Barrington Parish Council
Retention of Documents Policy
Barrington Parish Council is aware that the efficient management of its records is required to comply with its legal and regulatory obligations. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires the Council to maintain a retention schedule. The policy also ensures that valuable information is not destroyed and that information held is relevant.
This policy applies to all records created, received or maintained by the Parish Council in hard copy or electronic format. The Clerk will be overall responsible for the implementation of the policy and managing the Council’s records.
Document Retention Period Reason Location Retained
Minutes indefinite Archive Storage or County
Agendas 5 yrs Management Office, storage or county
Committee Minutes indefinite Archive Office, storage or county
Accident Reports 20 yrs Potential Claims Office
Councillors’ acceptance of office 1 yr Management Office
Councillors’ declarations of office 4 yrs or until left Managment Office
Policy documents Until there is no longer an Management Office
administrative requirement
Title Deeds Indefinitely Archive Office, storage or county
Complaints 6 Years after resolution of Management Office
Information Requests 6 Years after resolution of Management Office
Planning applications SCDC maintain records Management SCDC
Receipt and Payment Accounts Indefinite Archive Office, storage or county
Bank Statement including
deposit/savings documents Last completed Audit Year Audit Office
Bank paying in books Last completed Audit Year Audit Office
Cheque book stubs Last completed Audit Year Audit Office
Quotations and tenders 6 years Limitation Act Office 1980 (as amended)
Paid invoices 6 years VAT Office, storage
Paid cheques 6 years Limitation Act Office, storage
1980 (as amended)
VAT records 6yrs generally but 20 yrs VAT Office, storage
for VAT on rents
Timesheets Last competed Audit year Audit, Personal injury Office
Wages/payroll 12 years Office, storage
Register of Electors Updated yrly Management Electronic password protected
Play equipment Inspection 21 yrs Potential Claims Office, storage
Insurance policies While valid Management Office
Certificates for insurance 40 yrs from date om which Management
against liability for employees insurance commenced or The Employers’ Liability Office
renewed (compulsory Insurance
regulations 1998)
Adopted Feb 21
Reviewed 2022