
June 2022 Parish Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on September 26, 2022


Barrington Parish Council Barrington Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting and the June Meeting of the Parish Council meeting held on June 9th 2022

Present: Cllrs Anscombe, Buchanan, Cooper, Hopewell, Kemp, Quincey, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker and SCDCllr Van de Weyer.

  1. Apologies, welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Alderton and the Clerk both for personal reasons.
  2. Declarations of interest and dispensations Cllrs Hopewell & Cooper – 6e) Barrington Society, Cllr Cooper – Mobile Warden on Variance report, Cllr Walker – 7 West Green if it gets discussed
  3. Public Forum. There were no members of the public present.
  4. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 12th May 2022. It was proposed by Cllr Walker to accept the Minutes as a true record pr the meeting, seconded by Cllr Kemp and agreed with all in favour.
  5. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports.
    A written report was received from CCCllr Kindersley. The main points of which were:
    Cambridgeshire County Council. The Annual Meeting of the CC took place on Tuesday 10 May. Cllr Stephen Ferguson (Ind) was re-elected as Chair and Sebastian continues as Vice Chair.
    Anti-racism charter CCC is the first upper-tier local authority in the country to sign up to Unison’s Anti-Racism Charter:
    Combined Authority An Extraordinary Meeting of the Combined Authority Board took place on Friday 20 May, having been requisitioned by some council leaders and the then Chair of the Business Board. The aim of the requisition was to force the resignation or suspension of the Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, following various allegations which are still under investigation. The Combined Authority has recently learned that it will receive only £635,000 from the Government’s latest round of active travel funding—millions less than other Mayoral authorities. The Combined Authority’s Annual Meeting on Wednesday 8 June will consider the future role of the Combined Authority in relation to housing, now that the Government has decided there will be no more housing funds for Combined Authorities. It will also consider its business plan.
    Household support grant extended to help those most in need
    Zero Carbon Communities Grant. The deadline has been extended to 17 June.
    Footpath 10 At long last is open. CC officers have worked extremely hard to make this happen. The permanent path will open when the building works are complete this time next year.
    Energy Rebates There has been some confusion about the Government’s £150 energy rebate scheme. The scheme is aimed at providing a £150 energy rebate to those in properties banded A to D. It is not a Council Tax Rebate but is using Council Tax data to determine eligibility.
    Fly Tipping ‘Everyone has a legal ‘duty of care’ to ensure their household or business waste is disposed of correctly.
    Ukrainian Guests Latest Government figures show that 514 visas have so far been issued for South Cambs as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme. This is the highest number for any District Council area, and the seventh highest figure for any area in England.

Guests from Ukraine can now request a quality second-hand bicycle – with bikes being provided by OWL Bikes and Camtrust.

Set up or promote a village market? SCDC is actively encouraging potential traders and market organisers to have a go at setting up new markets, using the ‘market toolkit’ now available on the SCDC website.

So many transport consultations! What should I watch out for and respond to? ’The Local Transport and Connectivity Plan’, hosted by the Mayor and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority. This preliminary stage of consultation is meant for key stakeholders including parish councils and transport campaign groups; a wider public consultation will follow. The consultation is broken into geographic areas; for us this is ‘Greater Cambridge,’ meaning Cambridge and South Cambs. Please note it’s essential to make the case for widening the area of focus to include all our villages, not just those near Cambridge. Closing 4 August.

‘A new road Classification for Cambridge,’ hosted by the Greater Cambridge Partnership. This seeks to reset the current A&B road network and create a reconfiguration to allow and protect different modes of transport along different streets, including transport for people with impaired mobility. Closing 18 July.

‘Cambourne to Cambridge’ project seeking to provide public and active travel connection from ‘C2C’. This may be of interest if you have family in or travel to work in Cambourne. Hosted by the Greater Cambridge Partnership and closing July 11.

Boiler Upgrade Scheme opens The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has announced that the government’s new £450 million Boiler Upgrade Scheme is now open for grant applications and payments.

To check if you are eligible:

A verbal report was received from SCDCllr Aidan Van de Weyer. The main points of which were
The Planning Committee is meeting on the 16th June, 7 West Green is listed on the agenda.
Footpath at Dumpling Cottage is with planning authority and enforcement.
Combined Authority has concerns about Current Mayor.

SCDCllr Van de Weyer was asked what information he could give on the Pre-application by Hutchinson 3G for a 16m 5G mast to be erected on the Green at the junction of Shepreth Road, Orwell Road at West Green.  The mast would be in the Conservation Area which does not seem to have been taken into account and no alternatives have been shown.
Cllr Kemp has requested to be at the site meeting and to be kept informed as the Conservation Officer has not objected given the impact on the Conservation Area. He has not received a response.
SCDCllr Van de Weyer knows little about the applicant and agrees regarding the impact on the Conservation Area
Cllr Kemp stated that the Council need to determine the use of the mast and asked Council to approve himself and another Cllr to attend any meetings.  Cllrs Buchanan and Quincey responded to support and attend.
Cllr Rhodes-Kemp requested SCDCllr Van der Weyer feedback the Council’s dissatisfaction that a recent planning application which was resubmitted with a change of location by a miniscule amount was approved and that the Conservation Officer had not objected to it due to the impact on the Conservation Area.
Cllr Rhodes-Kemp requested if a written report before the meeting to aid communication.

Matters Arising – there were none raised.

Items for Consideration

  1. Finance
    a) To approve the payment of accounts listed below and to approve any further invoices presented to Council that are not in the schedule (if any):

It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp, seconded by Cllr Quincey, and agreed with all in favour. The invoice for work to the pond will be paid whilst the cheque from Rugby Benevolent Fund is reissued, all agreed.

Cllr Kemp asked Voucher 68 – what proportion of the overall spend was this.  The amount was against the £500 received so there is an underspend.  What would this be used for.  Cllr Rhodes-Kemp to enquire.

V/N Description Supplier Total
42 Donation – Choir Trip Barrington CofE School 100.00
43 Play Sand Under 5’s play area Madingley Mulch 945.50
44 Annual Insurance Premium 01/06/2022- 31/05/2023 (CM 22/23 14 – 12/05/2022) Zurich 1,320.88
45-54 May salaries/pension/NI & PAYE Salaries 2145.45
55 Emptying litter bins 01/04/2022-31/03/2023 South Cambs District Council 187.20
56 Legal Fees – Transfer of recreational land, Haslingfield Road S106* Mills & Reeve 963.60
57 Cut of sports field Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 144.00
58-60 Cut of Main green/sports field/Glebe Road Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 468.00
61 Cut of sports field Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 144.00
62-64 Cut of Main green/sports field/Glebe Road Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 468.00
65 Dredge out pond/planting coir rolls/top spoil &

grass seed and install small dipping platform*

Fen Ditching Company Ltd 19,676.40
66 Electricity Charges Southern Electric 201.58
67 Bank charges Lloyds Bank 7.00
68 Reimbursement Jubilee Celebrations: Cambridge Wind Band; Wine & gift bags x 4 volunteers; equipment for races; sweets for “Guess the sweets” Resident 434.90
69 Uncontested election seats x 13 SCDC 195.00
70 Internal Audit FY21-22 LGS Services 186.00
71 Village Hall Hire Barrington Village Hall Trustees 112.00


b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation.

Total Income received during the month of May £4,337.06:
£500 – Barrington Village Hall Trustees – Donation towards the Jubilee Celebrations
£3,837.06 – HMRC – VAT Repaid (April to September 2021)

Total in reconciled accounts:

Unity Trust Bank £77,639.42
Lloyds £166,923.40
CBS £1,500.00
Unity Trust S106 -£31.10
Total £246,031.72

c) To review the 2022/23 budget to date.

Cllr Walker made the following comments regarding budget lines.
Line 49 Green Charity amount was unilaterally increased from £2600 but no agreement on this as yet.
Line 5 The tree work scheduled for last year was carried out in this financial year which has skewed the figures.
Line 17 The donation for the Mobile Warden was overpaid
Line 34 A mis-posting so amount not exceeded, will be corrected next month
Line 35 Very old unpaid invoice

Cllr Kemp asked leaving aside the lights and pond what is Cllr Walker’s view of the current financial position.  Cllr Walker stated on target at present time but some expenses such as ditches could change that.

Cllr Walker asked if the ownership of the ditch next to the school had been clarified.  Cllr Rhodes-Kemp confirmed the school side is the responsibility of County Council but the PC is maintaining the ditch to ensure no issues occur further in the village ditch system.

Cllr Kemp asked SCDCllr Van de Weyer to confirm whether or not he still had an action concerning the ditch which he did

Cllr Buchanan asked if Cemex could be asked as it does involve them, Cllr Rhodes-Kemp requested SCDCllr Van de Weyer to investigate that.

d) Bank Signatories update and consideration for all accounts – this item was decided at the previous month’s meeting, Cllrs Anscombe and Alderton had offered to be signatories.

Cllr Walker updated that on Unity Trust Bank the new RFO (Responsible Financial Officer) still doesn’t have a login and access to the account.
On the Lloyds account, the paperwork still needs to be completed to allow the RFO access to the account and for Cllrs Walker and Hopewell to be signatories.                                                                  Action RFO.


e) to consider a donation to the Barrington Society. Cllr Quincey proposed, Cllr Buchanan seconded, and it was agreed to donate £10 to the Barrington Society for the recent use of equipment.

f) to consider a replacement bench for the one damaged by cricket pitch and the installation of an additional bench alongside the 5 aside football pitch. It was proposed by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Walker and agreed to 1) replace the damaged bench with a ‘Pheonix’ (from Glasdon) in dark brown and, if possible, to reuse the plaque from the damaged bench and 2) to install a ‘Commemorative’ bench near the five-a-side pitch for with a plaque thanking Mike & Anne Day for the many years of work given to our village. Action The Clerk

g) to consider a replacement bin for Challis Green. Proposed Cllr by Anscombe, Seconded Cllr Hopewell and agreed to replace with another green bin. Action The Clerk.

h) to consider replacing the handles missing on the Senior Multi-play at Challis Green by Kompan at a cost £747.26. A quote has also been requested for footrests that are missing but an updated quote has not yet been received. It was proposed by Cllr Hopewell, seconded by Cllr Cooper and resolved to agree these costs including the footrest costs of £53.

Cllr Buchanan requested an entry in the village newsletter to highlight cost of maintaining the equipment.                                                                                                                                             Action The Clerk.

i) It was noted that other repairs flagged up by the Rospa report have been discussed with Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance.

j) to consider asking Herts and Cambs to quote for further ditch and drain exploration work particularly for areas that go under the roads and permitted ways. Discussion on whether other companies should be asked to tender as Herts and Cambs may not have equipment or necessary experience. It was agreed that Justin be asked if he can do it and then to quote in the first instance.

Cllr Hopewell requested that Justin be asked to quote to clear the ditch on Back Lane.                                                  Action The Clerk.

k) to consider renting the village hall to hold another CPR training event perhaps for local young people (over 15’s) Cllr Hopewell updated council on success of the last event and that a request had been made for a session to be laid on for teenagers. The training is suitable from young people aged 13 and over. It was suggested that two sessions are offered, one for teenagers and one for adults. It was agreed to support these sessions and notice to be put out to village to gauge interest.                                                                                                                                              Action Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk.


  1. To consider membership of:
    a) Council Working Groups
    personnel Cllrs Rhodes-Kemp, Quincey and Walker
    Finance working groups – Anscombe, Cooper, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker
    b) Parish Working Groups
    Cemex Liaison – Cllr Hopewell
    Traffic Management – Cllrs Anscombe, Kemp, Rhodes-Kemp and Walker
    Water Management – Cllrs Buchanan, Hopewell and Rhodes-Kemp (a previous councillor will stay on this group in an advisory capacity)
    QEII woodland – Cllr Buchanan, Hopewell, Quincey
    S106 Village Facilities – stays as is
    c) Councillors Responsibilities
    Tree Warden – Cllr Buchanan

Ditches- as the water management team
Woodland – someone from the QEII woodland team will report back at Parish Council meetings.
Orchard – Cllr Hopewell
Playareas – Cllr Cooper
Footpaths – Cllrs Buchanan and Cooper

  1. It was noted that the S106 Working Group Community Facilities Key Roles and Responsibilities will be updated once the group members in Item 7 have been agreed. Action The Clerk
  2. Co-option of an additional councillor Cllr Rhodes-Kemp confirmed Julian Priddle is interested in joining the Council and it was requested that his ‘bio’ be circulated.

Cllr Buchanan informed council a couple of people at the Jubilee event had expressed interest in becoming a councillor. Cllr Rhodes-Kemp explained there is a Co-option pack available for anyone who may be interested and for them to contact the Clerk.

  1. Email Accounts – update and consideration of exit form attached for information.

Cllr Hopewell confirmed that all Cllrs except Cllr Kemp now had Parish Council email addresses.  The council have a total of 50 email mailboxes available so if Cllrs wished they could have separate email address for Green Charity.  All Cllrs agreed and format to be set up as GC.firstname.surname

Exit form was approved and Cllrs happy to adopt for leavers.  This to be sent to all recent leavers to complete.                                                                                     Action Cllr Hopewell and the clerk.

  1. Jubilee Event Update General feedback from all Cllrs was that the event was well attended despite the weather with positive feedback. An annual event will be considered, and this will be an item on the next agenda.                                                                                 Action the Clerk.

Special thanks to be noted to the team for the hard work creating the new bridge for West Green Pond.  Also, to those who planted the tree and have ensured it flourished.

  1. S106 consideration of S106 project manager and appointment of architects. Cllr Rhodes-Kemp opened discussion on whether a Project Manager should now be brought in as we are approaching the Architect stage.

After some discussion it was decided that it is a little too early to make this appointment as the current architects (Whitworths) can help in drawing up a brief which will then be presented to the relevant groups for feedback.  This then will be sent out to tender and at this point the Project Manager should be brought in.

It was agreed that we could start the search for a Project Manager from a consultancy now as that will take some time to find a suitable company/person.


  1. Reports: Once councillor responsibilities have been agreed the monthly reports for the following areas can resume.

It was explained that whoever is the ‘lead’ in each of the working groups is the usual person to put in the monthly report.  It does not need to be a long report just a summary of what has happened during the previous month. These are then sent to the Clerk in time for her to circulate with Agenda and other documents.

  1. Highway Issues Cllr Hopewell reported the fallen tree on the path near Archer Bridge had been reported also that the weeds next to the Bridge were blocking the vision of drivers had been reported at the same time. Cllr Hopewell reported a fallen tree on a footpath near Little Rivers to the Clerk who has reported it as it is in Shepreth Parish

The proposed road closure from Haslingfield Road down to the Equestrian Centre for a month is felt to be a concern and will cause a significant impact on the village and the Conservation Area and these comments will be submitted.                                                                                                   Action The Clerk.

  1. Planning
    Cllr Kemp felt that the Council did not have enough knowledge of the CCC Transport Strategy Stakeholder Engagement Survey 2022 to be able to respond as a Council and suggested Cllrs respond individually if they are wish to.

For info only – Cllr Kemp advised this is clarification of plans
Proposal: Non-material amendment on S/3485/18/RM to amend the surface treatment materials and combine the separate plans to show Phase 1
Site address: Barrington Cement Plant Haslingfield Road Barrington

Meeting closed 10.24pm