
November 2022 Parish Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on December 12, 2022

Barrington Parish Council Barrington Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on – November 10th, 2022

Present: Cllrs Alderton, Anscombe, Cooper, Hopewell, Kemp, Priddle, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker and CCClr Kindersley, SCDCllr Van de Weyer, the Clerk and one member of the public.


  1. Apologies, welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Buchanan and Quincey both for personal reasons.
  2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations. Cllr Anscombe declared an interest in Planning Item iv)22/04334/FUL for 14 Orwell Road as a neighbouring property to his own.
  3. Public Forum – there was nothing to address.

    To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 13th October the draft Minutes were attached. Cllr Anscombe proposed that these are a true record of the meeting this was seconded by Cllr Walker and agreed by all.

    5. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (South Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports

    CCCllr Kindersley sent a written report which has been circulated. The main points were:
    Warm Hubs and Cost of Living.
    Electric blankets are relatively cheap to run as are slow cookers. Turning the heating down by quite a small amount can make a real difference to costs as can only heating the rooms you are using. There is a lot more information available on our website.
    Making Connections Consultation. The Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) has launched the Making Connections 2022 consultation until 23 December 2022. The survey, plus information about the proposals, including maps, frequently asked questions, dates of public meetings etc can be found here:
    Business Support Newsletter. SC publishes a business focused newsletter every month. You can sign up to receive it automatically.
    Effects of the hot summer on Highways. There is considerable subsidence at the sides of the roads, and the return of many bumps and dips. There has also been a major increase in subsidence in housing, and that the same issue has caused huge problems for the water companies as the movement of the ground has led to many more leaks and broken water mains. The CC simply doesn’t have the money to fix this type of damage at the scale at which it is happening.  It may be that we may need to introduce far lower speeds on some of our roads. Some roads have already been marked up for repair.
    Highway Notices – A new footbridge is planned at Boot Lane, Barrington before year-end. The Local Highway Improvement Scheme is now open.
    Advance Warning! The Addenbrooke’s Link Road between the Biomedical Campus and Trumpington has always been designated as being for access to the Campus only and has ANPR cameras on it to detect through traffic. We understand that the police may be once more about to start fining people who use it to drive straight through the Campus, so we’d advise against doing that.
    Everyday Needs Grants. The Everyday Needs Grants Programme from the Royal British Legion is designed to assist people who need help in a quick and easy way with essentials. The Legion is dedicated to supporting not only serving and ex-serving personnel but the whole of the Armed Forces community, including families, dependants, and carers. More at or call 0808 802 8080

Cultivate Cambs Grants –the next deadline for applications will be 16 December.
Household Support Fund. CCC is planning to agree eligibility criteria for the third round of the Household Support Fund (October 2022 to March 2023.
Community Chest Grants. SC has amended the terms of Community Chest Grant criteria so that Parish and Town Councils of any size can bid for Community Chest grants that provide a benefit to those affected by the cost-of-living crisis.
EV Charging Grants. SC has also agreed to create an electric vehicle charge point grant scheme for parish councils and operators of community buildings to support installation of publicly accessible electric vehicle chargers.
Fostering Unaccompanied Children. The CC is desperate to find more Foster Carers for unaccompanied children who are seeking asylum. or call 0800 052 0078.
Recent unusual rainfall and flooding The October 20 rain saw household flooding concerns in various parts of South Cambs. It would be helpful to know where these incidents took place, you can report directly here:
Community Rail Partnership AGM Nov 29, 12PM. All welcome – please contact if you’d like to find out more.

Further comments were made on the Fire Authority as there will be a shortfall in the budget due to inflation.
There are plans for7/8 special schools in Cambridgeshire
The CEMEX liaison meeting was held last week and there is due to be an increase in train numbers.
A meeting was held to discuss safety outside the school and although a toucan crossing seems the obvious option the £125K cost is prohibitive.
The vandals that have accessed Redrow and CEMEX land should now be dealt with by the police.
Councillors and the PC were encouraged to respond to the Making Connections Consultation.

A verbal report was given by SCDCllr Van de Weyer. The main point was that half the rented properties at All Saints Garden (Redrow) will have local letting policies applied to them so those with a local link to Barrington will have priority on renting them.  The first properties will be available in 2023. There are a total of 88 houses 70% of which are rental and 30% in shared ownership.

A report from the Clerk had been circulated.

Matters Arising

The amended tree quote has been received from Charlie Vince with the same total £2850 but after inspecting the work in the woodland the Clerk noticed one tree had not had any work carried out and it was included in the tree inspection and that would ask for it to be added to this quote and would circulate that in due course.


Items considered.

  1. Dumpling Footpath Cllr Rhodes-Kemp and SCDCllr Van der Weyer. There is an unauthorised caravan blocking the footpath. This is a planning regulation breach. The enforcement officer has been out and a notice to quit has been served, the police and other are agencies are involved with the ongoing situation.
  2. Finance Cllr Walker
    a) To approve the payment of accounts listed below and to approve any further invoices presented to Council that are not in the schedule (if any):
    It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Hopewell, and agreed with all in favour.


V/N Inv Description Supplier Amount
173   Electricity Charges Southern Electric 201.58
174-181   staff costs – Pay, PAYE, NI, home allowance, pension staff 1801.37
182   Bank Charges Lloyds Oct Lloyds Bank 7
183 1941 Cut of sports field 30/9 Herts & Cambs 144
184 1951 Cut of sports field 7/10 Herts & Cambs 144
185 1957 Install bins on Challis Green Herts & Cambs 132
186 1980 Playground Inspection 28/10 Herts & Cambs 114
187 1986 Cut of sports field 21/10 Herts & Cambs 144
188   Volunteer maintenance group- West Green Pond Mr M Goding 86.28
189   2022 permitted way licence The Green Charity Barrington 450
Total       3224.23


  1. b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation.
Unity Trust Bank 287,290.62
Lloyds 166,881.40
CBS 1,500.00
Unity Trust Bank S106 0.00
Total £455,672.02


c) Review of budget 2022/23 to date the budget was reviewed there are some overspends and some underspends. There is also a request from the Village Hall Trustee which will be considered before next years budget is finalised to assist with the increased energy bills for the hall.
d) Streetlight upgrade update and recommendation of Finance Working Group
after some discussion it was agreed to pay75% this year and 25% next.
e) Consideration of donation for the poppy wreath suggested amount £20.
It was proposed by Cllr Rhodes- Kemp to donate £20, seconded by Cllr Hopewell and agreed.
f) Consideration of the preliminary 2023/24 budget and precept request. This item will be considered at the December meeting.
g) To formally agree to the safety work on the slide mound (£1460).
It was proposed by Cllr Anscombe to carry out this work, seconded by Cllr Walker and agreed with all in favour.

8. Planning Cllr Kemp

For info only
i) 22/04316/CL2PD
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness under s192 – Proposal includes the removal of conservatory, replacement of windows, new roof-lights, addition of two dormers to north side roof, and remodelling of the existing south side dormers.
Site address: 22 Shepreth Road Barrington Cambridgeshire.
Although for information only it was decided to enquire why there were no plan on the portal and no argument as to why this application falls under a certificate of lawfulness.

Council considered

i) 22/1199/TTCA
Works to Trees in a Conservation Area.
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: T1 Sycamore Crown thin 15% – 20% – and deadwood throughout.
T2 Hazel – Reduce to 1.5 metres
Site address: 2 Shepreth Road Barrington Cambridgeshire
It was resolved to support this application.

ii) 22/04398/FUL
Proposal: Erection of a detached storey-and-a-half residential dwelling and double garage following demolition of existing single storey dwelling and garage
Site address: 15 Shepreth Road Barrington Cambridgeshire
It was resolved to object to this application. It is felt to be an over development of the site, inappropriate in that location and that it does not fit in with the street scene.

iii) 22/04269/LBC
Proposal: Alterations and Refurbishment
Site address: 14 High Street Barrington Cambridgeshire
It was agreed that that the council is generally supportive of this application subject to comment from the conservation officer. There is however, some concern over the change of thatching material from straw to long reed for a cottage which is in the middle of the conservation area.  Other cottages in the vicinity are thatched with straw. Additionally, there is no traffic management plan, and this work will have an impact on a busy area of the High Street (opposite the village shop), The Green and conservation area. Council would like to see a traffic management plan.

Cllr Anscombe left the meeting.

Site address: Land Lying To The North West Of 14 Orwell Road Barrington Cambridgeshire
It was resolved to object to this planning application. It is felt that building such a property would have a detrimental impact on the smaller listed property of Walnut Cottage next door, this property needs to be protected. The proposal is too bulky for the plot and unsympathetic to the neighbouring cottage and that the balance has swung to modern buildings in this area of the village.

Cllr Anscombe returned to the meeting.

v)22/03905/FUL and 22/03906/LBC
Amendment – extension has been removed from the application

Proposal: Internal and external refurbishment to existing public house/restaurant including converting an outbuilding into a bar, store and toilet facility and also instating an outdoor seating area to the rear of the property
Site address: 31 West Green Barrington Cambridgeshire
It was agreed to support this application and amendment

  1. All Saints Garden Redrow Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
    a) Occupancy numbers stand at 32 and there are no more planned sales until February/March 2023.

    10. S106 – updates all. The tenders for the architect have been delayed as Council were advised to upload the request on to the Contracts Finder Website.

    It has been established that the land on the other side of Archer Bridge belongs to the County Council and is managed by the Woodland Trust. Shepreth Parish Council are keen to assist with this project.

    In relation to the possible extra houses there is any argument for S106 monies for the play areas and river paths. It was proposed that a meeting with the SC S106 officer is arrange

    11.Overhanging trees – 3 High Street and 2 West Green Cllr Priddle. It was agreed that no immediate work is required on these trees and that they will be reviewed with the summer tree survey and their growth monitored. Action the Clerk.

    12. Insurance Cllr Rhodes-Kemp. The policy needs to be checked to ensure the events of the Green Charity have adequate cover. This is an item on the Green Charity meeting agenda and after this Zurich can be approached if necessary.          Action Cllrs Priddle and Rhodes-Kemp.

    13. Communication Guidance – circulated with a view to review Cllr Rhodes- Kemp.
    This document was last reviewed in February 2022 and work was carried out to ensure it complemented the Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy. It was agreed to review again with the policies next year.Action the Clerk.


  1. Reports: were taken as reas
    a.QE11 woodland and Community Orchard – the Clerk has requested that nettles are strimmed.
    b. Footpaths – there was nothing to report
    c. Ditches – a report was circulated and it was agreed to carry out the ditch work (£590)
    d.  Play areas –there was nothing to report
    e. Challis Green Pond – there was nothing to report
    f. Traffic Management – the amended report and costed proposal for the traffic management plan should be with Council by the end of the week.
    g. Green Charity – a brief report was circulated.

    15. Highway Issues–
    reporting of any issues or updates. There was nothing to report.

The meeting was closed at 10pm.