Minutes of the Barrington Parish Council Finance Committee held on 23rd March 2021
In attendance: Cllrs Bedford, Bird, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker, The Clerk and RFO
1. Apologies– there were no apologies. The Chair welcomed Cllr Bedford to his first meeting.
2. To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2021. It was proposed by Cllr Bird,
seconded by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp and agreed that these were a true record of the meeting.
3. Consideration of S137 expenditure
It was noted that for the financial year 2020/21 the limit is £8.32 for S137 per registered elector.
Barrington has 840 electors therefore the total S137 that could be allocated is £6988.80
It was resolved to:
1) support the village warden scheme with £900 as allocated in the current 2020/21 budget
2) support the village car scheme having established whether the scheme is able to run with
current restrictions and if a donation would be helpful. Action the Clerk
3) support Cambridge Approaches in case of a judicial review if the northern rail route into
Cambridge is not considered as well as the southern route with a pledge of £2000.
Action Cllr Bird
4. To agree any final payments from Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance as agreed by the Council
at the meeting on 16th March Item 6. There should be a further 3 invoices: 2 for ditch work and 1
for aerating the football pitch and it was agreed these could be paid before the end of the financial
year and the amounts would be reported at the next full PC meeting. Action RFO and the Clerk
5. Council to note the following dates for the end of this financial year.
Year End 31st March 2021
Approve end of year figures and Annual Governance Statement and Annual Accounting Statements
at the 20th April PC meeting
Present accounts to members of the public at the Annual Parish meeting on 27th April
Internal Audit
Publish the unaudited accounts by 1st July and having returned the AGAR form to the external
Inspection requirement for the public inspection period to include the first 10 working days of July
Publish the audited accounting statements, including the external auditor’s report by 30th
The Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee are being reviewed and will be an item on the
full Parish Council agenda.
The meeting closed at 8.15pm.
The next meeting of the Finance Committee is on 9th November 7.30pm.