Barrington Parish Council Monthly Report: September 2021
Dear All
As ever another busy month!
There have been some significant developments and progress.See also Planning.
a.Village Hall, Sports Pavilion and recreational facilities
We are presently aiming to hold this consultation on Saturday 13th November 2021 in the Village Hall. It will be “a drop-in session” during the afternoon.
In order to accommodate those who struggle to travel or are wary of attending a public event we shall also be presenting this via ZOOM. We will sort out a way for involving anyone who can not attend in person or remotely.
Once the consultation has taken place we can update South Cambs District Council (SCDC) and seek approval to appoint Contractors to do the work.
- b. Additional Houses on the site
Please see below under planning
- Open Space
We could be relooking at this given the proposed additional housing as it may be possible to get some benefit for the village from Redrow given the extra houses they want to build.
c.Traffic Calming
This meeting has taken place and there were several sloping shoulders from County based on a previous Safety Audit…
We have requested a copy and will respond to this and include within the scope of the work to be carried out on traffic calming generally.
Sebastian Kindersley’s attendance and help much appreciated.
Foxton Travel Hub / Car Park
The Consultation has now closed.However please do continue to:
CONTACT OUR MP and LOCAL DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS to make your own views known. Please do not sit back and let them do this unchallenged.
BPC is working with Cllr McDonald at Foxton and others to resist this proposal. We would really appreciate your help in galvanizing support to help in the fight against this unnecessary and very damaging car park.
Grateful thanks to Sharon Isaacs for her support with this nonsensical proposal.
The Local Plan
Please do look at what GCP is proposing and respond yourselves individually. Let the District Councillors know your views.
How the Local plan turns out is very important. It sets the framework for what is and what is not allowed to develop in our area for the next 30 years. It is the first defence against unwanted development. Large housing developers such as Thakeham and others have to comply with the Local Plan and where major roads and other important facilities are also guided by it. Help us respond on your behalf and do get involved.
Challis Pond Refurbishment
We have had further generous donations and so we are getting there.
A further Grant application has been submitted. News awaited.
If you feel you can donate anything at all to this fund can you please contact myself, our Clerk or Jacquie McBride.
Work is planned for the end of 2021 so the clock is ticking ever more loudly.
Thanks to all those who have offered support so far.
The problem has been reported to the police and their increased presence requested in the village.
If you know who is involved please explain this to them or tell one of the Parish Council. Parents: please check on what your youngsters are doing – talk to them about how needless damage spoils it for everyone and has to be paid for.
The good work continues but we do need someone to administer the Rota and collate the data so if you can help please contact John Granger who is stepping down from the position. Thanks to John for all his support to date and all on Speedwatch.
Gathering on the Green
What a wonderful day we had and the weather was kind.
Huge thanks to the Organisers:
Claire Mackenzie
Miranda Wheatcroft
Katy Barker
With Jacquie McBride in a supporting role which was much appreciated.
Also to ALL the volunteers who helped before and on the day.
Thank you Event
This will be held on the 10th December in the Village Hall. Details to follow.
QEII Woodland
Volunteers needed so please if you can spare a few hours do contact Jacquie McBride.
Redrow have submitted revised plans for the layout of housing on the Cemex (“All Saints Gardens”) development site with additional housing. The Parish Council will be responding as a consultee to the proposals which involve some 161 documents. Redrow appear have removed one of the apartment blocks and replaced it with housing, and they have increased the overall number of affordable housing units (see below). Redrow have offered and will be asked to come and speak to the Parish Council at our October meeting.We shall report back. Should this application be approved your Parish Council will also be meeting them separately to discuss the present 106 and an increase in provision given this additional housing.
The Greater Cambridge Partnership has published the first outline of its proposed New Local Plan. While it appears to be concentrating heavily on providing for substantial housing provision to 2041, the immediate good news is that further major housing development is not proposed around Barrington (and therefore in opposition to the “Thakeham” threat).
The bigger picture to consider however is whether the interests of South Cambridgeshire – and its unique “Group Villages”, which is how Barrington is defined in the current Plan, are being acknowledged and protected. Or are we rather being subsumed within a Plan largely driven by the interests of City of Cambridge and other Regional / National actors (including the OxCam Arc)?
A good example is how the Parish Council has recently responded to the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s “engagement” on the proposed Foxton “Travel Hub” aka Car Park to serve Addenbookes and its Science Park. We have pointed out some of the obvious safety and negative environmental aspects of attracting passengers from up to 700 vehicles a day to a car park on the wrong side of the A10 to and from the railway station. When the actual proposal comes forward for decision by the County Council we will make a far more robust response.
On the positive side, August should also see a brief consultation on the GCP’s Appraisal of the Barrington Conservation Area. The Appraisal will be an important guide to any future development in Barrington.
Comments and suggestions
Please do continue to get in touch with us direct or via the new Website. Our Contact details are below.
Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp
Chair, Barrington Parish Council
August 2021
Contact Details
Parish Clerk:
Green Charity Secretary: