Barrington Parish Council
To members of the Council:
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council of Barrington Parish Council to be held by Zoom on Tuesday 9th August 2022 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.
The Public and Press are invited to attend.
Meeting ID: 842 8463 7096
Passcode: 628417
Tel 01223 845328 3/8/2022
Agenda for Parish Council meeting – August 9th 2022
- Apologies, welcomes and introductions. (2mins)
- Declarations of Interest and dispensations (2mins)
- Public Forum
To allow any member of the public to address the Council. This session is to last no more than (15 mins) - To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 9th July the draft Minutes are attached. (5mins)
- Planning
i) 22/00008/HFUL
Proposal: Erection of 2no. sheds
Site address: Land Adj 4 Orwell Road Barrington
Public Access Link:
ii) 21/04088/FUL
Proposal: Erection of 36 dwellings (re-plan of south eastern parcel of development site for an increase of 3 dwellings above approved scheme ref: S/3485/18/RM).
Site address: Former Barrington Cement Works Haslingfield Road Barrington
Public Access link:
iii) 22/02940/HFUL and LBC
Proposal: Conversion of carport into additional accommodation/utility space. Addition of new link / lobby.
Site address: 48 West Green Barrington Cambridgeshire
Public Access Link:
iv) 22/03028/HFUL
Proposal: Installation of a second Air Source Heat Pump to the rear of the garage.
Site address: 22 Shepreth Road Barrington Cambridgeshire
Public Access Link:
comments by 15th August
The following tree work applications have already been circulated and council do no need to comment.
v) Application for Works to Trees in a Conservation Area.
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: T1 – Common Lime, re-pollard back to previous points (approx.5m of growth) and remove epicormic (basal) growths.
T2 – Common Beech, Cut back side branches on North side to clear school roof by 2m and remove western co-dominant stem that overhangs road.
T4 and T5 – Common Beech, Cut back side branches on North side to clear school roof by 2m.
T6 and T8 – Common Lime, Re-pollard back to previous points (approx.5m of growth).
T7 – Common Lime, Re-pollard back to previous points (approx.5m of growth) and remove epicormic (basal) growths.
Site address: All Saints Church Haslingfield Road Barrington
Reference: 22/0762/TTCA
Public Access link:
vi) Application for Works to Trees in a Conservation Area.
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: T1 eucalyptus tree, like to carry out a 30% all over reduction on it as it has grown too big for its location.
Site address: 16 Challis Green Barrington Cambridgeshire
Reference: 22/0789/TTCA
Public Access link: