
January 2021 Parish Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on August 1, 2021


Barrington Parish Council
Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on January 19th
2021 by Zoom.

Present: – Councillors Rhodes-Kemp (Chairman), Bedford, Bird, Day, Hopewell, Kemp, McBride, and
In attendance: The Clerk, SCDCllr Van de Weyer and CCCllr Kindersley.

1. Apologies welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted from the RFO for
personal reasons.

2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations. There were no declarations of interest or

3. Public Forum
There were no members of the public present.

4. Update on The Local Plan call for sites and South West Cambridge Action Group.
SCDCllr Van de Weyer lead Council through the process of the call for sites for the next Local Plan.

Those that are likely to impact Barrington are as follows:

Station Fields, Foxton a mixed-use site for 900-1800 residential buildings. This may be in
addition to the Foxton Travel Hub proposed by the Greater Cambridge Partnership.
Docwrais Farm, Barrington Road, Shepreth mixed use with 2300 residential units
Other Barrington Sites- Land off Orwell Road -5 houses, Land to East of Haslingfield Road-50
There are also some smaller sites in Orwell from between 14-155 residential buildings.

The map showing these sites can be found at Site submissions (

The South West Cambridge Action Group (SWCAG) have a further meeting this week. Although
Thakeham are planning to put in a response to the call for sites by Easter there is some concern that
the developers are seeking central Government support, enabling them to bypass local planning
routes allowing decisions to be made at national level. There is a meeting with the MP Anthony
Browne this week. Cllr Kemp is the Parish Council’s representative on SWCAG.

Foxton Travel Hub – there will be further consultation on this in the next few months.

The meeting was called on

5. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 15th December
It was proposed to approve the Minutes by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp, seconded by Cllr Walker and
agreed with all in favour.

6. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports


A report from CCC Kindersley and SCDCllr Van de Weyer was circulated. It included updates on
Covid, lock down, vaccine delivery, laptops for school children, the OxCam Arc, Winter Support
Packages and an external review of planning at SCDC.

CCCllr Kindersley reported that recent local flooding is likely to get worse over the next few days and
that sand bags are available.
He could find no records of the planning application for Seearo and suggested contacting them
Anti-social behaviour in the village will be reported.

The Clerk had nothing additional to report.

Matters Arising – to update Council on actions where no decision is required

There were no other updates.

Items for consideration

7. County Broadband Installation Update.
Cllrs Day, Hopewell and Walker attended the recent community meeting. Many questions were not
answered. It was ascertained that all routes to a property will be considered both under and
Another meeting has been requested and Cllr Hopewell will make further contact.
Cllrs Day and Rhodes-Kemp will consider approaching The Green Charity Solicitor for a letter stating
that The Green cannot have any work undertaken on it without permission.

                                                                                 Action Cllr Day, Hopewell and Rhodes-Kemp.

8. Finance
a. To approve the payments listed below.
A full payment schedule was circulated at the meeting.

V/N Description Supplier Total
167 Electricity Charges Southern Electric 117.74
168 Electricity Charges Southern Electric 316.01
169 Bank Charge Unity Trust Bank 18.00
170 Cut of Sports Field 2/12 HERTS AND CAMBS GROUND
171 Playground inspection 10/12 HERTS AND CAMBS GROUND
172 Postage for cheques Cllr refund 6.70
173 Haslingfield Road, Barrington
– s.106 Deed of Variation 10
December 2020 to 08 January
Mills and Reeve 537.60
174 -179 Salaries, PAYE, NI and Pension
Staff 1,647.04
180 Replace PIR sensor to light
above defibrillator at village
P J Robinson Electrical Contractors
Total £3,002.29


It was proposed the payments be made by Cllr Day, seconded by Cllr Bird and agreed with all in

The budget was also briefly reviewed, no issues were highlighted for concern but the Clerk will
confirm the precept request has been made.                                                                                                   
Action The Clerk.

b. Balances and Bank Reconciliation.

Unity Trust

From Accounts
Payments not cashed
Receipts not entered

Statement should be £54,797.33


From Accounts
Payments not cashed

Receipts not entered. 0.00
Statement should be £94,960.90

Cambridge Building Society

From Accounts
Payments not cashed

Receipts not entered 0.00
Statement should be £1,500.00

Unity Trust Bank 54,797.33
Lloyds 94,960.90
CBS 1,500.00

Total in Banks £151,258.23

9. Co-option of new Councillor– we are now able to co-opt a new councillor to replace Cllr Brass.
Council have received an application from an interested resident. The Clerk is going to ask them to
attend a couple of the monthly meetings to get an understanding of how the Council works.
                                                                                                                                             Action The Clerk.

10. Risk assessment updates and adoption– Play Areas, COVID-19 and Play Areas, Ponds and
Ditches, Carpark, Village Green, QE11 Woodland. These have been circulated. These risk
assessments were all ratified and will be reviewed annually.                                       
Action The Clerk

11. Policy Updates – Policies that have been reviewed to date are Equality and Diversity –
this has been replaced with the NALC updated recommended policy, Disciplinary Policy and
Grievance, Children and Vulnerable Adults Protection, Press and Media, Bulling and Harassment,
Code of Conduct. These policies and changes were ratified and agreed with all in favour. The only
amendment being the removal of NALC titles and replaced with Barrington Parish Council.
                                                                                                                                          Action The Clerk.

12. Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read.
a. QE11 woodland – nothing to report.


b. Footpaths – work will commence on the Little River path shortly.
c. Ditches – Cllr Bird has walked around and looked at the ditches. There is water backed up in areas
along 20 West Green and areas where some general clearing is required. It was resolved to discuss
with the ranger.                                                                                                                 
Action The Clerk.
d. Play areas – An area near the slide on the multiplay has become a trip hazard. It was resolved to
discuss with Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance.                                               
Action The Clerk
e. Challis Green Pond – Nothing further to report
f. Traffic Management and Speed watch Report. The Clerk is still awaiting approval from SCDC to use
two lampposts for the fixed speed camera. – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
g. Green Charity –Tree work has been carried out. A planning application for 7 West Green has been
lodged and a written undertaking for the access across the Green has been agreed.

13. Highway Issues – reporting of any issues or updates.
Potholes along the High Street and West Green have been reported.
The state of the pavement along Orwell Road also needs reporting.                       
Action the clerk

14. Planning

1. Redrow Update.
The deed of variation has been updated and it has been reviewed by Mills and Reeve. Further
meetings are planned for the next two weeks.
Further information including a definitive map is still required for the public open space.

3. East West Rail Update – It was agreed awareness needs to be raised. Notice have been erected on
other villages it was resolved to investigate the cost and supply of these. It was also discussed that
an update before the next meeting would be useful.                                                 
Action The Clerk.

4. Applications considered:

i)Consultation on application for Planning Permission
Reference: 20/04948/HFUL
Proposal: Repairs to roof including two rooflights to the front and rear. Installation of Air source heat
pump. New front door. Replace existing single storey rear extension with new
one and a half storey rear extension. Replacement roof to workshop and infill wall panels.
For Evennett / Gutierrez.
Site: 69 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX
Council resolved to recommend approval subject to the necessary agreements with the Green

ii) CCC/20/089/VAR Barrington Cement Plant, Haslingfield Road
Importation by rail of suitable restoration material over a period of 5yrs to partially infill an
existing quarry void to provide for the restoration of the western and north-western areas of
Barrington Quarry to a combination of agriculture and nature conservation after-uses and all
associated works including railway refurbishment and the retention and continued use of existing
weighbridge, office and workshop
Informative: Section 73 planning application to develop land without complying with condition 2 of
planning permission S/0107/18/CW to allow restoration of land bordering North Pit to continue for a
further 12 months until 31 December 2021. Council had no comments to make on this application.


iii) Planning Appeal Reference: S/4518/19/FL
Demolition of the existing bungalow the erection of two new dwellings and works to the existing
access road for 7 Back Lane Barrington.
Appellant: Mr James Wardley
Inspectorate Ref: APP/W0530/W/20/3258392
It was resolved Cllr Kemp will draft a response.                                                                 
Action Cllr Kemp.

iv) Foxton Parish Council submitted the Neighbourhood Plan for its parish to us (South
Cambridgeshire District Council, SCDC) on 10 February 2020, along with its supporting documents.
Council had no particular comments to make but the plan might be useful when considering the
Local Plan and Foxton Travel Hub.

Council noted:

Information on application for Non-Material Amendment (Section 96A) S/3485/18/NMA2
Non-material amendment to reserved matters application S/3485/18/RM
(Application for approval of reserved matters for appearance landscaping layout and scale under
planning permission S/0057/17/VC for development of 220 residential units) to update the
elevations and floorplan for house type H (Cambridge)
Site address: Barrington Cement Plant Haslingfield Road Barrington Cambridge
Applicant: Redrow Homes South Midlands .

The meeting was closed at 10.25pm.