Barrington Parish Council
Barrington Parish Council
Cambridgeshire, England
Note – this site is under development so will keep changing, if you cannot find the information you need please contact us using the link at the top of the page.
Welcome to Barrington Parish Council’s website which we hope will tell you what you want to know about our village. Barrington has about a thousand residents but is soon to welcome another five hundred or so when the new development of All Saints’ Gardens is completed.
Barrington is an ancient settlement lying between the river Cam (or Rhee as it is called at this point) and a low hill which separates the village from its neighbours Haslingfield, Harlton, and Orwell.
The centre of the village is very picturesque with a large village green surrounded by houses of varied architectural styles including many thatched cottages. It is designated a Conservation Area by South Cambs District Council.
Barrington is a community with a church, a pub, a Post Office/shop, and a primary school. Although it is near railway stations on the Cambridge to Kings Cross line, it doesn’t have the feel of a dormitory village and has thriving local institutions and associations.
We have a village primary school which was founded in 1835 and is one of the last thatched schools in the country. There are various groups and clubs, see the list of organisations for details and how to get involved. Also a group (Barrington Society) who look after our village archives.
We boast a village stores with post office attached, providing us with all we may need and a very popular pub which sees numerous community events throughout the year. Our village hall hosts many events and is home to a number of our groups.
Barrington has the longest village green in Europe and is maintained by the Green Charity. There are stunning little roads that weave their way through the Green giving access to the many beautiful homes that surround it. Our 2 play parks are visited by people from all over South Cambs.
All Saints Church is at the heart of the village, and holds regular services. Reverend Felicity is a visible member of the community. One Wednesday a month the Congregation hold a “Messy Church” for the local primary children to do craft activities and have a snack from 3.30 – 5pm.
Latest News
Parish Council Notices
Contact The Council
We would love to hear your feedback about any issues concerning you. Please visit our contact page to get in touch.
Meet The Councillors
Meet the Councillors, view contact information and the Councillor’s Register of Interests.
Local Clubs, Amenities & Volunteering in the village
Our area has many clubs and amenities. Also what you can volunteer for in the village. Please click on the link to view all.
Upcoming Events
Checkout all the upcoming events in our locality. Get involved with your local community. Click the link below to find out more.
Recent Documents
View and download recent documents including agendas, minutes and financial reports.
Community Gallery
Resident or visitors are welcome to view our beautiful local area in our gallery section