
March 2021 Parish Council Agenda

Meeting Agendas Uploaded on August 1, 2021

Barrington Parish Council

To members of the Council:
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Barrington Parish Council
Via ZOOM on Tuesday 16th March 2021 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.

The Public and Press are invited to attend.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 924 1526 9214
Passcode: 998248
Find your local number:

BWhitehouse – Clerk to Barrington Council
Tel 01223 845328                                                                                                                                                                                10/03/21

Agenda for
Full Parish Council Meeting – March 16
th 2021

1. Apologies welcomes and introductions. (2mins)

2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations (2mins)

3. Public Forum
To allow any member of the public to address the Council. This session is to last no more than 15 minutes.

4. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 16th February 2021. A draft
copy of the Minutes is attached.

Council to note the Finance Committee meet on 2nd March and a copy of the draft minutes are attached for

5. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports (15

Matters Arising – (2 mins)

130321 Item 13 3. Local Plan information gathering survey. The Clerk submitted comments to the SCDC
survey on sites but forward for consideration for the next local plan.

Items for consideration

6. Finance (15 mins)
a. To approve the payments listed below.

Voucher Description Supplier Total
199 Electricity Charges Sothern Electric 312.64
200 Bank Charge Lloyds Bank 7.00
201 Playground Inspection Herts & Cambs Ground
202 Cut hedge along side of play are
Herts & Cambs Ground
203 Clean out ditch from Pub along
to Village hall
Herts & Cambs Ground
204 Scrape area off using digger Herts & Cambs Ground
205 Internal audit 2019 20 LGS Services 150.00
206 80L Water carrier: Amazon Cllr refund 18.55
207 Protective wire and pegs: Mesh
Cllr refund 152.97
208 Weed control matting,: Green
Cllr refund 246.66
209 2 wheelbarrows : Wrights
Cllr refund 100.00
201 S106 Deed of Variation 180121
to 050221
Mills and Reeve 6,854.40
211-18 Salaries*, PAYE, NIC, pension
and allowances
Staff 2,465.20
Total £13,265.42

* salaries subject to change as salary slips not yet received.

b. Balances and Bank Reconciliation.

Unity Trust

From Accounts
Payments not cashed
Receipts not entered

Statement should be £39,881.04


From Accounts
Payments not cashed
Receipts not entered.

Statement should be £90,802.30

Cambridge Building Society

From Accounts
Payments not cashed

Receipts not entered 0.00
Statement should be £1500.00


Unity Trust Bank 39,880.64
Lloyds 90,802.30
CBS 1,500.00

Total all accounts £132,182.94

c. Review of the 2020/21 budget to date

d. Internal Auditor appointment. LGS Services who were appointed last year would charge £125.

e. Utility Aid electricity quotes attached for info.

f. CAPALC membership. The affiliation fee is £387.58 with the option to appoint a Data Protection Officer for
a further £50, further details are attached for info.

7. Progress report on recruiting residents to working parties and succession planning (10 mins)

8. Website, email and Facebook review reports (15 mins) Cllr Hopewell

9. Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read. (5mins)

a. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard Cllr McBride
b. Footpaths – Cllr Day
c. Ditches – Cllr Bird
d. Play ar
eas – Cllr Day and to include the inspection reports and consideration of new sand for the under
5’s play area.
e. Challis Green Pond –Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
f. Traffic Management (including traffic calming) and Speed watch Report – Cllr Kemp, Rhodes-Kemp and
g. Green Charity – Cllr Day
h. Early Years provision – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp

10. Highway Issues – reporting of any issues or updates (10mins)

11. Planning (25 mins)

a. i) Local UpdatesRedrow, Thakeham, East West Main Line, Foxton. Cllrs Bird, Hopewell, Kemp and

ii) Leaflet 2 options – drafts attached for consideration
one leaflet with Thakeham on one side and pressures facing Barrington on the other
2 two leaflets one Thakeham and a further one with pressures facing Barrington
500 double sided A5 leaflets costs approximately between £23-37 and a single sided £22-24 ex VAT

b. Greater Cambridge Housing Strategy Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire to look consulting on
more detailed policies around:
Build to Rent: Purpose built housing schemes providing homes entirely for rent (as opposed to those
brought forward by councils and housing associations as social or affordable rent homes);

Clustering and Distribution of Affordable Housing: How affordable housing should be grouped (clustered)
and spread out on new developments.
Affordable Rent Setting: How affordable rent levels for council and housing association homes should be set
to ensure that they are as affordable as possible to those who need them
The closing date for responses is 23rd March 2021.

Council to note.

Site address: Tree Is In The Front Boundary Between House No 7 And 9 Orwell Road Barrington
Public Access link:
No comments have been made.

c. Applications for Council to consider – Cllr Kemp

i) Reference: 21/00468/HFUL
Proposal: Replacement of existing workshop outbuilding with a new studio annex outbuilding
Site address: 69 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX
Public Access Link: (deadline for comments 18th March)

ii) Reference: 20/05214/FUL
Proposal: Revised boundary of new dwelling house (previously approved S/3779/17/FL)
Site address: 9 Back Lane Barrington CB22 7RF
Reference: 20/05214/FUL
Public Access link: