
November 2021 Parish Council Agenda

Meeting Agendas Uploaded on November 5, 2021

Barrington Parish Council

To members of the Council:
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council of Barrington Parish Council to
be held in Barrington Village Hall on Thursday 11th November 2021 at 7.30pm for the
purpose of transacting the business below.

The Public and Press are invited to attend.
Due to covid restrictions and social distancing requirements please book your place with the Clerk if
you intend to attend the meeting.

HOUSEKEEPING: Please be advised that attendees are expected to:
a. Bring a face covering with them, and to wear it whilst entering the venue.
b. To maintain a 2m social distancing space.
c. Attendees will be required to give a name and contact telephone number to the clerk to her
to contact all those present should a case of Covid be reported to it.
d. Anyone experiencing Covid or cold symptoms are asked to refrain from attendance.
e. Anyone who experiences Covid or cold symptoms within 10 days of attending the meeting is asked to report this to the Clerk who will contact all attendees and will also advise the NHS Track and Trace programme.
Tel 01223 845328                                                                                                                                                            5/11/21

Agenda for Full Parish Council Meeting – November 11th 2021

1. Apologies welcomes and introductions. (2mins)
2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations (2mins)
3. Public Forum
To allow any member of the public to address the Council. This session is to last no more than 15 minutes.
4. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 14th October September 2021. A draft copy of the Minutes is attached. (5mins)
5. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports (15 mins)
Matters Arising – (2 mins)
From the October 2021 Item 14. Recruitment
i) RFO – the previous job description is being reviewed.
ii) S106 – the Clerk has spoken to some other parishes on whether they employed project managers.
Items for consideration
6. Finance (30 mins)
a) To approve the payments listed below.
137            Bank Charges Lloyds Sept and Oct 21 Lloyds Bank                                                                              14.85
138           Electricity Charges Southern Electric                                                                                                      191.06
139-44      Salaries PAYE NI Pension Staff                                                                                                            2,148.70
145 Playground inspection 7/10/21 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance services                                       114.00
146 Cut of sports field 21/10/21 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance services                                             144.00
147 Ranger Duties Sep 21 : Cut back school footpathHerts & Cambs Ground Maintenance services           79.20
148 Ranger Duties Sep 21 : clear woodland,litter Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance services 5               9.40
149 Ranger Duties Sep 21 : litter picking and strim pondHerts & Cambs Ground Maintenance services   128.70
150 Renewal of for a period of 2 years to 2023-11-11 Loho Ltd                   72.00
Total                                                                                                                                                                                2,148.70
b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation.
Unity Trust
From Accounts                     80,496.44
Payments not cashed                214.07
Receipts not entered                  0.00
Statement should be        £80,710.51

From Accounts                   165,227.20
Payments not cashed            1,738.20
Receipts not entered                   0.00
Statement should be     £166,965.40

Unity Trust S106
From Accounts                           5.72
Payments not cashed               0.00
Receipts not entered                0.00
Statement should be               £5.72

From Accounts                 1,500.00
Payments not cashed              0.00
Receipts not entered               0.00
Statement should be     £1500.00

Total in reconciled accounts
Unity Trust  80,502.16
Lloyds         165,227.20
CBS                 1,500.00
Total        £247,229.36

c) Review of budget 2021/22 to date.
d) Funding requests:
Cambridge Search and Rescue (CamSar) £250
Royston and District Community Transport no amount specified
Rowan Humberstone the only dedicated arts centre for people with learning disability in
Cambridgeshire £125
e) To consider the quote of £780 for work on footpaths and playareas.
f) To consider the draft budget for 2022/23 further details are attached for info.
g) To consider closing the currently unused Unity Trust bank account.
7. To consider a quote for the erection of the village information notice board (2mins).
The Clerk has only been successful in getting one quote although several organisations were approached. This was for £180 from Gregs Handyman Services.
8. Consideration of damaged bench (2mins). This needs to be replaced. The best option is Pheonix Bench from Glasdon for £482.37.
9. Consideration of ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’ (5mins). Having done some further investigation,the Woodland Trust are giving away packs of saplings or the PC can purchase a single tree. Whatever is planted will need regular watering.
10. Consideration of A frame replacement – clerk (10mins)
11. Report on mapping (10mims) (attached for more information) – Comparison and thoughts on Parish Online and Promap Cllr Hopewell.
12. S106 Updates (15mins)
a. Traffic Calming – Cllr Kemp
b. Village Facilities – Cllr Kemp
c. Other updates – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
13. Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read. (10 mins)
a. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard. Cllr McBride
b. Footpaths – Cllr Day
c. Ditches– nothing further to report
d. Play areas – Cllr Day
e. Challis Green Pond – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
f. Traffic Management – Cllr Rhodes- Kemp
g. Green Charity – Cllr Day
h. Website – good to receive enquiries through the website. It continues to be updated by both Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk. Please send any updates to both.
14. Highway Issues – reporting of any issues or updates (5 mins)
15. Planning (20 mins)
Council to note
21/02907/HFUL and 21/02908/LBC
Proposal: Two-storey side and rear extension and detached car port
Site address: 33 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX
Public Access link:
As this is only a change to the red outline on the map the Clerk has already responded as instructed that there would be no further comments to make from the Parish Council.

For info only
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 5 (a) Water supply, drainage and heating pipe
layouts and (f) Hard and soft landscaping of listed building consent 20/03389/LBC
Site address: 20 West Green Barrington CB22 7SA
Public Access link:

Council to consider
i) 21/04424/HFUL
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension – resubmission of 21/03190/HFUL
Site address: 12 Foxton Road Barrington CB22 7RN
Public Access Link:

ii) 21/04594/HFUL
Proposal: Loft conversion
Site address: 19 Foxton Road Barrington CB22 7RN
Public Access Link:

iii) 21/04524/S73
Proposal: S73 Variation of conditions 1 (Approved plans), 2 (Reserved matter details), 6 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 7 (Boundary treatments), 8 (Refuse storage), 10 (Housing mix), 12 (Energy Statement), 13 (Contamination), 14 (Noise assessment), 17 (Drainage strategy), 19 (Access) and 23 (Fire hydrants) pursuant to planning application 21/01474/S73 (Variation of condition 2 (reserved matters details) pursuant to planning application 20/02528/S73 (Variation of conditions 2 (Reserved matters), 5 (Construction Environment Management Plan and a Construction Method Statement), 6 (Airborne Dust), 7 (Site waste management plan), 8 (Tree protection measures), 9 (Boundary Treatment), 10 (Siting and design of the screened storage for refuse), 14
(Renewable energy statement), 15 (Contamination), 16 (Noise insulation scheme or noise mitigation Strategy), 19 (Surface water drainage scheme), 20 (Surface water), 21 (Remediation Statement -Contamination), 22 (Scheme for disposal for surface water), 24 (Visibilty splays), 26 (Recording of Industrial Heritage), 27 (Foul water solution), 28 (Archaelogical works) and 29 (Fire hydrants) pursuant to planning permission S/0057/17/VC))
Site address: Former Barrington Cement Works Haslingfield Road Barrington
Reference: Public Access Link:

iv) GCP Local Plan – update