
July 2022 Parish Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on November 12, 2022

Barrington Parish Council Barrington Parish Council

Minutes of the

Parish Council meeting held on July 14th, 2022


Present: Cllrs Alderton, Cooper, Hopewell, Kemp, Priddle, Quincey, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker the clerk and SCDCllr Van de Weyer.


  1. Apologies, welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Anscombe, Buchanan and SCDC Van der Weyer all for personal reasons.  Cllr Priddle was welcomed to the meeting and to the Council. The Declaration of Acceptance was signed.
  2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations. There were no declarations of interest were made.
  3. Public Forum
    To allow any member of the public to address the Council. This session is to last no more than. There were no members of the public present.
  4. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 9th June the draft Minutes are attached. It was proposed by Cllr Walker that these were a true record of the meeting seconded by Cllr Quincey and agreed by all.
  5. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (South Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports

SCDC Van der Weyer send a written report the main points of which were:

5G Mast in West Green. There are now nearly 40 responses opposing the application. The comments of the conservation officer are very robust and there is a very strong letter of opposition from English Heritage.

The applicants have not responded to a request for a site visit and have not engaged on either the planning issues or the legal issues relating to The Green.

The planning officer has said that, in the basis of the information he has, he would propose that the application is refused at the end of the consultation period. We will then see if the applicants want to appeal.

Support for Ukrainian Refugees South Cambs, along with the County Council and other organisations, is putting in a huge effort to support Ukrainian refugees. South Cambridgeshire is the district hosting the most Ukrainian visitors in England, with 677 Visas issued so far.

Northstowe The district council has decided to invest £13 million to ensure that the community and sports facilities at Northstowe are built to a high standard and delivered quickly.

East West Rail. The uncertainty around EWR continues and won’t be resolved before a new government is in place. Local government organisations businesses and the universities have come to the collective view that it is important to maintain a stance of supporting the principle of a rail route between Oxford and Cambridge. South Cambs recently signed a couple of letters to government. To be read alongside the response that SC gave to last year’s consultation, setting out the many problems with the scheme.


CCCllr Kindersley sent a written report the main points of which were:

Gamlingay First School Site for SEND children and young people.

Anti-Social Behaviour. South Cambs is bringing in a second Anti-Social Behaviour officer.

New Airspace Concerns – over the impact of the recent changes to Luton flightpaths.

Bins – leaving bins on the pavement causes obstruction.

Local Plan & Census 2021 Data. Last month, we published the many responses we received as part of our consultation on our ‘First Proposals. Further suggestions for possible new locations for homes and jobs have been put forward for us to consider. This is a normal part of the process.

Council Tax Collection. In 2021-2022, we collected 99.2% of the total amount of Council Tax due from residents. This amounts to £126,976,000. The national collection rate average 95.9%

Electric Bin Lorries. The second fully electric bin lorry to collect waste from residents in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire has arrived, as local councils continue their fleet decarbonisation drive.

Household Support Fund. The Government has confirmed that it is extending the Household Support Fund for six months of 2022/23 and has allocated £3.58M of funding to Cambridgeshire.

Resourcing Net Zero. The Council’s Environment & Green Investment Committee is moving ahead to implement its ambitious climate change strategy.

Library@home award. Cambridgeshire’s Library@home volunteers are one of three voluntary groups in the county to be given the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.

Energy retrofits Cambridgeshire. This is a collaboration between the County and District Councils, delivering energy efficiency projects in homes across the with the poorest energy efficiency and lowest incomes, using Government grant.

Summer Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme. CCC is encouraging take-up of the summer holiday activities and food (HAF) programme funded by the Department for Education.

Nature & Climate Declaration and Climate & Ecology Bill. The CC is supporting the Nature & Climate Declaration and endorsing the Climate & Ecology Bill.

In the background – Inflation adds to council costs

Social Care reform costs. The cost of the Government’s adult social care reforms could be a minimum of £10Bn higher than currently estimated, according to the County Councils Network.
The Combined Authority Board’s Annual Meeting on 8 June considered only the first part of its agenda before being held over to 27 June, when it managed to conclude its business. The day before the Platinum Jubilee holiday, the Chair of the Combined Authority’s Audit & Governance Committee received a letter from auditors EY expressing concerns about value for money at the Combined Authority because of various ongoing issues.


Additionally, the path through the field along the top of the quarry from Haslingfield Road has been closed off as it is not the designated path.
The Rights of Way Officer and Enforcement Officer have seen the landowner near the footpath beside Dumpling Cottages. The question of the mobile caravan is a SCDC issue.


An announcement on EWR is expected from the government before the summer recess.


The 5G tower application was raised and the Green Charity should object as it owns the land.


The Section 73 application from Redrow was discussed as there has been no consultation with the PC or residents and the application and all the documents associated with it are hard to follow and understand.


The Clerk’s report updating Council on playground works has been circulated.

Matters Arising
Item 6 Finance from June – the benches and bin have been ordered and will be delivered to Herts and Cambs ready for installation.


Items for consideration

  1. Finance
    a) To approve the payment of accounts listed below.

It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp, seconded by Cllr Alderton, and agreed with all in favour.

Voucher Invoice No. Description Supplier Total
73 INV-2913 Annual software licence 01/08/2022-31/07/2023 Scribe 561.60
74 SI-1668 Cut of verges 31/05/2022 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 228.00
75 SI-1669 Cut of sports field 31/05/2022 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 72.00
76 SI-1680 Playground Inspection 31/05/2022 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 114.00
77 Donation Donation for use of equipment (S137) Barrington Society 10.00
78 Direct Debit Electricity Charges – May 2022 Southern Electric 186.15
79-88   June salaries/PAYE/NI/pension Salaries 2,172.77
89 MEM239697-1 Membership SLCC – 01/07/2022-30/06/2023 SLCC 186.00
90 240450 New A frame/grass matting/installation/inspections and freight Kompan 14,186.13
91 Reimbursement Stamps, Pond net A4 ,Envelopes Clerk 41.58
92 Reimbursement Mileage allowance Clerk 52.33
93 SI-1719 Ranger duties for May 22 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd £257.40
94 SI-1720 Cut of Main green, Glebe Road areas, Sports field Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd £468.00
95 SI-1721 Strim Village Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd £204.00
96 SI-1722 Spread sand in under 5’s Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd £588.00
97 0150677 Transfer of recreational land, Haslingfield Road, Barrington


Mills & Reeve £963.60
98   GDPR Data Protection Information Commissioners Office £40.00
      Total £20,331.56



  1. b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation. £216K has been received as S106 payments. This is currently in the Unity Trust Account but will need moving into the Lloyds account.
  2. c) Review of budget 2022/23 to date. Cllr Walker went through the budget and explained that several lines are overspent such as office equipment, seating and signage, office equipment and lighting.
  3. d) Bank Signatories – the forms are being competed to add new signatories.
    e) Council to noted nothing was flagged up as a concern on our Internal Audit
    and that with the additional income from the S106 next year we may have to do the intermediate audit review.
  4. Review the S106 Working Group Community Facilities Key Roles and Responsibilities organogram. This will need amending with Cllr Alderton and Cllr Priddle’s roles. Action the Clerk.
  5. Annual Fete Consideration. Council is supportive of the idea, happy for Cllr Buchanan to be the PC representative but are keen it is run by a committed local resident from planning to completion. Action Cllr Buchanan.
  6. S106 consideration of next steps – Including consideration of the Traffic Survey Report and Questionnaire
    It was proposed that there will be a meeting to discuss S106 finances in August and an organogram with S106 accountability will be put together so in September projects can be pushed forward.
  7. Consideration of Operation London Bridge

Cllr Rhodes-Kemp will liaise with the Church over condolence books, flower collecting point and purple or no lighting on the church.                                                                            Action Cllr Rhodes-Kemp.

It was resolved and agreed the Clerk and RFO have delegated powers during the mourning period.

  1. Consideration of the Local Heritage List. This fits in with the Conservation Area and the list in that should be forwarded. It was also agreed that the email be forwarded to the school should they want to do a project for it.                Action the clerk.


  1. Reports: to be taken as read
  2. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard
    b. Footpaths
    c. Ditches – Highways have confirmed we can replace or paint the fence at our expense alongside the pond
    d.  Play areas
    e. Challis Green Pond
    f. Traffic Management
    g. Green Charity

    13. Highway Issues–
    reporting of any issues or updates
  3. Planning

For info only:



Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 3 (Construction Ecological Management Plan), 4 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 5 (Traffic Management Plan) and 6 (Construction Environmental Management Plan) of permission 21/01146/FUL
Site address: Land West Of 20 West Green Barrington

Proposal: Installation of a new 16m monopole tower to support antenna, associated radio-equipment housing and ancillary development hitherto.
Site address: Land At Orwell Road Barrington Cambridge
The Council has objected to this proposal on the grounds of inappropriate siting, unacceptable visual impact and loss of amenity on the Village Green and several listed buildings, its overall detrimental effect upon the Conservation Area, and potential highway safety concerns. In addition, it was resolved to request a site meeting.

To consider



Proposal: Alterations and Refurbishment
Site address: 14 High Street Barrington Cambridgeshire. This application has been withdrawn

  1. 22/02082/LBC
    Proposal: Removal of modern beams and brick plinth in kitchen/diner, leaving historic beams in situ.
    Site address: 36 West Green Barrington Cambridgeshire. The Parish Council resolved to recommend supporting this application.
    iii. 22/02527/FUL
    Proposal: Erection of 1 No. new detached dwelling and a new access for Walnut Cottage.
    Site address: 14 Orwell Road Barrington Cambridgeshire. The Parish Council had no comments to make.

    iv. 22/02499/HFUL
    Site address: 4 Boot Lane Barrington Cambridgeshire
    It was resolved to object as this application in within the conservation area which was reviewed and extended (effective from January 2022).
    In the Barrington Conservation Area Appraisal and Management plan it is stated in section 7 page 23
    ‘Inclusion of land to the north and east of No.4 Boot Lane in the conservation area. The reason for this inclusion is that its appearance, particularly that of the verge and small outbuilding, retain some of the earlier character of Boot Lane indicating its role in the historic street pattern as one of the lanes linking the Green to the river.’
    It is felt by the Parish Council that insufficient consideration has been given to this and that the demolition of the outbuilding will potentially cause substantial harm to the historic street scene within the conservation area..

  2. 21/04524/S73
    Proposal: S73 Variation of conditions 1 (Approved plans), 2 (Reserved matter details), 6 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 7 (Boundary treatments), 8 (Refuse storage), 10 (Housing mix), 12 (Energy Statement), 13 (Contamination), 14 (Noise assessment), 17 (Drainage strategy), 19 (Access) and 23 (Fire hydrants) pursuant to planning application 21/01474/S73 (Variation of condition 2 (reserved matters details) pursuant to planning application 20/02528/S73 (Variation of conditions 2 (Reserved matters), 5 (Construction Environment Management Plan and a Construction Method Statement), 6 (Airborne Dust), 7 (Site waste management plan), 8 (Tree protection measures), 9 (Boundary Treatment), 10 (Siting and design of the screened storage for refuse), 14 (Renewable energy statement), 15 (Contamination), 16 (Noise insulation scheme or noise mitigation Strategy), 19 (Surface water drainage scheme), 20 (Surface water), 21 (Remediation Statement – Contamination), 22 (Scheme for disposal for surface water), 24 (Visibility splays), 26 (Recording of Industrial Heritage), 27 (Foul water solution), 28 (Archaeological works) and 29 (Fire hydrants) pursuant to planning permission S/0057/17/VC))
    Site address: Former Barrington Cement Works Haslingfield Road Barrington
    Councillors are disappointed that there has been no consultation on these variations of conditions. When the large number of documents are waded through it can be seen that this includes the play area, the footpaths and the cycle path to Foxton Station amongst others.

Before any further decisions are made regarding the application the Parish Council would like to ask that a representative attends a meeting in Barrington with hard copies of the plans and maps so that both councillors and residents can understand exactly what is proposed before responding with comments.


The meeting closed at 9.45pm