Minutes of the Barrington Parish Council Finance Committee
2nd March 2021
In attendance: Cllrs Bird, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker, The Clerk and RFO
1. Apologies – there were no apologies
2. To appoint a Chair – Cllr Walker offered to be acting Chair
3. To agree the Minutes of the last meeting held on 11th November 2020. It was
proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Bird and agreed that these were a true
record of the meeting.
4. To consider inviting another councillor to join the committee. It was proposed and
agreed to ask Cllr Bedford to join the committee. This would help ensure that the
committee would be quorate at future meetings in case one Cllr is unable to attend.
5. To review the budget for legal support for the S106 Agreement. Cllr Rhodes- Kemp
recommended the latest invoice from Mills and Reeve be accepted and payment
made. The amount of work, the number of meetings and the changes connected to
the Deed of Variation were not envisaged when the budget was first set for legal
The meeting was closed at 7.50pm