kindersley and 4 members of the public.

1. Apologies welcomes and introductions. There were no apologies and the Chair welcomed everyone to
the meeting.

2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations. Cllr Walker declared an interest in Item 4 i) 21/00066/FUL
as it is a neighbouring property, and he will take no part in the discussion.

3. Public Forum
The Director of Axis Land Partnership, Mr Grant informed Council that he would be happy to attend a future
PC meeting to discuss the Foxton Station Fields (New Village) site proposal which has been put forward in
the call for sites for the local plan.

A resident was attending the meeting to hear the discussion on application 21/00066/FUL for West Green.
She was thanked for her comments which have been sent to the Parish Council and it was also suggested
that these are submitted to SCDC planning.

It was agreed to bring forward Item 13. 1 Redrow Update as the Planning Director Mr Parry for the Redrow
site was in attendance.

The ground works company are beginning to work on site. There will, therefore, be an increase of traffic to
the site using the approved routes. Housebuilding is the last action in the site setup following roads, sewers
and foundations.

In response to an enquiry about tree removal – some trees are being removed for the installation of the foul
drainage network. This has been approved through the planning process.

S106 Deed of Variation the amended version with the final wording is being agreed with SCDC, CCC and

Redrow are keen to work on the Open Space Scheme with the PC. This scheme will now be submitted at the
first occupation (previously it was the 10

The footpath to the school cannot be delivered earlier due to health and safety risks. Another route has
been considered but similar constraints were identified. An estimated time frame for the completion of this
path will be forwarded to the Clerk. It was pointed out to Mr Parry that, without the path, new residents
would only be able to reach the school by car.

At the northern end of the southern site a few houses and apartments will be moved slightly due to an
underground cable running through the area. These plans will be submitted to SC planning in due course.

Following discussions regarding Challis Pond although S106 Community Contribution will not be used
Redrow have offered to help with any manual work should the PC need it.

Mr Parry was asked if Redrow had considered the effect East West Main Line might have on the site If the
southern route is chosen.


Cllr Hopewell asked if alternative routes will be used when Barrington Road, Foxton is closed. The Clerk was
asked to forward details of this to Redrow.

4. East West Rail (now East West Main Line) Update – CCCllr Kindersley/Cllr Bird

The next consultation is scheduled to begin in the first half of this year.
Cambridge Approaches are calling for the northern route to be given equal consideration. A letter has been
drafted for the Rail Minister to consider both routes and Barrington Parish Council have been asked to
consider supporting it. Additionally, there is also a petition that can be signed requesting the consideration
of both options.
If both options are not considered Cambridge Approaches now has sufficient financial backing to launch an
Using the northern route would cause less disruption to both residents and properties.
Cllr Rhodes-Kemp asked if PCs on the northern side of Cambridge are being asked to support the letter.
CCCllr Kindersely responded that this work has just started.
There will be minimum effect on the Foxton Hub. There was some discussion on the Oxford Cambridge Arc
and SCDCllr Van de Weyer informed Council that more information is about to be made public.

The meeting was called on.

5. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 19th January 2021. It was
proposed by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp, seconded by Cllr Bird, and agreed that these be accepted as a true record of
the meeting and signed in due course.

6. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports

A report has been circulated the main points of which were:
Covid and rapid flow testing and vaccinations. Residents in the first 4 priority groups should contact GPs if
they have not yet received the vaccine.
Anglian Water have announced that the preferred site for their new plant is an area north of the A14
between Fen Ditton and Horningsea.
Fly tipping reporting ttps://
Combined Authority Housing Programme
Thakeham update
Council Tax – the CCC budget has been agreed and there will be a 1.99% general increase and a 1% adult
social care increase. There will also be a 1.99% precept increase for the Fire Authority.
Census 2021
Fire and Rescue Service – recent inspection.

SCDC elections will go ahead on 6th May.

There have been flooding issues recently, a number of which were caused by lack of maintenance and
clearing of road gulleys.

The Clerk had nothing additional to report.

Matters Arising. There were no items to report on where decisions were not required.

Items for consideration

7. Finance
a. Payments –
It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Day, and
agreed with all in favour.


Voucher Description Supplier Total
181 Electricity Charges Sothern Electric 376.23
182 Bank Charges Lloyds Bank 14.00
183 Playground Inspection Jan 21 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 114.00
184 Ranger duties Dec 20 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 251.70
185 Cutting back of footpaths 27/1/20 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 624.00
186 Ranger duties January 21 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 475.20
187 Work on Public Green Spaces as per
quote 24 September 2020
Acacia Tree Surgery Ltd 3,588.00
188 Community Orchard Trees Ashridge Trees Limited 82.80
189 Community Orchard Trees East of England Apples & Orchards Project 107.00
190 Street Lighting Oct 20 -Nov 20
Final CCC charge
Cambs County Council 719.06
191 12th Edition Local Council Admin SLCC 123.80
192 Virtual Practitioners’ Conference
SLCC 90.00
193 -198 Staff Salaries – NI, PAYE, Pension Staff 1,647.04
Total £8,212.83

It was noted that in the future the ranger duties will be split indicating what work has been carried out which
will make allocation to budget lines simpler.

The fees for legal advice on the S106 agreement are higher than originally anticipated as the S106
agreement has become more complicated. It was resolved to hold a Finance Committee meeting to consider
this further.                                                                                                                 
Action The Clerk and committee members

b. Balances and Bank Reconciliations were presented.

Unity Trust Bank 45,317.42
Lloyds 94,946.90
CBS 1,500.00

Total in all accounts £141,764.32

c. Review of the 2020/21 budget to date. The RFO went through the budget. Currently there is an
underspend of about £18,000 but there is some outstanding work on ditches to be carried out.

Cllr Walker asked whether the cost of the mobile radar speed sign has been re allocated to the Precept
account. A, as Council were not permitted to purchase the sign with the S106 monies. The RFO responded
that there is an allocation under Reserves.

d. Query from resident regarding the precept. The following response was sent:
Over the last few years Parish Councils have had to take on a growing number of responsibilities previously
carried out by SCDC and the County Council, E.g. street lighting. There have also been increasing charges for
necessary services, in particular the costs of maintaining the Green, Play Areas and the additional costs
associated with Speed Watch.

The budget work used to set the precept starts in the autumn and the precept was an item on both the
November and December agendas before the request was sent to South Cambs District Council. A huge
amount of time is spent considering the precept. Great care is taken to balance the need to keep the precept


as low as possible whilst allowing the Council to perform its duties in the most cost-effective manner. We
have also been advised by our auditors that we need to build up a reserve to cope with emergency situations.

Members of the Council include pensioners and those not working as well as those who are working, and
we are mindful of the impact of any increase in the precept on those with tighter budgets.

It is difficult to compare Parish Precepts as each village has individual demands.

We are always looking for those who are interested to participate in the work of the Parish Council especially
as we are facing an unprecedented level of activity over the next two years.

8. Policy Updates (10 mins) – Policies that have been reviewed to date:
Updated General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Retention of Documents Policy, BCP Consent Form,
General Data Privacy Notice, General Data Privacy Notice for staff, Councillors and Role Holders and BCP
GDPR Policy which replaces the Data Protection Policy.
Communications Guidance
Co-option Policy
Freedom of Information and Publication Scheme
Standing orders
Updated organogram
These have been circulated and were agreed unanimously to be adopted.

9. Website update report to include email addresses and social media use – Cllr Hopewell.
A report was circulated before the meeting.
It was resolved to set up a Parish Council Face Book Page                                   
Action Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk.
It was agreed that quotes be sought for a new website and Cllrs be moved over to email addresses.
Some clarification will also be sought regarding the retention of emails when a Cllr leaves.
                                                                                                                                   Action Cllr Hopewell and The Clerk.

10. Reports: The following reports had been circulated and taken as read.
a. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard – Plans are well underway for preparing the land for planting,
and trees and bushes are ordered. An enthusiastic team of volunteers is standing by for when work can
really start. The plan is to plant in March, but this will be weather and COVID-19 dependent.
b. Footpaths
c. Ditches
d. Play ar
eas – Cllr Day requested permission to instruct Justin to carry out some minor repairs.
e. Challis Green Pond
f. Traffic Calming and Speed watch Report – The traffic management group have a meeting the week after
next. Speed watch is trying to move forward.
g. Green Charity – there was no report as there is a meeting next week.

11. Highway Issues – there were no new issues to report.

12. Wildflower areas – a resident has requested that areas of The Green be left to grow long. The request
will be passed on to The Green Charity.

13. Planning

1. Redrow Update an update was received during the public session of the meeting.

2. East West Rail (Now East West Main Line) Cllrs Bird and Kemp prepared a paper responding to
development threats to Barrington which was circulated to the meeting. Cllr Kemp led council through the
paper. It was then proposed by Cllr Rhode-Kemp, seconded by Cllr Bird, and agreed that that £200 could be


spent on posters put together by the Cambridge Approaches Group to help publicise the lack of
consideration of routes into the city. It was also agreed that Council would offer support to the Cambridge
Approaches Group and add the name of BCP to the letter to the rail minister.
Action Cllr Bird

3. Local Plan information gathering survey PCs have been given the opportunity to supplement information
gathering with any knowledge regarding submitted sites in the parish by 1 March at 5pm. It was resolved
that Cllr Kemp will draft a response to this, but it was added that input from other Cllrs would be welcome.
                                                                                                                                                        Action Cllr Kemp and all Cllrs.
Council noted.
Appeal Decision – S/3655/19/LB – 4 Challis Green, Barrington
Appeal –

For info only 20/05385/CL2PD
Lawful development certificate for a proposed side extension to bungalow
Site address: 9 Bendyshe Way Barrington Cambridge

20/2442/TTCA – tree application
Site address:4B West Green Barrington CB22 7SA
Proposal: T1 Sycamore ~ Remove eppicormic growths up to main fork; reduce one limb growing over
bungalow by up to 2.0 metres and reduce limbs above (due North) by up to 2.0 metres to re-balance crown.
Council made no comments

4. Applications Council considered

i) 21/00066/FUL 7 West Green Barrington
Proposal: Demolition of an existing dwelling/house and outbuildings and the erection of 2 No.
dwelling/houses together with a single garage associated with each dwelling.
It was agreed unanimously to recommend refusal for this application. It is an overdevelopment of the site; it
is likely to have a negative ecological impact. Additionally, it will affect the tree line and detrimentally affect
the conservation area of the village. Finally, it will create excess traffic movements across The Green.

ii) 21/00039/HFUL 30 Shepreth Road Barrington
Proposal: Create a link building between the existing garage and main house to create a new secondary
It was proposed to recommend approval and agreed.

iii) 20/05214/FUL 9 Back Lane Barrington CB22 7RF
Revised boundary of new dwelling/house (previously approved S/3779/17/FL)
It was resolved to recommend refusal due to the Inappropriate impact on setting of listed building. It is felt
the real purpose is not to amend the plot around the listed building but to amend the plot around the
dominating new build in contravention of the granted permission. These changes have already been made
without planning permission. Finally, the accompanying planning statement is attempting to justify this
boundary change by reversion to historical data on a property listed in its current not historic setting.

iv) Consultation on the proposed June 2021 revisions to: -Our Local Validation List Requirements and Local
Validation Check List. It was resolved to make no comments.

The meeting was closed at 10.40pm