
Finance Report and Draft Receipts and Payments April 2021- March 2022

Annual Parish Meeting Uploaded on April 27, 2022

Finance Report – Cllr Walker

In spite of some higher-than-expected costs in some areas (IT, Website and an unpaid historic Lighting bill), expenditure over the year was below budget.

We had anticipated having to contribute to a joint local campaign to resist the Thakeham threat of tens of thousands of new houses in the area. We also allowed for some funding to challenge the (southern) routing of the East West Rail project. Neither of those was necessary although neither is off the agenda.

While the year-end cash balance (in Unity Trust Bank) appears very favourable at £63758, this sum includes an item of £7179 intended for the Challis Pond Fund. We also received two significant invoices for ‘one off’ items totalling £17750 before the year end. These were a second historic unpaid bill for lighting (£3384) and the cost of replacing the A Frame on the playground (£14186). Net of these items our year ending reserves came to £39009 compared with £30682 at the end of last year. Our auditors recommend we should keep reserves at around 50% of the precept (the Parish’s share of Council Tax) which this year is £79,276.

Anticipating significant inflationary increases in all our costs, we felt it was necessary to raise the precept for the current year by 5%.

The Lloyds Bank account contains the S106 payments received from Redrow for the start-up costs for the Village Facilities and for the Traffic Calming measures. The major item of expenditure to date has been on legal fees (£11419) relating to advice on finalising the PC’s position on the S106.

The Council continues to take a cautious and measured approach to its spending while maintaining adequate reserves in case of emergencies.


Please see summary table below



Draft Receipts and Payments April 2021 to March 2022

Precept 75573 75573
Other Receipts
Green Charity donations 3600
BWRA payment received 250
CCC Grass Cutting Contribution 585
 S106 Traffic Calming Funding 93273
Challis Green Pond Donations 7179
VAT repaid 9584
114471 114471
Total Receipts 190045
Barrington Green Lease Agreement 150
Grass cutting and maintenance 5,620
Ditch work 5,926
Tree maintenance 710
General Exopenditure De-fib 126
Printing 42
Ranger Duties 1,064
Subscriptions 687
Office Allowance 624
Footpaths 1,326
Office Consumables 127
Maintenance/Street Furniture 1,190
Insurance 1,420
Communication/Leaflets 258
Lights 2,144
Software Licences 648
Bank Charges 146
Ponds 1,169
Speedwatch 92
Website 999 12,060
Legal and Professional
Section 137 Expenditure 625
Audit Fees Ext. & Int. 425 1,050
Recreational Areas
Inspection Fees 1,017
Play Areas 1,693
QE2 Woodland 393
Challis Green 173 3,276
Staff Costs
Volunteer Group Expenses 127
Salary & PAYE 20,588
Salary NIC 1,075
Training 30
Payroll Charges 198
Pension Costs 1,563 23,581
Community Orchard
Community Orchard[funded by ZCC Grant] 77 77
S106 Planning & Dev Expenditure
S106 NIC 57
S106 Staff Salaries & PAYE 458
Bank Charges 7
S106 Bank Charges 82
S106 Legal Fees 11,419 12,023
VAT input 9,506 9,506
Balances carried forward 232,188
Total in Banks
Unity Trust Banks 63,758
Lloyds 166,930
CBS 1,500