
March 2021 Parish Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on March 30, 2021

Barrington Parish Council

Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on March 16th 2021 by Zoom.

Present: – Councillors Rhodes-Kemp (Chairman), Bedford, Bird, Day, Hopewell, Kemp, McBride, and Walker.
In attendance: The Clerk, the RFO, SCDCllr Van de Weyer, CCCllr Kindersley and 3 members of the public.

1. Apologies welcomes and introductions. There were no apologies and the Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations there were no declarations of interest made.

3. Public Forum. No member of the public wished to speak.

4. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 16th February 2021. It was
proposed that the minutes were a true record of the meeting by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Bird and
agreed with one amendment to Item 7C where there is an extra full stop and letter A.
Council to note the Finance Committee meet on 2
nd March and a copy of the draft minutes are attached for

5. CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports.

SCDCllr Van de Weyer gave a verbal report highlighting:

Redrow – trees have been felled on site for drainage installation and that lorries were accessing the site
through Haslingfield as Foxton and Barrington Roads leading to the A10 are currently closed.
East West Mainline – are about to launch a consultation on route alignment.
The Government has announced the Oxford -Cambridge Arc Spatial Framework for how the area will be
There will be consultation for a new town near Cambridge.
SCDC have approved a 3.4% rise in Council Tax, for a band D property that is an increase of £5/yr.
The Mayor will not receive the potential £45m for affordable housing in Cambridge

Cllr Day asked where the foul drainage from the Redrow site was going and SCDCllr Van de Weyer responded
that he would find out.

Cllr Hopewell asked for clarity over the Barrington.cambs website as some associated emails are still used.
SCDCllr Van de Weyer responded that these can remain.

CCCllr Kindersley had sent a written report but added:

The trains to the CEMEX site will resume in May not March.

He has concerns regarding the delayed provision of the path from the Redrow site to Barrington Primary
School. This had been raised at the recent Barrington Liaison Meeting.

Foxton Park and Ride plans have been altered to install a parking area for 500 rather than 750 cars. It will still
have a big impact on the area.

Proposals for Station Fields a new village between Foxton, Barrington and Shepreth have been submitted in
the call for sites for the next Local Plan.

Elections for County Council, Combined Authority Mayor and the Police & Crime Commissioner will take
place in May and postal votes are available.

Census day is 21st March.

The CCC have agreed a council tax increase of1.99% for general expenditure and 1% for Adult Social care.

Cambridge Approaches and CamBedRailRoad met with the Rail Minister to press the case for an equal
assessment of the Northern Approach into Cambridge. This will be a major local issue for the next few

Cllr Day mentioned the hedge and tree removal along Back Lane. Cllr Hopewell asked whether the
archaeological surveys off the footpath from Glebe Road could be for East West Main Line. CCCllr responded
that they could be part of the site survey as it covers a wide area, or it could be something different.

The Clerk reported that after 7th May meetings will not be permitted to be held virtually unless current
legislation is amended, it was therefore agreed to:

Bring the May Parish Council meeting forward to May 4th this can be held over zoom.
Hold the Annual Parish Meeting on 27
th April over zoom.
Move the June meeting to 22
nd June and this at the moment will be required to be an in-person meeting.

Matters Arising

130321 Item 13 3. Local Plan information gathering survey. The Clerk submitted comments to the SCDC
survey on sites put forward for consideration for the next local plan.

Items for consideration

It was proposed by the Chair and agreed to take Item 11 a. i) Local Updates – Redrow, Thakeham, East
West Main Line, Foxton.

Cllr Kemp gave a Power Point presentation of the local threats to Barrington and the actions that can be
The slides will be shared with Cllrs and help form future steps and decisions.                                         Action Cllr Kemp

6. Finance
a. To approve the payments.
It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Day, seconded by Cllr
Walker, and agreed with all in favour.

Voucher Description Supplier Total
199 Electricity Charges Sothern Electric 312.64
200 Bank Charge Lloyds Bank 7.00
201 Playground Inspection Herts & Cambs Ground
202 Cut hedge alongside of play are
Herts & Cambs Ground
203 Clean out ditch from Pub along
to Village hall
Herts & Cambs Ground


204 Scrape area off using digger Herts & Cambs Ground
205 Internal audit 2019 20 LGS Services 150.00
206 80L Water carrier: Amazon Cllr refund 18.55
207 Protective wire and pegs: Mesh
Cllr refund 152.97
208 Weed control matting, Green
Cllr refund 246.66
209 2 wheelbarrows: Wrights
Cllr refund 100.00
201 S106 Deed of Variation 180121
to 050221
Mills and Reeve 6,854.40
211-18 Salaries*, PAYE, NIC, pension
and allowances
Staff 2,465.20
Total £13,265.42

* salaries subject to change as salary slips not yet received.

b. Balances and Bank Reconciliation.

Unity Trust Bank 39,880.64
Lloyds 90,802.30
CBS 1,500.00

Total all accounts £132,182.94

c. Review of the 2020/21 budget to date. The RFO went through the budget. There was some discussion
about the S137, and it was agreed in principle that up to £2000 could be pledged to Cambridge Approaches
in case of a judicial review is required. This is subject to review by the Clerk and RFO. It was agreed that the
Finance Committee would look at all S137 payments and agree amounts to support the village warden, the
village car scheme, and Cambridge Approaches. Additionally, it was agreed that the Finance Committee
could review any invoices received from Herts and Grounds Maintenance for the ditch and associated works
recently carried out.                                                                                                                       
Action the Clerk and RFO.

d. Internal Auditor appointment. The RFO and Clerk recommended we continued to use LGS Services. This
was supported by a proposal from Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Walker and agreed with all in favour.
                                                                                                                                                                        Action the Clerk.

e. Utility Aid electricity quotes attached for info. It was resolved to go ahead with the Utility Aid quotes.
                                                                                                                                                                       Action the Clerk

f. CAPALC membership. It was resolved to continue the PCs membership with CAPALC (£387.58) and include
the option to appoint a Data Protection Officer (£50).                                                                                       
Action RFO

7. Progress report on recruiting residents to working parties and succession planning. Several councillors
had talked to other residents about joining working parties.

8. Website, email, and Facebook review reports. Cllr Hopewell was thanked for her work. It was resolved
that the FB page be published as soon as possible, and that Cllr Hopewell make a recommendation with 2
costed proposals for the website, and present () a list of pros and cons for email options.
                                                                                                                                   Action Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk.

9. Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read.

a. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard Cllr McBride
b. Footpaths – Cllr Day
c. Ditches – Cllr Bird
d. Play ar
eas – Cllr Day and to include the inspection reports and consideration of new sand for the under
5’s play area. The sand was not considered and will be an item on the next agenda. Cllr Day informed
Council that Kompan will be coming to install the swings at the end of the week.
e. Challis Green Pond –Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
f. Traffic Management (including traffic calming) and Speed watch Report – Cllr Kemp, Rhodes-Kemp, and
Walker. It was agreed a Lenovo Tablet could be purchased to store data of traffic speeds recorded by the
electric speed panel.
g. Green Charity – Cllr Day
h. Early Years provision – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp

10. Highway Issues – there were no other issues to report.

11. Planning

a. i) Local Updates – Redrow, Thakeham, East West Main Line, Foxton. This item was taken earlier in the

ii) Leaflet 2 options – drafts attached for consideration. It was resolved that the Clerk should
circulate the two leaflets a final time and then organise the printing and delivery to the village.

b. Greater Cambridge Housing Strategy Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire to look consulting on
more detailed policies around Build to Rent, Clustering and Distribution of Affordable Housing
Affordable Rent Setting Due to the duration of the meeting this item was missed, and Councillors can
respond individually.

Council noted.

Proposal: 1) Ash stem- (on Conservation area boundary), Hawthorn and Ivy cluster in front of number 9 – Cut
to about the height of the lamp post (i.e. the height that the main stem of the ash has been cut to
previously) to maintain the visual barrier to the road.
Site address: Tree Is in The Front Boundary Between House No 7 And 9 Orwell Road.
No comments have been made.

c. Applications consideration

i) Reference: 21/00468/HFUL
Proposal: Replacement of existing workshop outbuilding with a new studio annex outbuilding
Site address: 69 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX
It was resolved to recommend approval.

ii) Reference: 20/05214/FUL
Proposal: Revised boundary of new dwelling house (previously approved S/3779/17/FL)
Site address: 9 Back Lane Barrington CB22 7RF

BPC continues to oppose the revised divisioning of this site until a clear plan is provided by the Conservation
Officer. The new boundary cannot be clearly seen on the documents attached to this application. The
Council is concerned about the “islanding” of the Listed Building within a very constrained setting and

dominated by the new build next door. The current boundary of the site has never been approved – and yet
works are continuing on the part of the site that was not part of the planning approval (3779/17/FL). Cllr
Kemp has put together a document explaining further all the above comments which will be sent to the
planning officer and the planning area team leader. It was noted that Barrington is now under area team 1.

The meeting closed at 11.15pm