
March 2022 Parish Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on June 23, 2022

Barrington Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on March 10th, 2022.

Present Cllrs Bedford, Bird, Day, McBride, the Clerk and two members of the public.

As the chairman and vice chairman were absent it was agreed unanimously that Cllr Day would chair the meeting.

  1. Apologies welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted all for personal reasons from Cllrs Hopewell, Kemp, Rhodes- Kemp, Walker CCCllr Kindersley and SCDCllr Van der Weyer.

Everyone was welcomed to the meeting.

  1. Declarations of Interest and dispensations. There were no declarations of interest.
  2. Public Forum.
    One member of the public was present to observe a Parish Council meeting the other to update Council on the bridge.

    To receive an update on the ‘Jubilee’ Bridge over West Green Pond. 
    Council received an update on the Da Vinci bridge design and agreed to accept the recommended materials that were recommended.  It will be suggested that £1000 be donated by the Green Charity at the meeting later this week.
  3. 4. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 13th January and to ratify the decisions of the meeting held on the 10th of  The draft Minutes of both these these meeting are attached. It was proposed by Cllr Bedford that the Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th January are a true and accurate record.  This was seconded by Cllr Bird and agreed by all. It was proposed by Cllr Day that the Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th February be accepted as a true and accurate record and all decisions be ratified. This was seconded by Cllr McBride and agreed by all.
  4. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports.

A written report was received from CCCllr Kindersley the main points of which were:

CCC Budget. The council has now agreed its budget for 2022-23, which closes a projected £22.2 million gap using efficiencies, savings, and the government’s one-year financial settlement. It also starts to address a projected gap of more than £80 million over the next five years.

The County Council share of council tax will increase by 4.99 percent. The increase in Band D is £1.34 per week, which will still leave the County Council’s council tax share below the average for shire counties.

A Strategy to move faster to tackle climate change approved by Full Council.
20mph speed limits. There are two types of 20mph schemes which can be introduced by the council – 20mph limits and 20mph zones. A 20mph limit typically covers individual or small numbers of streets and requires signs only, while 20mph zones typically cover larger areas and require both signs and markings.
Ethics & Behaviour at the County Council. Council is taking a wide range of steps to ensure bullying behaviour doesn’t need to tolerated by officers or Councillors.
Luton Flight Paths. The new flightpaths for Luton Airport came into operation last month.
Paper Food Bags Residents wanting the brown paper food bags issued by South Cambs DC can pick them up from the Parish Council office. They cost 60p a bundle.
Community Chest Grants for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. SCDC would like to support communities in marking ‘The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee’. The criteria for the Community Chest Grant scheme have been altered until 12 April to allow Parish Councils and community groups to make Jubilee-related applications of up to £700.
Business Grants. The last round of Covid Grants is now being allocated and is focused on businesses which have specifically been affected by Omicron.  visit
Civil Parking Enforcement SCDC and CCC are working together to introducing civil parking enforcement. This will see responsibilities for dealing with illegal parking shift from Cambridgeshire Police to CCC. This will mean drivers parking illegally, such as on double yellow lines, could be issued a ticket by Civil Enforcement Officers and ordered to pay a penalty charge.
Focus on Nature SCDC has just published a Bio Diversity Supplementary Planning  Document which you can see at and which supports the Doubling Nature Strategy published last year.
Budgeting for Climate Change SCDC is allocating £6.83m of its £70m total spend to its Zero Carbon Strategy and Action Plan.
Wild Minds Young people who would like to attend, or parents or carers who think the course may be suitable for a young person in their care, can register now online:
Fixed Term Tenancies. The fixed term tenancies that SC previously had to issue are now up for renewal and will be replaced with secure tenancies.
Climate and Environment Fortnight Recordings of all webinars will be available on the SCDC website.  Find out more about what the Council is doing to tackle climate change in South Cambridgeshire at
SCDC has approved its budget for next year and set its Council Tax charge from April. Continuing to have one of the lowest Council Tax charges in the country, councillors agreed to raise it by 10 pence a week or £5 a year for a Band D property to enable the Council to continue to transform council services and deliver £230,000 of savings every year.
Household Support Fund. All applicants to the fund will continue to be directed to other sources of support as listed in the Household Support Fund Information pack:
Camsight Support Groups If you are not already part of one of Cam Sight’s monthly groups and would like to be, please contact them. They are a great opportunity to access information and support, as well as meet others and form friendships.

The clerk circulated a written report that included a reminder of  the process if Cllrs wish to re-stand for election.

Foxton Travel Hub – proposal for a bus service whether the Travel Hub goes ahead. Another briefing is proposed for the 24th March.

Matters Arising.

Emergency tree work. Trees were damaged in the recent storm and The Herts and Cambs Maintenance Team did a really great job and were very helpful. Bark chippings are going to be put down Back Lane and around the kissing gate. Council would like to record its thanks to Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance.

The U5’s playground.  The Clerk is working with Herts & Cambs to arrange delivery and distribution of sand.

Other tree work is booked, some later in March and the TPO trees in April.

Swings. The Clerk is in the process of obtaining quotes for the rubbing down and repainting of the swing sets on Challis Green and has approached 4 companies/people.

Items for consideration

  1. Finance
  2. a) To approve the payments.

It was proposed to approve the payments listed except for V/N 220 by Cllr Day, seconded by Cllr McBride, and agreed with all in favour.

It was also agreed to fund the West Green ‘Jubilee’ bridge project. The cost after a donation from the Green Charity will be £1010 (total £2010).

The following questions were raised:
Why are the PC being asked to pay for 2018/19 street lighting bill so long after that date?
Is there a statutory limitation on the time we can be billed?
It is a big amount to find that was not budgeted and would therefore payment in instalments be possible, if it needs to be paid?

The Clerk will pass on the above questions to the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO).
Action the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

205 Electricity Charges Southern Electric 181.07
206-11 Salaries, PAYE, NI, Pension Staff 1698.35
212 Bank Charges Lloyds Feb 22 Lloyds Bank 7.00
213 Ranger Duties 12.50 hours @ £16.50 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 247.74
214 Emergency tree works to Willow on play area, Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 348.00
215 Playground inspections Feb 2022 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 114.00
216 Cartridges for printer Office Depot 73.76
217 S106 Deed of Variation Jan-Feb 2022 Mills and Reeve 1,770.00
218 Replace glass at bus shelter GW Shelter Solutions Ltd 236.72
219 Jubilee Tree Simpson’s Nurseries Ltd 69.76
220 Street Light Energy for BPC for 2018/19 Cambs County Council 3,384.22
221 Ditch Work Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 5,340.00
   Total   13,470.62


b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation.

Totals in Reconciled Accounts

Unity Trust Bank            65,572.99
Lloyds £90,795.30        166,937.40
CBS 1,500.00            1,500.00
Unity Trust Bank S106   –               12.55
Total in Banks reconciled         233,997.84

c) Review of budget 2021/22 to date.
After 11 months 60% of the budget has been spent and there is £65.6k in Unity Trust Bank with a further £2.6k to come in from the Green Charity.

From this, there is £13k of February expenses to be paid once approved (which includes a lighting bill of £3384).

With 1) the A Frame costing £14k, 2), the emergency oak tree work and remaining tree work due to be carried out by Acacia back, pay due to our staff and a month’s normal expenditure, the yearend bank balance (effectively our reserves) will probably be at or below £40k.

If this is the case, it will be just above the target of 50% of the precept

d) CAPALC Membership. It was agreed to renew this membership. Action Responsible Financial Officer.

d) Internal Auditor appointment. It was agreed to appoint LGS Services. Action The Clerk

 e) To consider the adoption of the new NALC pay scales backdated to April 2021. It proposed by Cllr Day, seconded by Cllr Bedford, and agreed by all to adopt the new pay scales and back date increases to April 2021.   Action Responsible Financial Officer.
f) Consideration of a small Jubilee gift for each household such as a magnet.

It was felt that perhaps magnets were not the best choice when the Parish Council have recognised the issues with climate change. Wildflower seeds were suggested such as the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Wildflower Seed Mix from Pure Flowers (previously circulated by the Clerk) but these are more expensive, and June is really too late to plant them. After this discussion it was agreed that the finance working group should consider this further against the budget.

  1. Open Day (26th March) Update. It was agreed to send the draft leaflet for printing and to get this delivered to residents as soon as possible. A representative from 2020 Consultancy and Redrow will be present for some of the day and Whitworth who conducted the condition survey on the village hall and pavilion will send the PC some questions that can be used to help form the brief which will be part of the tender document sent out.
  2. Jubilee Events and tree planting. The tree will be planted and the plaque can be installed over the Jubilee weekend. The clerk has asked Herts and Grounds Maintenance for a quote to clear the area around the beacon on Haslingfield Road. A grant of £500 has been obtained for the village to support a Jubilee Event and the Parish Council have been asked if they would like to be involved with the organisation of an event on the Sunday. As so many councillors are absent an email will be sent explaining the current plans and asking if anyone would like to be involved.
  3. Succession Planning – in May there are PC elections and the number of councillors for Barrington increases to 13. A number of residents are considering becoming Parish Councillors.
  4. S106 Updates. There were no further updates.
  5. Parish Council Communications – it was agreed to use the image from the website but see if a clearer copy could be obtained. Action The Clerk.
  6. Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read.
  7. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard. The sign in the woodland needs recovering or replacing.
    b. Footpaths – Cllr Day
    c. Ditches– Cllr Bird including the request from the school to carry out work on the bridge over the ditch to the playground.
    d.  Play areas – Cllr Day . The Rospa inspection is due in April and it would be good to get a cleaning party to clean the play equipment.
    e. Challis Green Pond – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
    f. Traffic Management – Cllr Rhodes- Kemp
    g. Green Charity – Cllr Day
    h. Website – nothing to report
  8. Highway Issues – reporting of any issues or updates. Cllr McBride will report two potholes on Haslingfield Road.
  9. Planning

No comments will made on the following tree applications. The first two are for works for trees on The Green that Acacia are undertaking for the Council:

  1. i) 22/0191/TTCA
    Proposal: T907 Lime -Raise crown to 3.5 metres all round.
    Site address: Street Record Land Near Daphmoir Close Barrington Cambridgeshire

    ii) 22/0211/TTCA
    Proposal: 5 items
    T973 Sycamore – Raise crown to 3.0 metres all round.
    T 961 Oak – Raise Crown to 5 metres an cut back lower growth to roadside edge
    T964 Ash and adjacent Ash – Reduce both Crowns to 5 metres over road
    T949 Maple Raise Crown to 4 metres over drive and remove dead wood.
    Site address: Barrington Green High Street Barrington

iii) 22/0278/TTCA
Proposal: Fraxinus excelsior – Large ash tree growing on the fence line – to fell to ground level and replant with something more suitable.
Site address: 71 High Street Barrington Cambridge

iV) 22/00495/HFUL
Proposal: Single storey rear extension and new dormers to existing rear bedroom.
Site address: 85A Glebe Road Barrington Cambridge

It was resolved to ask for new plans as those attached were not clear.

The meeting was closed at 9.30pm


The next meeting of the Parish Council is on 7th April.