November 2021 Parish Council Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Uploaded on December 13, 2021
Barrington Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held November 11th, 2021
Present – Cllrs Bedford, Bird, Day, Hopewell, McBride, Rhodes, Rhodes-Kemp, CCCllr Kindersley until 8.15pm, SCDCllr Van de Weyer from 8.30pm to 9pm and the Clerk.
- Apologies welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Walker and the Responsible Financial Officer both for personal reasons.
- Declarations of Interest and dispensations. Cllr Bedford declared an interest in Item 15 Planning i) 21/04424/HFUL as the applicant is a friend.
- Public Forum. There were no members of the public present.
- To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 14th October September 2021. It was proposed to accept the Minutes of the meeting of the 14th of October to be a true record of the meeting and the decisions made validated as Council held the meeting by Zoom having been locked out of the booked meeting room. This was proposed by Cllr Bird, seconded by Cllr Hopewell, and agreed with all in favour.
- To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports
CCCllr Kindersley sent a written report the main points of which were
Covid Update – we are in an area of the country seeing high cases.
Business Support Grants:
Sports facilities – these are being reviewed by CCC and SCDC to help inform assessment of need and future planning for provision.
Barrington Cemex Trains– from November 29th there will be two trains a day.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Consultation is now open until December 13th
An extra 11,000 homes are planned. The majority will be in and around Cambridge. Only 384 homes are allocated in rural sites – for example in Melbourn and Great Shelford. There are NO sites allocated in any of the other Parishes of the Gamlingay Division.
County Council Finances
Household Support Fund Cambridgeshire families in need of extra help during the pandemic will be able to benefit from the new Household Support Fund running until March 2022. If your circumstances have changed, please get in touch as you may now be eligible for this support.
The Queen’s Green Canopy
Watercourse reinstatement grants
Papworth to Cambourne work has started on a new equestrian, foot, and cycleway.
Call for 10,000 volunteers for UK breast cancer study an international trial, led in the UK by Addenbrooke’s, is testing a more personalised way to screen for breast cancer and detect it sooner. Visit the CUH website for more information
Campaign launched to recruit more school governors
Got Chickens – bird keepers are being urged to follow national measures after the confirmation of cases of Avian Influenza (bird flu)
Digital initiatives to make the planning process more accessible are being trialled.
Supporting Afghan refugee families.
Land use framework in Cambridge
Parish Councils are urged to consider declaring a climate emergency
There was some discussion on the Foxton Travel Hub, and it was noted that the parking spaces had been reduced to 200. The Council still wish to oppose the plan.
SCDCllr Aidan Van de Weyer gave a verbal report the main points of which were:
Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP)- local plan consultation and city access plan
Combined Authority – local transport plan
S106 – SCDC involvement
Foxton Travel Hub – The Council asked Cllr Van de Weyer to ensure colleagues who sit on the GCP are aware that Barrington Parish Council (BPC) opposes the plan and although is not considered a stakeholder the hub will detrimentally affect the village.
The Clerk had nothing further to report.
Matters Arising
From the October 2021 Item 14. Recruitment
i) RFO – the previous job description is being reviewed.
ii) S106 – the Clerk has spoken to some other parishes on whether they employed project managers.
Items for consideration
- Finance
a) To approve the payments listed below. It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Hopewell, seconded by Cllr Rhodes -Kemp, and agreed with all in favour.
137 |
Bank Charges Lloyds Sept and Oct 21 |
Lloyds Bank |
14.85 |
138 |
Electricity Charges |
Southern Electric |
191.06 |
139-44 |
Salaries PAYE NI Pension |
Staff |
2,148.70 |
145 |
Playground inspection 7/10/21 |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance services |
114.00 |
146 |
Cut of sports field 21/10/21 |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance services |
144.00 |
147 |
Ranger Duties Sep 21 : Cut back school footpath |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance services |
79.20 |
148 |
Ranger Duties Sep 21 : clear woodland,litter |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance services |
59.40 |
149 |
Ranger Duties Sep 21 : litter picking and strim pond |
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance services |
128.70 |
150 |
Renewal of for a period of 2 years to 2023-11-11 |
Loho Ltd |
72.00 |
Total |
2,148.70 |
b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation. The balances were presented
Total in reconciled accounts
Unity Trust 80,502.16
Lloyds 165,227.20
CBS 1,500.00
Total £247,229.36
c) Review of budget 2021/22 to date.
d) Funding requests: It was proposed by Cllr McBride, seconded by Cllr Hopewell, and agreed to donate the following as long as the RFO agrees these can be made from the S137 budget line.
Cambridge Search and Rescue (CamSar) £250
Royston and District Community Transport £250
Rowan Humberstone the only dedicated arts centre for people with learning disability in Cambridgeshire £125
To support the school choir trip to the O2 £100. Action The Clerk.
e) To consider the quote of £780 for work on footpaths and playareas. The Clerk has asked for a further break down on this.
f) To consider the draft budget for 2022/23 further details are attached for info. It was decided that Cllrs will consider further and send any queries to the RFO and Cllr Walker before further discussion and finalisation in the December meeting. It was also requested that a budget line be added for the orchard as this may be required in due course. Further clarity is also required for the woodland budget line. Action All Cllrs and Clerk.
g) To consider closing the currently unused Unity Trust bank account. It was decided this bank account should remain open as it has been so difficult to open new accounts. Action The Clerk.
7. To consider a quote for the erection of the village information notice board. The Clerk has only been successful in getting one quote although several organisations were approached. This was for £180 from Gregs Handyman Services. It was resolved to go ahead with this quote. Action The Clerk.
8. Consideration of damaged bench. This needs to be replaced. The best option is Phoenix Bench from Glasdon for £482.37. It was resolved to investigate whether this can be claimed on the Council’s insurance. Action The Clerk.
9. Consideration of ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’. It was proposed by Cllr Bedford, seconded by Cllr McBride and agreed to plant a wild cherry on the area of The Green between 81 High Street and 1, West Green. The cost of a plaque will need to be investigated. Action Cllr McBride and the Clerk.
10. Consideration of A frame replacement. The final quote was received this afternoon so the item will be brought back to the next meeting. Action The Clerk.
11. Report on mapping. After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Bird, and agreed that the Council sign up to Parish Online for the next year. Action The Clerk.
12. S106 Updates
a. Traffic Calming. Although the complete report has not yet been received in general terms there is a problem with speeding traffic (60% of vehicles) particularly along West Green and Haslingfield Road near the school. There is a major problem that 5% of the traffic is travelling over 40mph.
b. Village Facilities. It is hoped that a meeting with the surveyor and the tender team can be organised soon. We are waiting for a response from the Village Hall Trustee (VHT).
c. other updates. The Deed of Variation has still not been signed and as BPC are not a party to it there is nothing that can be done except to request the date of when it will be finalised.
13. Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read.
a.QE11 woodland and Community Orchard – bark is being put around the picnic benches and on the path. Some tree trunks will be used to make benches in the Community Orchard.
b. Footpaths – the fallen tree on the path to little rivers was cleared and Council thanks both the volunteers and Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance for their quick response.
c. Ditches– nothing further to report
d. Play areas – there are some outstanding maintenance issues which have been reported.
e. Challis Green Pond – funding is doing well.
f. Traffic Management – as covered in Item 12.
g. Green Charity – a meeting is being held later in the month.
h. Website – good to receive enquiries through the website. It continues to be updated by both Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk. Please send any updates to both. Put phone number on notice board.
14. Highway Issues – Cllr Hopewell reported thanks that the kerb stones entering the Village Car Park had been painted white.
15. Planning
Council noted
21/02907/HFUL and 21/02908/LBC
Proposal: Two-storey side and rear extension and detached car port
Site address: 33 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX
As this is only a change to the red outline on the map the Clerk has already responded as instructed that there would be no further comments to make from the Parish Council.
For info only
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 5 (a) Water supply, drainage and heating pipe layouts and (f) Hard and soft landscaping of listed building consent 20/03389/LBC
Site address: 20 West Green Barrington CB22 7SA
Council considered
i) 21/04424/HFUL
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension – resubmission of 21/03190/HFUL
Site address: 12 Foxton Road Barrington CB22 7RN
Councillor Bedford did not participate in this discussion.
It was resolved to recommend objection to this application due to the detrimental affect it would have on the neighbours due to the proposed size and proximity of the extension.
Cllr Bedford re-joined the discussion
ii) 21/04594/HFUL
Proposal: Loft conversion
Site address: 19 Foxton Road Barrington CB22 7RN
It was resolved support and to recommend approval for this application.
iii) 21/04524/S73
Proposal: S73 Variation of conditions 1 (Approved plans), 2 (Reserved matter details), 6 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 7 (Boundary treatments), 8 (Refuse storage), 10 (Housing mix), 12 (Energy Statement), 13 (Contamination), 14 (Noise assessment), 17 (Drainage strategy), 19 (Access) and 23 (Fire hydrants) pursuant to planning application 21/01474/S73 (Variation of condition 2 (reserved matters details) pursuant to planning application 20/02528/S73 (Variation of conditions 2 (Reserved matters), 5 (Construction Environment Management Plan and a Construction Method Statement), 6 (Airborne Dust), 7 (Site waste management plan), 8 (Tree protection measures), 9 (Boundary Treatment), 10 (Siting and design of the screened storage for refuse), 14 (Renewable energy statement), 15 (Contamination), 16 (Noise insulation scheme or noise mitigation Strategy), 19 (Surface water drainage scheme), 20 (Surface water), 21 (Remediation Statement – Contamination), 22 (Scheme for disposal for surface water), 24 (Visibilty splays), 26 (Recording of Industrial Heritage), 27 (Foul water solution), 28 (Archaeological works) and 29 (Fire hydrants) pursuant to planning permission S/0057/17/VC))
Site address: Former Barrington Cement Works Haslingfield Road Barrington
It was resolved to respond that the Council feels this application is a little premature as the 2 applications to increase the number of houses on the site have not yet been determined.
iv) GCP Local Plan – a working group consisting of Cllrs and residents is meeting to consider a response. Additionally, a formal response will be sent to the GCP regarding the proposed Foxton Travel Hub explaining the Council’s reasons for opposing the scheme. Action Cllr Kemp.
The meeting was closed at 10.25pm.