
May 2022 Parish Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on September 26, 2022

Barrington Parish Council Barrington Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting and the May Meeting of the Parish Council meeting held on May 12th 2022


Present Cllrs Alderton, Anscombe, Buchanan, Cooper, Hopewell, Kemp, Quincey, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker, SCDCllr Van de Weyer and the Clerk.


  1. Election of the Chairman for 2022. Cllr Hopewell proposed Cllr Rhodes-Kemp be Chairman, this was seconded Cllr Walker and agreed with all in favour. The declaration of acceptance was signed.
  2. Election of the Vice-Chairman 2022-23 Cllr Rhodes-Kemp proposed Cllr Walker be Vice Chairman, seconded by Cllr Hopewell and agreed with all in favour
  3. Apologies. Apologies were received from CCCllr Kindersley.
  4. Welcome to the new council. All councillors introduced themselves and declarations of acceptance were signed.
  5. Declarations of Interest. No declarations of interest were made.
  6. Appointment of Independent Internal Auditor for the year 2022-23. It was resolved to appoint LGS Services and next year further quotes will be sought. Action the Clerk
  7. To consider membership of:
    a) Council Working Groups
    b) Parish Working Groups
    c) Councillors Responsibilities

This will be an item on the June agenda.                                                                                         Action All Cllrs

  1. Emergency Plan – Cllr Rhodes- Kemp offered to review and amend. Action Cllr Rhodes-Kemp  
  2. To review Terms of Reference for the following:
    a) Council Personnel Working Group – – no longer needs terms of ref as just a discussion group
    b) Planning Committee – forms part of the monthly Parish Council Meeting
    c) Council Finance Working Group – no longer needs terms of ref as just a discussion group
    d) QE II Woodland Group
    e) Reduce Speed Plan Sub Committee.

The terms of reference were reviewed and agreed for the above groups. There was also some discussion on the need for a co-ordinator for speed watch.

f) S106 Working Group Community Facilities Key Roles and Responsibilities this will need amending with the new council and will be brought back to the June Meeting. Action the Clerk


This was followed by the May Meeting of the Parish Council


  1. Public Forum
    There were no members of the public present.
  2. a) To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 22nd April 2022. It was proposed by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp to accept the Minutes as a true record pr the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Walker and agreed with all in favour.
  3. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports.

A verbal report was received from SCDCllr Aidan Van de Weyer. The main points of which were

South Cambs in one of the top districts for receiving visa applications for Ukrainian refuges.
A Liaison meeting was held recently with Redrow. The path to school should be completed by the start of the next academic year. Negotiations are ongoing concerning the cycle way to Foxton Station.
CEMEX have objected to the planning application from Redrow for more houses due to the proximity to the railway line.
The CEMEX liaison meeting is happening this evening.
A reminder that the Rugby Benevolent Fund is open for local applications.
Planning enforcement have been on site to look at the problems with access to the footpath from Orwell Road.

Matters Arising – there were none not already covered

  1. Finance
    a) To approve the payments listed below.
    It was proposed to approve the payments listed except for V/N 42 for Challis Pond work by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Hopewell, and agreed with all in favour. The invoice for work to the pond will be paid once Council has received the donation from the Rugby Benevolent Fund.


V/N Description Supplier Total
17 Materials for bridge Lawsons     271.30
18-25 Salaries, NIC, PAYE and Pensions Staff 2310.27
26 Electricity Charges Southern Electric 196.34
27 Platinum Jubilee Bookmark Insignia Ltd 356.40
28 Cut of sports field 7/4 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 144.00
29 Ranger duties for March 22 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 168.30
30 Strim whole village April 22 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 192.00
31 Cut of sports field 21/4 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 144.00
32 Playground inspection 29/4 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd 114.00
33 Acacia Tree Surgery Tree work quotation dated 11/3/2022 4,008.00
34 Banana print (reimbursement) Printing for the APM leaflets. 49.90
35 A & K Refurbishments Challis Green- equipment refurbishment 984.00
36 Microsoft  (reimbursement) Microsoft licence 79.99
37 Information commissioner ICO fee 40.00
38 Playsafety Limited Annual inspection- Rospa 243.60
39 Currys (Cllr reimbursement) Laptop and keyboard 576.99
40 EE Limited (reimbursement) calling Supplier Raja Supplies/UK Depot 14.35
41 Merlin Mica Hardware (Cllr reimbursement) reinforcing the notice boards
used to advertise the Open Day in March
42 Challis Pond work Fen Ditching Company Ltd 19,676.40
Total 29,588.48


b) To note the additional paint work to the rocking horse at the Challis Green Play Area by A&K Refurbishments (£295). Council noted this additional cost.

c) To review the 2022/23 current, spend against the budget. No figures were presented.

d) Balances and Bank Reconciliation.

Unity Trust Bank £84,970.91 There is £7,179+£250 for Challis Green Pond Donations in this balance
Lloyds £166,930.40 Traffic calming monies received £93,273.20 hence a larger balance
CBS £1,500.00
Unity Trust S106 -£31.10


e) S106 Agreements the following indemnity agreements were signed

i) Indemnity Community Fee Instalment 1.
ii) Indemnity Village Hall Contribution Instalment 2
iii) Indemnity Sports Pavilion Instalment 1
iv) Indemnity associate carpark, football pitch tennis court

14.To review and agree insurance renewal. The proposals for insurance were reviewed and it was proposed by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp and agreed to accept the 3 years fidelity at £1,000,00

15.To review the following policies
The social media and Electronic Communications including email accounts.

There was considerable discussion regarding emails and the best way forward. All new councillors email addresses and the plan is to move all councillors over to these addresses. Those who have left with personal accounts will be asked to delete them. Cllr Buchanan offered to put together a leaving document.                                                Action the Clerk, Cllr Buchanan and Cllr Hopewell.

The Public Accessibility, Complaints Procedure and Lone Worker Policy have all been amended and are attached for information. It was agreed no further changes were necessary.

  1. To review the Annual Parish Meeting. It was felt that this meeting went well and was informative.
  2. Jubilee Celebrations. The PC have been asked to organise and run a Tombola, a name the teddy competition and put together a Jubilee Hamper. Action all Cllrs

The plaque for the Jubilee Tree will be unveiled and the Jubilee Bridge will be opened on Sunday morning.

  1. S106 Update. This was covered earlier in the meeting.
    A further meeting will be held to ensure all Cllrs are up to date.

    Reports: Council noted that as we have new councillors and have held 2 meetings in the last 2 weeks, there will be no monthly reports this month
    20.Highway Issues – Cllr Hopewell reported that there are potholes on Daphmoir Close and that she will report them. Action Cllr Hopewell

Cllr Anscombe raised the concern that Anglian Water have recently closed the road for longer than was needed to complete the work and asked if it was possible to ask to use temporary lights rather than close the whole road. Council was not sure if this was possible.

The Clerk has finally received feedback on the locations for MVAS submitted earlier this year. Highways are still not happy with the documentation submitted and frustratingly the whole issue seems to go around in circles. It was suggested that the clerk of Barton be contacted.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Action the Clerk

  1. Planning

Council noted

For info only
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 3 (Render) and 4 (Joinery Details) of consent 21/02908/LBC
Site address: 33 High Street Barrington Cambridge

Proposal: Non material amendment of reserved matters application S/3485/18/RM (Application for approval of reserved matters for appearance landscaping layout and scale under planning permission S/0057/17/VC for development of 220 residential units) Amend the surface treatments
Site address: Barrington Cement Plant Haslingfield Road Barrington

Council Considered  

i) Reference: 22/01572/HFUL
Proposal: Single storey covered entrance way.
Site address: 1 Daphmoir Close Barrington Cambridgeshire
It was agreed with all in favour to support this application.

ii) 22/01611/HFUL
Proposal: Conversion of Conservatory to Aluminium Solid Roof Garden Room and Garage door openings into sliding doors.
Site address: 38 High Street Barrington Cambridgeshire
Reference: 22/01611/HFUL

It was agreed to support the application with the following comments.

The Parish Council was disappointed to note that the initial application failed to show the red line connection to the Highway with access being via “permitted accessway” across the Village Green.

This omission is reflected in the Design and Access Statement which fails to identify the main impact of the proposal upon the Conservation Area will be during the construction phase with the movement of materials across the Village Green.

A construction management plan will need to be submitted to the Green Charity for approval with a view to minimising any adverse impacts upon the Green.

The meeting closed at 10.20pm