
September 2022 Parish Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on November 12, 2022

Barrington Parish Council

Notes from the discussion held on Tuesday 20th September 2022 the usual Parish Council Meeting being cancelled due to the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


Present: Cllrs Alderton, Anscombe, Hopewell, Kemp, Priddle, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker and the clerk.


  1. Apologies, welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Buchanan, Cooper and Quincey all for personal reasons.
  2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations. Cllrs Kemp and Rhodes-Kemp declared an interest in Item 9. Planning iii). 22/03499/LBC and 22/03498/HFUL a two storey rear extension for 27 High Street as it is a nearby property to their own.
  3. Public Forum – there were no members of the public present.
  4. To ratify the decisions of the last Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 9th August the draft Minutes were circulated. This will be taken to the next meeting.
  5. The CCC (Cambridge County Council) report has been circulated there was no report from SCDC (South Cambs District Council) and Clerk had nothing further to report.

Matters Arising – it was noted there has been interest in the RFO vacancy. Interviews will be arranged with applicants, the Clerk, RFO, Cllrs Anscombe, Rhodes-Kemp, and Walker.


Items for consideration

  1. Finance
    a) To approve the payment of accounts listed below and to approve any further invoices presented to Council that are not in the schedule (if any): – it
    was noted that the Clerk and RFO were given delegated powers during the mourning period following Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s death and therefore these payments have been listed with the bank for authorisation. Additionally, the Finance Working Group met earlier in September and discussed these items.
V/N Inv Description Supplier Amount
99   Bank Charges Lloyds May 2022 Lloyds Bank          7.00
100   Bank Charges Lloyds June 2022 Lloyds Bank          7.00
101   Bank Charges Unity Trust  April – June Unity Trust Bank        18.00
102   Bank Charges Unity Trust S106  April – June Unity Trust Bank        19.65
103   Electricity Charges Southern Electric      191.06
104   Haslingfield Road, Barrington – s.106 Deed of Variation to 07 July 2022 Mills and Reeve      354.00
105-112   Staff- Pay, NI HMRC, home working allowance, pension   1829.41
113   Electricity Charges Southern Electric      196.34
114- 121   Staff- Pay, NI HMRC, home working allowance, pension 1801.37
122 INV-2025 Tree Survey identify hazard trees and provide details of any necessary remedial work recommendations required within 12 months alongside an annotated site plan (2022). Hallwood Associates Ltd 504.00
123 SI-1739 Cut of sports field 8/7 Herts & Cambs 144.00
124 SI-1740 Ranger duties for June 22 12 hours x £16.50 Herts & Cambs      237.60
125 SI-1751 Playground inspection 8/7 Herts & Cambs      114.00
126 SI-1799 Ranger duties 11 hours @ £16.50 Herts & Cambs      217.80
127 SI-1804 Cut of Sports field 12/8 Herts & Cambs      144.00
128 SI-1815 Lower trunk fallen on hedge from damaged tree and clear tree up and leave tidy Herts & Cambs      348.00
129 SI-1816 Repair safety surface on swings (temp repair) Herts & Cambs        48.00
130 SI-1816 Repair damaged platform on zip wire install timbers to


Herts & Cambs      336.00
131 SI-1817 Cut piece of land behind bowls club as discussed BW Herts & Cambs      552.00
132-134 SI843645 Topsy jubilee bin jubilee green c/w lock,p/liner & gold band -324.99

Phoenix seat c/w brown enviropol slats – 531.81

Lowther seat (black) c/w brown enviropol slats – 666.51

Glasdon  1,827.97
136 3421 –          1 Day Councillor Training – Delivered Via Zoom – 7th, 14th and 21st June 2022 CAPALC        75.00
136 3506 1 Day Councillor Training – Delivered Via

Zoom – 23rd July 202

CAPALC      150.00
137 2022/23 Annual Lease play area THE GREEN CHARITY      150.00
138 L5304 Destroy a wasp nest in the village

childrens play area.

Aim Pest Control Ltd        84.00
139 12930 Annual support cost The Community HeartBeat Trust        61.20
140 241436 Project Name ENN20387 Barrington PC Missing parts on unit KOMPAN Ltd      747.26
141 1760 Cut of Glebe Road areas, Cut of Sports Field, and Cut of Main  12/7Green Herts & Cambs      468.00
142 1761 Cut of Sports Field 7/7 Herts & Cambs      144.00
143 1846 Cut new field a second time Herts & Cambs      360.00
144 1847 Repairs to play equipment over the past few weeks as per instructions, materials provided Herts & Cambs  1,356.00
145 1862 Cut of Sports Field 26/8 Herts & Cambs      144.00
146 1863 Ranger duties ( bins, school path, clear debris, culverts) 14.50 hours @ £16.50 per hour Herts & Cambs      287.10
147-49 Expenses Safety Tape no adhesive x2, hazard warning tape and mileage Clerk 76.77
150   Lloyds bank Charges July and August Lloyds Bank        14.00


  1. b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation.
Unity Trust 257,358.09
Lloyds 166,895.40
CBS 1,500.00
Unity Trust s106 -50.75
Total 425,702.74


  1. c) Review of budget 2022/23. Cllr Walker gave a quick overview.
  2. d) Bank Signatories – on going.

7.Trees -Quotes attached for info
a) to consider quote for work in woodland no work has been carried out there this year.
It was proposed by Cllr Anscombe, seconded by Cllr Walker and agreed by all to carry out this work. Action the Clerk.
b) to consider the annual tree survey
it was resolved to seek quotes for the work. Action the Clerk

  1. To consider quotes for works requited in the Challis Green Play Area. Clerk. Quotes attached for info. The Clerk has submitted a funding request and once this has been decided in October the item will ne brought back for further consideration. Action the Clerk

It was proposed and agreed by all to take planning last 22/03499/LBC and 22/03498/HFUL were considered last after Cllrs Kemp and Rhodes Kemp had left the meeting.

  1. Planning

To note. After the two drop-in sessions for residents to view and comment on the proposed cycle route from Chapel Hill to Foxton Railway Station the following comments were submitted in response to 21/04524/S73 Variations of conditions for Redrow with respect to the proposed Cycle Route

Cycle Route. Feedback from the Drop-In sessions regarding the cycle route was generally supportive of the actual route and interested in the details.

One idea raised that part of the cycle way could go down Malthouse Way where there is existing lighting.

However, the Parish Council understands that separating cyclists from traffic is likely the paramount concern and this deflection of the route could bring cyclists and traffic in conflict.

BPC therefore supports the proposed route – subject to further discussion and clarification of the final details – as indicated below:

Specific points include:

Safety. The Barriers need to prevent motorcycles. The single bollard guarding the entrance from Glebe Road did not appear sufficient to prevent motor cycles from using the stretch beside the wood and Heslerton Way (and beyond) as a racetrack or “playground” for young bikers.

Stricter measures are needed at both ends of this stretch.

However, the obstructions need to be removable to allow access to the track for machinery such as tree pruning equipment, and perhaps snow clearing equipment in the winter.

Signage at the Glebe Road crossing.  The placement of some signs and their size may cause driveway visibility problems. Are these sited on the correct side of the road for the traffic direction?  Lighting at this point needs improvement – the whole area is very poorly lit.

Crossings – at the Foxton end of the route there would still be difficulties crossing the A10 to get to the station and accessibility to the current A10 cycle paths.

Could there be provision of cycle racks on the “safe” side of the A10 not the station side. Crossing the A10 to the station would then be as pedestrians not cyclists.

Separation. Are walkers allowed / enabled to use the route? If so how is the safety of both pedestrians and cyclists to be addressed?

Amenity. Lighting – was discussed at great length and the devil is in the detail. A balance is required between safety and not being intrusive for residents – particularly behind Bendyshe Way and Malthouse Way. Low level lighting being preferred in the main.

 Conservation There are badgers active along the route behind Malthouse Way, not just at the points indicated on the drawings – were these included in the survey and have these been assessed?

Maintenance. The route itself, lighting and signage will all need maintenance – is this budgeted for by the Highways Authority?

To consider

i). 22/0948/TTCA
Proposal: T1: Dead Ash Pollard – removal/monolith to hedge height 2m
T2: Wild Plum – 3m crown reduction
T3: Crab Apple – 1.5m reduction in height
The Parish Council made no comments.

ii). 22/0952/TTCA
Proposal: T1 Beech – reduce height by 3m and spread by 2m with the view of reshaping the crown to be more aesthetically pleasing.
Reasons – to maintain trees shape and size for its location.
Site address: 65 High Street Barrington Cambridgeshire
The Parish Council made no comments.

iii). 22/03499/LBC and 22/03498/HFUL
Proposal: Two storey rear extension
Site address: 27 High Street Barrington Cambridgeshire
The Parish Council resolved to object to this application for the flowing reasons:
This Grade 2 listed property is now included within the conservation area of Barrington. The boundary being amended in January 2022.  Please see map attached.
It is felt that the gable roof suggested is not appropriate for this property or within the conservation area. This alteration would result in 3 different roof lines in addition to the roof of the main house.
It is also felt that the use of black weatherboarding is not in keeping with the area or the original red brick of the property.
The proposed large glass windows on the upper floor of the extension will overlook properties to the right (in contravention of the 45 degree rule) as well as Slid Lane and are not in keeping with the outward appearance of properties in the area.

Other comments:
The site plans do not show the access from the property to the highway.
The property is incorrectly marked on the 1068 map in the heritage statement.

iv). Proposal: Erection of 113 dwellings (re-plan of northern parcel of development site for an increase of 37 dwellings above approved scheme ref: S/3485/18/RM).
Site address: Former Barrington Cement Works Haslingfield Road Barrington
Reference: 21/04087/FUL
The Parish Council has made comments as already stated above and it wishes to Minute thanks to Cllr Kemp for his work on this.

  1. v) 22/03597/S106A
    Proposal: Modification of planning obligations contained in a Section 106 Agreement dated 27 October 2016 made between South Cambridgeshire District Council (1) Cambridgeshire County Council (2) and Cemex UK Opertions Limited (3) was varied by a Deed of Variation dated 21st April 2022 made between South Cambs DC (1) Cambridgeshire County Council (2) Cemex UK Operations Limited (3) Redrow Homes Limited (4) relating to Development of land known as the former Cemex Cement works, Haslingford Road, Barrington. Outline Planning permission S/2365/14/OL as varied by S73 planning permission S/0057/17/VC
    Site address: Barrington Cement Plant Haslingfield Road Barrington
    Affordable housing is needed, and these changes might alter that. It was resolved to ask for SCDCllr Van der Weyer and CCCllr Kindersley’s advice on this application Action Cllr Kemp.
  2. All Saints Garden Redrow Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
    a) Occupancy numbers – at the recent liaison meeting it was very difficult to hear. Cllr Hopewell will be checking this for the Newsletter deliveries in the next few weeks.

    11. S106 Responsibilities and timeline – August 2022 (15mins) Cllr Rhodes -Kemp.

Cllr Rhodes-Kemp has put together a timeline of S106 actions. The Clerk has put into an excel spread sheet so it is easy to manage and update. It includes all the community facilities. This is a working document and will be updated by the clerk who is investigating a location where councillors will be able to read the most recent version.

  1. To consider the amenity area. Teenagers are accessing CEMEX land through the amenity area.

  2. Challis Green Pond report from volunteers. Council is happy to support this but may wish to make amendments. The clerk will need to discuss with Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance.
  3. Reports: to be taken as read
  4. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard
    b. Footpaths
    c. Ditches – an update after the lorry reversed into the ditch on West Green. Council to note the annual ditch walk will be planned for later in the month.
    d.  Play areas. Additionally, rabbits have dug some holes on the cricket green and the situation is going to be monitored.
    e. Challis Green Pond – discussed in item 11
    f. Traffic Management – The Clerk and Cllr Anscombe will be meeting with a Highways Officer to review the final pole locations for the MVAS.
    g. Green Charity

    15. Highway Issues – there was nothing to report.

Meeting closed at 9.07pm