January 2022 Parish Council Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Uploaded on April 11, 2022
Barrington Parish CouncilMinutes of the Full Council Meeting held on January 13th, 2022.
Present Cllrs Bedford, Bird, Day, Hopewell, Kemp, McBride, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker, CCllr Kindersley and the Clerk.
- Apologies welcomes and introductions. There were no apologies, and everyone was welcomed to the meeting.
- Declarations of Interest and dispensations. There were no declarations of interest made.
- Public Forum – there were no members of the public present.
4. To ratify the decisions of the meeting held on the 9th of December (2021) the draft Minutes of this meeting are attached. The decisions made at this meeting were ratified and it was proposed to accept the Minutes as a true record of the meeting by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Kemp and agreed with all in favour.
- To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports
CCCllr Kindersley gave a verbal report the main points of which were:
The latest CEMEX planning application is being considered under delegated powers. Cllrs Kemp and Bird mentioned that it was the land ownership that was the Parish Council’s current concern.
The County Council has opposed planning application for additional houses on the Redrow site due to their proximity to the railway line and where the infilling of the old quarry is taking place on Chapel Hill.
In connection with All Saints Garden there has been correspondence with the school as they were expecting new pupils this term from families having moved into the new houses. This is linked to the Deed of Variation and the associated legal documents which the District Council have returned to Redrow.
The OXCAM Arc is linked to East West Rail (EWR) and the Chief Executive of which has been moved over to the government’s levelling up program. There was no mention of EWR in the chancellors’ Autumn Budget and it is not clear on the future of this project.
There was no SCDCllr report.
The Clerk had nothing further to report.
Matters Arising
From the Clerks Report – after discussion between the Clerk and Chair GW Shelter Solutions (formerly Queensbury Shelters) have been instructed to replace the smashed glass in the bus shelter.
Item 11 C) Other Updates and Item 13 Highways. Details of the pitched roof and barrel roof Arun bus shelters already in the village have been send to Redrow.
Items for consideration
- Finance
a) To approve the payments listed below. It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Hopewell, and agreed with all in favour.
172-79 |
Salaries, PAYE, NI, Pension, contribution to home working |
staff |
2616.7 |
180 |
Electricity Charges |
Southern Electric |
191.06 |
181 |
Bank Charges Unity Trust |
Unity Trust Bank |
18.00 |
182 |
Bank Charges Unity Trust S106 |
Unity Trust Bank |
18.27 |
183 |
Cut up & clear 2 fallen trees on Back Lane footpath |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services |
360.00 |
184 |
Cut various wild flower areas around village |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services |
216.00 |
185 |
Playground inspection 10.12.21 |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services |
114.00 |
186 |
Footpath maintenance |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services |
924.00 |
187 |
Remove and repair gate on under 5’s rehang gate |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services |
168.00 |
188 |
Repair to handrail in under 5’s |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services |
48.00 |
189 |
Playground inspection ?? waiting for date?? |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services |
114.00 |
190 |
Parish Online 17.11.21 – 17.11.22 |
Geoxphere Ltd |
76.80 |
191 |
Payroll services for the quarter ended December 2021 |
Red Shoes Accounting Services |
59.40 |
Total |
£4,924.23 |
b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation. The Lloyds account has had the traffic S106 money paid into it.
c) Review of budget 2021/22 to date. Only 49% of the budget has been spent but the ditch work and tree work are both due to be considered in this meeting.
d) Agreement of budget and precept request. The details of which will be circulated before the meeting. The current precept request is estimated to be £79275.66. It was proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Hopewell and agreed by all to accept the budget and precept request.
e) To consider the quotes for tree work. The quotes have been circulated. After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr McBride to ask Acacia to carry out the work, seconded by Cllr Walker and carried with all in favour. Action the Clerk
f) To consider quote for ditch work as attached. It was proposed by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp, seconded by Cllr Day, and agreed to instruct Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance to carry out the ditch work. Action the Clerk.
7. Consideration of Environmental Policy and Tree Policy. It was agreed that a paragraph on trees will be added to the Environmental Policy and that expenditure will be in line with best value mentioned in other policies. The whole policy will be reviewed at the February meeting. Cllr Walker offered to look at other PC’s Tree Policies. Action Cllr Walker and the Clerk.
8. A frame replacement – after much discussion it was agreed that we can carry out a poll on Facebook or a google form could be used if needed to ascertain whether residents would like the A frame replaced with something similar. Action Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk.
9.Village Guide. The cost of printing 500-1000 copies of the guide will cost between £500-1000. Cllr Hopewell is still investigating the possibility of an online version. Action Cllr Hopewell
10. Risk assessment review – Play Areas, COVID-19 and Play Areas, Ponds and Ditches, Carpark, Village Green, QE11 Woodland. These have been circulated. It was agreed that no updates are currently required. Action the Clerk.
11. Policy Updates – Policies reviewed were Equality and Diversity, Disciplinary Policy and Grievance, Children and Vulnerable Adults Protection, Press and Media, Bullying and Harassment, Code of Conduct which has now been updated by a NALC version. These have been circulated. It was agreed that no updates are currently required. Action the Clerk.
12. To consider the draft Environment and Sustainability Policy and Tree Policy. This was discussed under item 7.
13. Goals for next 12 months including meeting dates. The aim of these goals is to show the activities and involvement of the Council and includes the S106 Village Facilities next steps meeting and open day. Other suggestions included organising CPR training event/s, the Challis Pond refurbishment, traffic calming measures and Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. It was resolved to bring this item back to the February Meeting. Action all Cllrs and the Clerk.
14. S106 Updates
a. Traffic Calming – the report and recommendations will be taken to the village open day in March.
b. Village Facilities – the meeting with the Tender Team took place on 20th December and a meeting with the whole Village Hall Trustee is being planned for January or February.
c. Other updates
When the S106 agreement was originally made with CEMEX in 2016 there was concern about the financial viability of CEMEX. In case the S106 funds were not forthcoming or on time, CCC and SCDC insisted that a bond would have to be provided by CEMEX. Redrow inherited this obligation but have since argued that their financial situation is sound and that a bond is therefore not necessary.
CCC, for its part, as beneficiary of S106 funding for Health and Education, recently agreed with Redrow to drop the bond requirement leaving SCDC to agree terms with Redrow in order to protect the future payments due to the village.
There is protection in the agreement which allows for legal action to be taken (by SCDC) and building stopped if Redrow fails to make payments according to the agreed schedule. BPC have been advised to take its own legal advice over this. It was agreed unanimously to go ahead with this and contact Mills and Reeve.
These negotiations between SCDC and Redrow about the Bond have caused a delay in finalising the Deed of Variation to the S106. The Parish Council have again been told that the Deed should be ready in the next couple of weeks.
15. Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read.
a.QE11 woodland and Community Orchard. Nothing to report.
b. Footpaths – Herts and Cambs have conducted some work on the footpaths. Back Lane still needs some chippings.
c. Ditches– the work to be conducted has been agreed.
d. Play areas – nothing further to report other than the swings will need repainting in the spring.
e. Challis Green Pond – work should start at the end of the month
f. Traffic Management – covered but a meeting with Traffic Management Group will be planned.
g. Green Charity – there has been a water leek on the High Street but that has been fixed.
h. Website – good to receive enquiries through the website. All councillors and staff now have email addresses listed.
16. Highway Issues – there was nothing further to report.
17. Planning
a) 21/03885/FUL Proposal: Demolition of an existing dwellinghouse and outbuildings and the erection of 2 No. dwellinghouses together with a single garage associated with each dwelling
Site address: 7 West Green Barrington CB22 7RZ
The amendment is: A revised Location Plan has been received which connects the red line of the application site to the Public Highway. You may want to comment on the amendment(s)
It was agreed that no further comment to make on the amended plan but would like to maintain the original objection made.
b) 21/05285/FUL Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and the erection of a replacement four bedroom bungalow with detached garden studio to rear garden
Site address: 7 Back Lane Barrington Cambridge
It was agreed to object to this application for the following reasons:
The meeting was closed at 10.35pm