April 2021 Parish Council Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Uploaded on August 1, 2021
Barrington Parish Council
Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on April 22nd
2021 by Zoom.
Present: – Councillors, Bedford, Bird, Day, Hopewell, Kemp, Rhodes-Kemp (Chairman) and Walker.
In attendance: The Clerk, the RFO, SCDCllr Van de Weyer, CCCllr Kindersley
1. Apologies welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr
McBride for personal reasons.
2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations Cllr Hope declared an interest in Item 14. Planning
d)1. 21/00908/HFUL as she had advised on the use of maps.
3. Public Forum – there were no members of the public present.
4. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 16th March 2021. It
was proposed that the minutes were a true record of the meeting by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr
Kemp and agreed with all in favour. They will be signed in due course.
5. CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports.
CCCllr Kindersley gave a verbal report the main points were as follows:
East West Rail (EWR) the northern approach documents propose that the trains will run in
waterproof trenches out of site (such as those in California and the Netherlands).
The petition calling to examine the northern route has just under 10,000 signatures (once above this
number the government will respond).
It does appear that Cemex and Redrow have not been consulted on the proposed route, close to
their land and development.
Thakeham – there are still freedom of information requests outstanding.
Cllr Rhodes-Kemp asked CCCllr Kindersley of he would be willing to discuss the traffic management
and calming plans.
Cllr Kemp mentioned there are now signs in the village calling for consideration of the Northern
Approach for EWR and the PC have pledged its support.
In answer to a question from Cllr Walker CCCllr Kindersley informed Council that Cambridge
Approaches is taking legal advice from Leigh Day.
A written report will be circulated.
SCDCllr Van de Weyer gave a verbal report the main points of which were:
The Foxton Travel Hub – the Greater Cambridge Partnership will have to apply for planning
permission from the County Council and there will be an opportunity for the Council to comment.
Highways England will be widening the A428 to a dual carriageway from the Black Cat roundabout
(St Neots) and Caxton Gibbet.
There was nothing further to report on the Local Plan and the call for sites.
Thakeham – there is concern that Thakeham could influence National Policy through the Oxford Arc
Spatial Framework, so pressure needs to be maintained. Locally all groups are opposed to the plans.
Cllr Day reported that she has been unable to access some documents on the planning portal.
The Clerk had nothing to report that is not already being covered in the Agenda.
Matters Arising
16/03/21 6 Finance e. Utility Aid electricity quotes – there was a problem with the original contract,
but this was sorted out by Utility Aid and a cheaper yearly quote obtained and accepted.
16/02/21 13. Planning 2. East West Rail (Now East West Main Line) the signs EWR have been
purchased and erected.
Items for consideration
6. Finance (20 mins)
a. To approve the payments listed below. It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr
Day, seconded by Cllr Walker, and agreed with all in favour.
Voucher |
Description |
Supplier |
Total |
221 |
Street Lighting |
Sothern Electric |
312.64 |
222 |
Bank Charge |
Unity Trust Bank |
18.00 |
223 |
Bank Charge |
Lloyds Bank |
7.00 |
1 |
Tablet for speed watch:
Expense Claim |
Reimbursement |
110.00 |
2 |
Clean ditch from H Way to main
ditch |
Herts & Cambs Ground
Maintenance Services |
708.00 |
3 |
Remove damaged Culvert
rebuild new with sandbag |
Herts & Cambs Ground
Maintenance Services |
792.00 |
4 |
Cut and strim of sports field |
Herts & Cambs Ground
Maintenance Services |
216.00 |
5 |
Playground Inspection |
Herts & Cambs Ground
Maintenance Services |
114.00 |
6 |
Cut of Glebe Road areas, Sports
Field, and Main Green |
Herts & Cambs Ground
Maintenance Services |
468.00 |
7 |
CAPALC Affiliation fee |
387.58 |
8 |
CAPALC Data Protection Officer
Membership Scheme |
50.00 |
9 |
Payroll services TO 5 April 2021 |
Red Shoes Accounting Services |
59.40 |
10 |
Haslingfield Road, Barrington –
s.106 Deed of Variation 11 Feb
21 to 09 Mar 21 |
Mills and Reeve |
1,996.20 |
11 |
Leaflets – 500 Flyers [A5 –
210mm x 148] |
Reimbursement to clerk |
41.90 |
12 |
Signage Boards |
Reimbursement to clerk |
196.74 |
13 |
Salaries, PAYE, Pension |
Staff |
1,646.35 |
Total |
7,123.81 |
b. Balances and Bank Reconciliation.
Unity Trust Bank |
£32,655.95 |
Lloyds |
£90,795.30 |
£ 1,500.00 |
Total £124,951.25
Total in reconciled accounts
Unity Trust Bank |
£30,681.79 |
Lloyds |
£83,940.90 |
£ 1,500.00 |
Total £116,122.69 as agrees with AGAR Annual Return
Over the year savings of about £12,000 have been made this will be held in the reserves which the
PC were advised to increase by the internal auditor last year.
Cllr Day asked whether a VAT claim had been made. The RFO responded that this has required some
extra paperwork due to the change in bank details and is being processed.
c. Review of the 2020/21 end of year Figures and Asset Register – No assets have been purchased
during the last financial year.
d. To consider the Annual Governance Statement: The Accounting Statements were reviewed and
e. To consider the Annual Governance Statement: To Sign the Annual Accounting Statements.
It was proposed By Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Kemp, and agreed that both The Annual
Governance Statements and The Accounting Statements for 2020/21 were correct and that the
AGAR form can be printed and signed by the Clerk and the Chair. Action the Clerk.
f. To consider supporting the Barrington Car Scheme. It has been proposed that the Parish Council
support mobile phone provision. It was proposed by Cllr Kemp and seconded by Cllr Bird with all in
favour that the PC support the £7.50/month (£90/yr) contract for a mobile phone for the lift coordinator. Action the Clerk and RFO
7. Policies
It was proposed by Cllr Kemp to adopt the following policies – The Public Accessibility Statement,
Complaints Procedure, Lone worker, Training and Development policies and the Accident Book
Record template (which all cllrs should have access to it and be able to pass on if necessary),
seconded by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp and agreed with all in favour. Action the Clerk.
8. Progress report on recruiting residents to working parties and succession planning. Several
residents have offered their support and expertise on a range of areas including sports provision,
leaflet delivery, the environment, building and design work.
9. Website report, Facebook Page Update, and consideration of forming a working group.
It was proposed by Cllr Kemp to use NetWise as the website provider and agreed with all in favour.
A list of what actions need to be taken when a Cllr leaves will be written including the deletion of
email accounts.
The Facebook page will be published on an initial three-month trial with a review after that time and
as a notice board only the Clerk will post information and any discussion will be funnelled through
the usual channels. There will be no discussion from the Parish Council/Cllrs on the page.
A working group will be established for the website consisting of Cllrs Bird, Hopewell, Kemp,
McBride, and the Clerk. It was also agreed to put this on the Spotted in Barrington Face Book Group
to offer the opportunity for any interested residents to join the group. Cllr Hopewell will also
approach all the groups who currently have pages on the current website.
The Council thanked Cllr Hopewell for her work on this.
Action Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk.
10. S106 update. There is not much to report. Any covenants relating to the Open Space will have to
be negotiated with Redrow once details are known. They will not be included in the Deed of
The PC have asked if there is flexibility in the S106 monies as traffic management advice is required
(there may other areas as well), increased clerking and financial management. The PC need to have
these discussions and address these issues to move forward.
The Traffic Management Funds will be administered through Cambridge County Council (CCC),
therefore discussions regarding a consultant need to be had with them.
Action Cllr Rhodes-Kemp and the Clerk
11. Reports: The following reports were circulated and taken as read.
a. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard Cllr McBride
QE11 Woodland – No volunteer activity yet. Good to see families having picnics in there over half
Community orchard – Young fruit trees have now been planted – apples, gages, a plum and a
medlar. Blackcurrants, red and white currants, gooseberries and a thornless blackberry have also
been added and more will follow. All trees and bushes are small, as this is the best way to ensure
strong future growth, and all have been well protected against unwanted interest from wildlife while
they are so young. Mulching with bark will continue and a seating area is planned for the centre.
Children at the school have already been introduced to the orchard with a talk, during which they
were asked what they would like to grow. The older children have been invited to use the orchard
as an outside classroom and younger years will visit for Forest school.
b. Footpaths – there was no update. The bridges at Little Rivers seem to be less stable and are
getting worse we do not have liability, but we do have a responsibility to warn people. This will be
chased again with the County Council.
c. Ditches – Cllr Bird
i. Inspection of ditches carried out within the last week.
ii. Justin has completed work on clearing the roadside ditch between the Royal Oak drain and Mill
Lane as planned. The operation revealed a broken culvert head opposite the path to the pavilion.
iii. This has now been repaired and rendered safe. At the same time an old manhole cover nearby
was removed to reveal a blocked entrance from a drain leading from the patch of the green between
No 2 West Green and the High Street. This was cleared by Justin on his own initiative, but it does
indicate that all the partially hidden manhole covers should be opened, and their contents
inspected. A task for this year.
iv. The stump by No 20 West Green was not removed as the contractors did not have the
appropriate equipment. It is not an urgent condition and poses no threat of flooding.
d. Play areas – Cllr Day and to include the inspection reports and consideration of new sand for the
under 5’s play area.
e. Challis Green Pond – the funding application has been submitted Rugby Group Benevolent Fund.
f. Traffic Management (including traffic calming) and Speed watch Report. Including the
consideration of engaging a traffic management consultant. Clarification is required on how a
consultant can be paid for.
g. Green Charity – nothing to report
h. Early Years provision – this will be chased with the County Council. Action Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
12. Highway Issues – reporting of any issues or updates
Cllr Kemp updated Council that the company moving soil to the reservoir in Shepreth (off Foxton
Road) have a permit from the Environment Agency but do not have planning permission for change
of use. A meeting was held with the County Council Enforcement Officer and SCDCllr Officer from
Shepreth and Foxton. It is of interest to Barrington Residents as the lorry movements affect Foxton
Road. They are being required to put in a planning application and the Parish Council will be notified.
13. Consideration of Neighbourhood Watch Scheme coordination. A new co-ordinator is required,
and this will be mentioned at the Annual Parish Meeting. It was also suggested that the current coordinator puts together a list of what the job entails. Action Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
14. Planning
a) Conservation Area Appraisal.
Cllr Kemp And Cllr Day have been working with the Senior Conservation Officer. Proposals have been
made to increase the area to included Boot, Mill and Slid Lanes, and the green of Heslerton Way.
Additionally, notes are being made of the buildings that play a part in the boundary of the area and
the things that are important of maintaining the conservation area such as the gap between
buildings. Council thanked Cllr Day and Kemp for their work.
The Council thanked Cllr Day and Kemp for their work.
b) Local Plan and Thakeham update following the recent SWACG meeting. It is encouraging that the
Greater Cambridge Partnership are required to apply for planning permission for the Foxton Travel
Hub. There was nothing further to report.
c) East West Mainline (formerly East West Rail) update. The recent EWR webinars have been
disappointing. A proper evaluation of the northern route is still needed. Cllr Bird will put together a
check list of what residents can do to help. Action Cllr Bird.
Council noted:
Planning Inspectorate APP/W0530/W/20/3258392: 7 Back Lane, CB22 7RF (S/4518/19/FL) for the
demolition of a bungalow and the erection of 2 new dwellings and works to the existing road.
The appeal was dismissed the main issues were:
The effect of the development upon the character and appearance on Barrington Conservation Area
The effect of the development upon the character and appearance of nearby listed buildings.
21/00066/FUL 7 West Green Barrington Application refused.
Demolition of an existing dwelling/house and outbuildings and the erection of 2 No.
dwelling/houses together with a single garage associated with each dwelling.
For info Only
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 3 (Surface Water & Foul Drainage), 4 (External
Materials), 5 (Boundary Treatments), 6 (10% Carbon Emissions) and 7 (Water Consumption) of
planning permission S/1767/19/FL
Site address: 8 High Street Barrington Cambridge
Proposal: Submission of details required by Condition 13 (Contamination, Investigation and
Remediation Strategy) of planning permission 20/02528/S73
Site address: Barrington Cement Plant Haslingfield Road Barrington
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 4 (Windows) of consent
Site address: 20 West Green Barrington CB22 7SA
Proposal: Reduce Crown of large Sycamore in corner of garden. Remove low level branches to even
out the shape and remove dead ivy
Site address: 1 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX
Council supported this application.
d) Council considered
1. 21/00908/HFUL
Proposal: Alterations to doors and windows, porch to North elevation and replacement flat roof to
Site address: 2 Mill Lane Barrington CB22 7QY
It was agreed to support this application in principle but ask the conservation officer to reconsider
the porch aspect of the application as Council believe it has an impact on the Green and the
conservation area. Additionally, any approval should be subject to the completion of a construction
management plan to protect the Village Green and the entrance to Mill Lane, to maintain
accessibility. Council would also like to remind officers that The Green Charity should also be
consulted on planning applications that lead directly on to The Green.
2. 21/01002/HFUL
Proposal: Erection of 3 no. Outbuildings including a Pool, Pool House, Hot-tub Area and Greenhouse
(Part retrospective).
Site address: Jensview 39A West Green Barrington
Firstly Council were disappointed that planning permission was not applied for and that part of this
plan is retrospective.
It was agreed to request that the pump house or pump machinery is enclosed within soundproof or
sound retaining material as current noise levels are unacceptable and further noise reduction is
necessary to preserve the amenity of neighbouring properties enjoying a quiet rural setting.
3. 21/01025/HFUL
Proposal: Erection of a gym in the rear garden
Site address: 1 Rhee Meadows Barrington CB22 7GA
It was agreed to recommend refusal as it was felt that there was insufficient detail, and that more
information is required on what is proposed as there are concerns of the effects of a gym on the
amenity of the neighbours.
4. 21/00883/FUL
Proposal: Erection of a new dwelling.
Site address: Church Meadows Haslingfield Road Barrington
It was resolved to recommend approval for the above planning application but would like to request
the production of a traffic management plan to ensure all deliveries are made through the front
entrance and nothing is brought in through the lane at the back, as there are problems with the
stability of the bank next to the ditch.
5. 21/01474/S73
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 (reserved matters details) pursuant to planning application
20/02528/S73 (Variation of conditions 2 (Reserved matters), 5 (Construction Environment
Management Plan and a Construction Method Statement), 6 (Airborne Dust), 7 (Site waste
management plan), 8 (Tree protection measures), 9 (Boundary Treatment), 10 (Siting and design of
the screened storage for refuse), 14 (Renewable energy statement), 15 (Contamination), 16 (Noise
insulation scheme or noise mitigation Strategy), 19 (Surface water drainage scheme), 20 (Surface
water), 21 (Remediation Statement – Contamination), 22 (Scheme for disposal for surface water), 24
(Visibilty splays), 26 (Recording of Industrial Heritage), 27 (Foul water solution), 28 (Archaelogical
works) and 29 (Fire hydrants) pursuant to planning permission S/0057/17/VC)
Site address: Barrington Cement Works Haslingfield Road Barrington
It was resolved to recommend approval for the application.
The meeting was closed at 10.30pm.