
April 2022 Parish Council Minutes Meeting One

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on June 23, 2022

Barrington Parish Council Barrington Parish Council
Minutes of the general discussion meeting held on April 7th, 2022

Present Cllrs Bedford, Bird, Day, Hopewell, Kemp, McBride, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker and the Clerk.

1. Apologies welcomes and introductions.

2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations. Cllr Walker declared an interest as Council have just received an update that a planning application of 7 West Green (his neighbouring property) is going to committee. This application, however, will not be discussed further.

3. Public Forum. There were no members of the public present.

It was agreed to only discuss the bookmarks (item7) and planning (Item14) issues, and all other items will be republished on the Agenda and will be considered at the full Parish Council meeting on the 14th April.
4. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports

Matters Arising
Items for consideration

5.Policies to review
The Public Accessibility Statement these are generally required for funding applications
Complaints Procedure
Lone worker
Training and Development
Retention of Documents
Accident Book Record – all Cllrs should have access to it and be able to pass on if necessary
6. Open Day (26th March) Review
7. Jubilee Events and consideration of bookmarks.
It was agreed to order 550 bookmarks and that these would be delivered through the door of each resident. Co-ordination with the newsletter will be investigated further. Action Cllr Hopewell.
8. Succession Planning and Cllr handover Cllr Rhodes -Kemp
9. S106 Updates
10. Footpath by Dumpling Cottage
11. Grass Cutting – Malthouse Way
12. Reports:
a. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard. Cllr McBride
b. Footpaths – Cllr Day
c.  Ditches– Cllr Bird d.  Play areas – Cllr Day
e. Challis Green Pond – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
f. Traffic Management – Cllr Rhodes- Kemp
g. Green Charity – Cllr Day
h. Website – nothing to report

13. Highway Issues – reporting of any issues or updates

14. Planning

Council noted

For info only
Proposal: Nonmaterial amendment of reserved matters application S/3485/18/RM (Application for approval of reserved matters for appearance landscaping layout and scale under planning permission S/0057/17/VC for development of 220 residential units) Addition of a medium sized garden pod to plots 88 and 93
Site address: Barrington Cement Plant Haslingfield Road Barrington Reference:

Nonmaterial amendment of reserved matters application S/3485/18/RM (Application for approval of reserved matters for appearance landscaping layout and scale under planning permission S/0057/17/VC for development of 220 residential units) Add a garden POD to plot 96.

22/00102/LBC Demolish and rebuild an existing partial boundary wall within the curtilage of a listed building.

Barrington Parish Council’s comments earlier.

Although it is at the rear of the House and not visible from the Green. Council has the following comments

  1. The site location plan does not show a red line to the Highway as required
  2. The Design and Access statement does not address access to the site
  3. The Design and Access Statement talks about rebuilding the old wall with a modern equivalent
  4. Whereas the Partial Boundary Wall as proposed introduces “Estate Fencing”. This is not mentioned in the D&A Statement, so it is not clear which option is being proposed.
  5. The proposed Estate Fencing materials are not explained and there is concern they do not reflect the original adequately.


Council considered:

  1. i) 21/01474/CONDA
    Planning attached to this email in relation to the following application for Approval of Details Reserved by Condition.
    Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
    Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 9 (Secure Cycle Parking), 11 (External Lighting), 13 (Land Contamination), 22 (Post-Excavation Assessment) and 23 (Fire Hydrants) of planning permission 21/01474/S73
    Site address: Barrington Cement Plant Haslingfield Road Barrington
    There were comments made on this application.
  2. ii) 22/0355/TTCA Proposal: 5 Day Notice
    T 961 Oak – loss of a large central limb has left the remaining crown exposed to wind forces. Urgent work comprises of – reduce height by approximately 4 metres and shorten laterals all around by 3 metres to lessen effects of exposure. This will leave the tree approximately 10 to 12 metres high with cardinal crown spread of approximately 7 metres.
    Site address: Barrington Green High Street Barrington
    There were comments made on this application.

    iii) 22/00898/FUL

    Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and the erection of a replacement four-bedroom bungalow with detached garden studio to the rear (resubmission of 21/05285/FUL)
    Site address: 7 Back Lane Barrington Cambridgeshire
    Reference: 22/00898/FUL
    It was resolved to object to this application for the following reasons:

The detached garden studio appears to be a separate building and needs to be conditioned accordingly.

Concerns were raised about damage to the Conservation Area during construction. The site sits in the recently extended (January 2022) Barrington Conservation Area and access is via a track/drive from Back Lane proper which is required by the Green Charity to have a 9-foot-wide entrance only.

Recent developments off Back Lane (No 9 in particular) have resulted in considerable damage to the roadway which is a permitted accessway over the Village Green and maintained by the Green Charity.

Back Lane is also a bridleway that is used extensively by walkers, dog walkers, cyclists and horse riders. Contrary to the views expressed by the Highways Authority there is a danger from construction traffic that is not recognised in this application which requires extensive demolition and construction work at the very far end of the access.

Traffic movements along this horseshoe shaped narrow accessway are already causing safety concerns and damage to the accessway itself and to the Green alongside it. The application fails to acknowledge this issue and a detailed demolition and construction management plan is required and should be conditioned.

  1. iv) 22/00832/HFUL and 22/00833/LBC
    Proposal: Erection of a single storey pool house and swimming pool to rear (Re-submission of 21/05328/HFUL)
    Site address: 20 West Green Barrington Cambridgeshire
    It was resolved to object to this application for the following reasons:
  2. The re-submitted proposal continues to have a significant detrimental impact upon views from the Barrington Conservation Area. Retaining open views and spaces is essential to the long-term preservation of the Barrington Conservation Area. This proposal intrudes into the open space separating these two listed buildings and infilling of this nature is not appropriate. The roof line of side elevation is entirely inappropriate in this setting.
  3. The Council is of the view that this proposal neither protects nor enhances the Conservation Area and should be refused. The Barrington Conservation Area Appraisal was consulted upon last year and approved as recently as January this year. I draw your attention to section 5 of the Appraisal and 5.2.1 which states any new development “should avoid eroding, filling or blocking the visually important gaps between houses lining the green”. A copy will be attached for information.
  4. This proposal is not simply for a pool house – but for a pool house and gymnasium. It is too close to the designated heritage asset of “Newlyn” number 14 West Green. BPC is particularly concerned about the intrusive and detrimental impact of the proposal upon the setting of one of only three such designations in the village.
  5. The proposal for a Gymnasium within the pool house with likely loud music playing will adversely impact on the amenity of the neighbours at Newlyn given the proposed location close to the boundary of the two properties.
  6. In summary, this is not a “modest” proposal but an intrusive structure of such form and scale that in this location it should be refused.
  7. The only alternative would be for the applicants to re-locate the gymnasium elsewhere and to reduce the size of the pool house and re-locate it to the west and to the rear of the house at 20 West Green so as to ensure it is more or less out of sight from views across the Green. The Parish Council supports the considered original response of the Senior Conservation Officer in that regard dated 27.01.22 which has not been successfully addressed in this re-submission. BPC is of the view that this proposal does not preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Barrington Conservation Area. It therefore raises a significant challenge to the adopted Local Plan policy NH/14 and to the 2022 Barrington Conservation Area Appraisal. It also contravenes the NPPF regarding the effect on the most significant heritage asset in Barrington.

Should SCDC officers be minded to approve this second application the Parish Council requests that it be referred to the full Planning Committee for decision.

It will also be requested that this this response, and the Conservation Area Appraisal are taken into consideration, and that both are placed on the file for public access as the formal response of the Parish Council

  1. v) 22/00495/HFUL
    Proposal: Single storey rear extension and new dormers to existing rear bedroom.
    Site address: 85A Glebe Road Barrington Cambridge
    It was agreed to support this application, but no further comments were made.
  2. vi) 22/00895/HFUL
    Proposal: Two storey side and rear single storey extension and Internal alterations. New double car-port and re-location of vehicle entrance.
    Site address: 39 Shepreth Road Barrington CB22 7SB
    It was agreed to support this proposal as it is sympathetic to the applicant’s request to re-locate the vehicle entrance. There are however concerns about traffic safety on this difficult bend and suggests that consideration is given to additional highway safety measures such as improved signage (e.g. “Concealed Entrance”) and mirrors to improve traffic visibility for site users. Barrington Parish Council supports the side and rear extension and internal alterations which appear entirely sympathetic to the property and found the applicant’s plans and associated 3D drawings particularly helpful in contrast to many that it is asked to review.

vii) 21/04088/FUL
Proposal: Erection of 36 dwellings (re-plan of south eastern parcel of development site for an increase of 3 dwellings above approved scheme ref: S/3485/18/RM).
Site address: Former Barrington Cement Works Haslingfield Road Barrington

It was resolved to support this application and the Parish Council was encouraged to see the attention paid and comments raised by the planning officer to the details of the proposal.

Some additional comments will be made relating to:
Public Open Space. The Parish Council believes there are grounds for a careful review of the Public Open Space aspects of the proposal because the Village “Open Day” Consultation held on 26 March 2022 indicated numerous local concerns about the impact of this development:
• Lack of community / provision for sports facilities in the Public Open Space area
• Over-provision of “allotments” and under-provision of parking for access
• The Consequent impact of a new football ground on the historic Green if it is situated (with car park and other facilities) behind the Sports pavilion
• Continuing desire to provide for a Scouts and Guides Hut in the POS area

Section 106 provision should be increased proportionately. However, there is a substantial irony that 106 monies intended to ameliorate the impact of the All Saints Gardens development directs further development back into the heart of the village Conservation Area because of the lack of provision in the Public Open Space. The Parish Council and indeed the residents of Barrington have expressed concern about the lack of thought on this matter by both Redrow and SCDC. This is despite it having been raised on numerous occasions by the Parish Council and now reinforced at the Village Consultation.

Road Safety. In addition, the Parish Council is concerned regarding Road Safety and delays in providing a useable, illuminated and safe walkway between the development and the school. While it appreciates that temporary measures are underway, there are concerning reports that residents in All Saints Gardens are currently and already walking their children down the main Haslingfield Road to the School.

Cllr Ray Kemp – updated Council that the planning application for 7 West Green 21/03885/FUL Demolition of an existing dwellinghouse and outbuildings and the erection of 2 No. dwellinghouses together with a single garage associated with each dwelling is going before the planning committee on the 13th of April. He will attend ‘virtually’ to reiterate the points Council has already raised i.e., the conservation area and access over The Green.

The meeting was closed at 8.40pm.