Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on June 22nd, 2021.
Present Cllrs: Bedford, Bird, Hopewell, Kemp, McBride, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker, the Clerk, RFO and
two members of the public.
1. Apologies welcomes and introductions. The Chair welcomed everyone to the first face to face,
meeting in over a year. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Day and McBride both for
personal reasons.
2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations there were no declarations of interest made.
3. Public Forum The two members of the public came to discuss the ditch outside the school and the track beside it.
The ownership of both cannot be established although the County Council are responsible for the school side of the ditch.
The ditch has not been maintained; it is overgrown, and erosion has occurred resulting in instability and risk of side collapse.
The track leads past residential properties and allows access to the QEII woodland.
It was resolved to bring forward Item 13c.
Item 13.C consideration of the ditch next to the primary school. After considerable discussion it was agreed to seek some further advice on which areas of the ditch require remedial work and then seek 3 quotes from companies that have been identified as being able to carry out such repairs. Action the Clerk.
4. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 4th May 2021.It was proposed to accept the Minutes of a true record of the meeting by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Bird and agreed with all in favour.
5. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports.
A written report was received from CCCllr Kindersley it highlighted the current Covid information for the Cambridge area, Winter Support Grant: family fund a scheme which can be used for those in need of urgent food or fuel and the Oxford Cambridge Arc.
No report was received from SCDCllr Van der Weyer, and the Clerk had nothing further to report.
Matters Arising. 22/4/21 Item 9.The work on the website continues. Items Considered
6. Finance
a. To approve the payments listed. It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Hopewell, and agreed with all in favour.
It was noted that the website costs (v/n 47 and 48) and the replacement swings (v/n 50) were not included in this year’s budget.
Annual Inspection – Under 5’s Play
Area,Challis Green Play Area & MUGA
Playsafety Limited
Cut of sports field 30/4
Herts & Cambs Ground
Cut of Glebe Road areas, Cut of Sports Field,
and Cut of Main 6/5Green
Herts & Cambs Ground
Cut of sports field 7/5
Herts & Cambs Ground
Cut of Sports Field 21/5
Herts & Cambs Ground
Cut of verges 21/5
Herts & Cambs Ground
Cut of Glebe Road areas, Cut of Sports Field,
and Cut of Main 28/5Green
Herts & Cambs Ground
Playground inspection 28/5
Herts & Cambs Ground
Annual PC Insurance 01/06/2021-
Haslingfield Road, Barrington – s.106 Deed
of Variation 11 March 2021 to 11 May 2021
Mills and Reeve
Staff May Salaries, PAYE, NIC, Pension
Clerk and RFO
Electricity Charges
Sothern Electric
Support and Maintenance set up fee
NetWise UK
Support and Maintenance bpc.gov.uk 5 May
21 to 4 May 22
NetWise UK
Internal audit 2020 21
LGS Services
Attend site and fit 2x flat seat swings to
existing empty bay
Scribe Accounts Annual Software Licence.
Payroll services for the quarter ended June
Red Shoes Accounting Services
Staff June Salaries, PAYE, NIC, Pension
Lloyds Bank Charges April -May 2021
Lloyds Bank
Haslingfield Road, Barrington – s.106 Deed
of Variation 12 May 2021 to 08 June 2021
Mills and Reeve
Hosting Account with 15GB disk space and
100GB/month transfer allowance
Loho Ltd
1yr Postage for cheques and bank
Reimbursement RFO
Strim of whole village 1/6/21
Herts & Cambs Ground
b. Balances and Bank Reconciliation.
Unity Trust
From Accounts
Payments not cashed
Receipts not entered
Statement should be £62,605.01
From Accounts
Payments not cashed
Receipts not entered
Statement should be £81,929.00
Unity Trust
From Accounts
Payments not cashed
Receipts not entered
Statement should be £2.69
From Accounts
Payments not cashed
Receipts not entered
Statement should be £1500.00
c. Internal Audit Report– LGS requested that a slight change was made to the AGAR form. It has been amended accordingly and circulated. Everything else was in order. d. To approve amended costs for website. The initial setup fee was £599 we thought that included the yearly fee of £300 but that was added making an invoice total of £899. It was proposed to accept these costs by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp seconded by Cllr Walker and agreed. e. Cambridgeshire Search and Rescue – the clerk received an email asking if Barrington PC had a process for requesting a donation for a charitable organisation. It was resolved to ask them to complete a grant request form and the PC will consider requests later in the financial year. Action the Clerk.
7. Tree Inspection quotes for consideration. It was proposed by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Walker with all in favour that the Hallwood quote be accepted. Action the Clerk.
8. West Green Pond – It has been proposed to remove one bridge and replace the other with a slightly wider one made from recycled plastic lumber to allow disabled access. It was proposed by
Cllr Rhodes-Kemp, seconded by Cllr Hopewell, and agreed to thank residents for their work on this project and to proceed with these repairs. Action Cllr Bird and the Clerk.
9. S106 update A surveyor has been chosen for the village hall and pavilion; a meeting has been held with the sports groups reps. Next phase is to survey the buildings and then get designs. Meetings will also need to be held with stakeholders and residents.
10 Consideration of Public Open Space (POS) and whether the PC can take on the management of this land. After some discussion it was resolved unanimously that the PC should not take on the responsibility for the POS. It was also agreed to establish from SCDC whether there is any agreement to ensure this land stays as POS and therefore protected from future development.
Action the Clerk.
11. Verges and grass cutting update – the Clerk is seeking to clarify the ownership of verges within the village for future reference.
12. Retrospective approval of the gifting of land by QEII woodland. In 2012 a strip of land was gifted to Melrose House. As there is a dedication on the land Fields in Trust have requested that this decision be Minuted. A map identifying the land will be signed and the following sentence added ‘On 14th August 2012 it was agreed that the PC would transfer the land identified on the plan attached.’
Cllr Rhodes-Kemp proposed that the land transfer be retrospectively agreed, this was seconded by Cllr Hopewell and agreed by all.
13. Reports: The following reports have been circulated and the main points were:
a. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard – work continues in the orchard.
QE11 Woodland – stinging nettles and access to the gate have been cleared. It was resolved to ask Justin for a quote to paint or treat the benches and send a reminder about the quote for replacing
the woodland sign. Action the Clerk b. Footpaths – Back Lane needs clearing. Action the Clerk c. Ditches – as discussed earlier.
d. Play areas – Cllr Day sent a report. It was resolved to ask Justin to quote for medium risk works identified in the play areas and to update the sand quotes. Action Cllr Day and the Clerk.
i) Rospa Play Inspection Report – as discussed above.
e. Challis Green Pond – progress is being made in seeking the additional funding required and an application to the Pebble Fund at Cambridge Water will be submitted by the end of June.
f. Traffic Management (including traffic calming) and Speed watch Report – Speedwatch continues.
Tenders for the traffic calming will be received later this week, and the S106 money will be transferred to the PC.
g. Green Charity – there was no report.
h. Early Years provision – CCC officers have visited the village and will send a copy of the report produced.
14. Highway Issues – The Minerals and Waste team is advising Seearo to seek pre-app advice before applying to establish the site as a waste transfer station.
15. Planning
Council noted:
21/02068/HFUL to Re-build of dangerous chimney stack
Site address: 33 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX
Council recommended approval for this application as it did for the listed building consent application (21/01159/LBC). 21/02099/FUL – Revised boundary of new dwelling house (Resubmission of 20/05214/FUL)
Site address: Land Adjacent to 9 Back Lane Barrington.
All previous comments were resubmitted highlighting Council’s concerns. Council have been asked if they would like this to be reviewed by the Planning Committee. It was agreed that the Council would re-iterate its objection and request the matter not be decided by officers but referred to the SCDC Planning Committee with a summary of reasons.
Action Cllr Kemp and the Clerk. 21/0618/TTCA Proposal: T1 Silver Birch – Reduce height by 1.5 metres and shorten laterals back to previous pruning points to re-balance crown.
T2 Cherry – Reduce height by 1.5 metres and laterals by up to 1.0 metre
Reference: Site address:1 Mill Lane Barrington Cambridge
Council made no comments.
21/0575/TTCA Proposal: T1 – Sorbus – Fell due to location in driveway
T2+T3 – Hornbeam – Fell due to proximity to fence and neighbours house
T4 – Prunus – Reduce by 50% in height to allow future management
T5 – Hornbeam – Reduce to 15ft due to rubbing/crossing branches lower down possibly a legacy of bad pruning practices in the past.
G1 – Group of overhanging prunus – trim back to boundary
Site address: The Old Pool House 28 West Green Barrington
Council noted the model supplementary information provided by the applicant, made no formal comment on the proposed works but thanked residents for sending council the additional information.
For info only
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 4 (Construction Ecological Management Plan) of planning permission 20/03388/HFUL
Site address: 20 West Green Barrington CB22 7SA
Council to consider a) A request for a local housing needs survey – Havebury Housing Partnership have been provided with the opportunity of looking at a rural exception site within the village, situated north of Glebe Road, with a view to providing affordable housing to those with a local need. It was resolved to contact the SCDC officer for advice before deciding whether to organise a meeting to discuss further. Action the clerk. b) 21/02000/HFUL Proposal: Single storey rear infill extension.
Site address: 1 Rhee Meadows Barrington CB22 7GA.
It was resolved to support this application.
c) 21/02219/HFUL Proposal: Extension forward of balcony edges and enclosing walls to become flush with the gable barge boards and extension of ridge to remove Dutch hips of front gables Plus surface treatments
and alterations to windows and doors
Site address: 22 Shepreth Road Barrington CB22 7SB
The application has been withdrawn.
d) 21/02363/HFUL Proposal: Retrospective erection of garden room and shed to rear
Site address: 3 Rhee Meadows Barrington CB22 7GA
It was resolved to support this application.
e) 21/01474/S73 Proposal: Variation of condition 2 (reserved matters details) pursuant to planning application 20/02528/S73 (Variation of conditions 2 (Reserved matters), 5 (Construction Environment
Management Plan and a Construction Method Statement), 6 (Airborne Dust), 7 (Site waste management plan), 8 (Tree protection measures), 9 (Boundary Treatment), 10 (Siting and design of
the screened storage for refuse), 14 (Renewable energy statement), 15 (Contamination), 16 (Noise insulation scheme or noise mitigation Strategy), 19 (Surface water drainage scheme), 20 (Surface
water), 21 (Remediation Statement – Contamination), 22 (Scheme for disposal for surface water), 24 (Visibilty splays), 26 (Recording of Industrial Heritage), 27 (Foul water solution), 28 (Archaelogical works) and 29 (Fire hydrants) pursuant to planning permission S/0057/17/VC)
Site address: Barrington Cement Works Haslingfield Road Barrington
It was resolved to make no comment.
16. Village Matters. The PC have been asked to contribute towards the installation of a plaque to commemorate Dr Elsie Widdowson who designed the “one size, one recipe fits all” National Loaf, a highly nutritious loaf baked in Barrington during the war. It was proposed by Cllr Bedford, seconded by Cllr Bird, and agreed by all to contribute £50.
The PC were asked to consider supporting Thriplow farms £1,525 for residential access to an extra 3.05km (500/km) of footpaths through their farmland. It was resolved not to support this scheme.