Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th October
There was a problem when we arrived at Barrington Hall, and it was not possible to access the room the Clerk had booked. It was therefore agreed by all present to return to homes and the Clerk to set up a zoom meeting so the meeting could continue. No members of the public had contacted the Clerk (for track and trace purposes), so we were not expecting anyone to attend and the SCDCllr was informed, the CCCllr having already sent apologies.
Present Cllrs Bird, Day, Hopewell, Kemp, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker, SCDCllr Van der Weyer and the Clerk.
- Apologies welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted Cllrs Bedford, McBride, and CCllr Kindersley all for personal reasons.
- Declarations of Interest and dispensations. There were no declarations of interest made.
- Public Forum. There were no members of the public present.
- To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 9th September 2021. It was proposed to accept the Minutes of a true record of the meeting by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Bird and agreed with all in favour.
- To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports.
The Clerk sent a written report the main points of which were:
CAPALC organised an event on free online mapping Cllr Hopewell attended as the Clerk was unable to.
Posters have been put up for the Foxton Recycling Scheme
We have been successful in two applications for monies for the Challis Pond Refurbishment (the Pebble Fund £1,990 and Natural Cambridgeshire £500 towards planting or dipping platform).
The first occupancy at All saints Garden (Redrow) could be as early as late November.
PCSO advice was to report all vandalism and anti-social behaviour. There is a team working on issues such as noisy motorbikes, dangerous riding etc and he will pass out concerns on to them.
Barrington does no longer have a Speed watch or Neighbourhood watch co-ordinator.
The CCCllr sent a written report the main points of which were:
Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan
About the Barrington Conservation Area Appraisal
Parking Civil Enforcement
SCDC’s High Streets team passes milestone of 1,000 visits and enquiries
Visit South Cambs – Business Website and Listings
Afghan Families – 8 families have been housed.
Electric Bin Lorries – 2 more electric bin lorries have been purchased by SC
Covid – Well over 100 school children a day are testing positive our hospital are at over 95% capacity. Hospital and staff are exhausted as one might expect.
Christmas South Cambs will be running a Christmas Market in Cambourne High Street.
Black History Month. South Cambs will be running a programme of events for Black History Month.
Gully Cleansing our new administration implement a 24-month rolling programme to clear all gullies across the County.
A review of This Land, Cambridgeshire County Council’s arm’s length property development company will be complete by November.
County Council Biodiversity
County Council’s New Shire Hall, Alconbury
Local Climate Leaders to celebrate those individuals, businesses or community groups who have found meaningful ways to take positive environmental action.
There was no SCDCllr report.
Matters Arising
Item 6 e) from September 2021. The danger damaged bridge sign has been fitted to the gate as you enter the walk to Little Rivers.
Items for consideration
- Finance
- a) To approve the payments listed below. It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Day, and agreed with all in favour.
&118 |
Staff salaries, pension, NI, PAYE
Staff | 2,007.35 |
116 | Electricity Charges | Southern Electric | 148.16 |
117 | Bank Charges Unity Trust | Unity Trust Bank | 18.00 |
119 | Bank Charges Unity Trust S106 | Unity Trust Bank | 18.70 |
120 | Ranger duties for August | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 79.20 |
121 | Ranger duties for August | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 79.20 |
122 | Ranger duties for August | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 79.20 |
123 | Ranger duties for August | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 79.20 |
124 | Remove condemned A frame from Challis Green play area (cut up on site and removed) | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 456.00 |
125 | Dig round & cut out metal posts sticking out of the ground and recover with soil | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 144.00 |
126 | Cut of Sports Field 16/9 | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 144.00 |
127 | Strim of Sports Field 16/9 | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 48.00 |
128 | Supply new drain covers, fixing screws, fit covers and screw each one to the drains | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 192.00 |
129 | Cut of verges 4/10 | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 228.00 |
130 | Survey of BPC land, identify hazard trees and provide details of any necessary remedial work. | Hallwood Associates
504.00 |
131 | Limited assurance review of Annual Governance & Accountability Return for year 31 March 21 | PKF Littlejohn | 360.00 |
132 | To payroll services for the quarter ended September 2021 | Red Shoes Accounting Services
59.40 |
133 | Emptying of bins April 20 to 31 March 21 | SCDC | 187.20 |
134 | Damaged Bridge Sign | Reimbursement to Clerk
11.35 |
135 | PK3 A4 jotta pukka pads | Office Depot | 7.01 |
136 | Building Report for future development Barrington Community Centre and Sports Pavilion | Whitworth Co-Partnership LLP
1,738.20 |
Total | 6,588.17 |
- b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation.
Total in reconciled accounts
Unity Trust 85,386.88
Lloyds 166,980.25
CBS 1500.00
Total £253,867.13
- c) Review of budget 2021/22 to date. The following lines are currently underspent: trees, ditches but work is planned on these over the winter including the ditch to Melrose House. The grass is still growing so there maybe another cut before the winter lull, and if approval is given for the posts for Speed watch that might be an additional cost.
- Preschool Provision update. Cllr Rhodes-Kemp gave an update on a meeting held with CCC officers. It was explained that the PC cannot raise the additional £500K suggested to build the facility. It has been suggested that the PC build and manage the nursery/pre-school as Cottenham has.
There are some options such as using the village hall, or a log cabin prefabricated type build.
At this meeting we learned that the first occupations will be before Christmas 2021 and there is not the 3-4 years of time that was suggested.
It appears that the CCC have relinquished the land and money for the carpark. This money was apparently just for the clearance of the land. This needs to be checked with SC and Redrow.
It is felt that this is not a PC responsibility. If the architect is asked to include plans for a nursery or preschool the PC will be funding the initial designs.
The meeting note will be circulated. Action Cllr Rhodes-Kemp and Clerk.
- Tree Survey Report to consider seeking quotes for the work – the annual report has been completed and details circulated. It was agreed that the Clerk seek three quotes for the work. Action The Clerk.
9 Consideration of Queens Platinum Jubilee (weekend of 2nd – 5th June 2022). To help celebrate this event the PC have been asked to consider lighting the beacon at 9.15pm on Thursday 2nd June. It was resolved seek a quote from Herts and Cambs Maintenance to clear the area around the beacon.
Plant a Tree for the Jubilee it was resolved to plant a tree for the Queens Green Canopy. Action the Clerk.
10. S106 Updates
- Traffic Calming. Currently there are monitoring points across roads in the village measuring movements and speed. Once complete we will get a report and some ideas of how to address any issues identified.
- Village Facilities. Whitworth were appointed to carry out a survey. The first copy included an option that was not asked for, so a second draft was submitted for consideration. The tender team discussed the report and the question of whether the village hall and sports pavilion can be refurbished or need rebuilding was answered. All agreed this brief had been met other than the Village Hall Reps. They had produced a list of questions and it was agreed that these could be submitted with the agreement of the Village Hall Trustee. The next step will then be to arrange a meeting with Whitworth and the working group then work on a brief for an architect.
A meeting with the Village Hall Trustee has been suggested to explain the situation.
The report has stated that the Village Hall can be refurbished but the Sports Pavilion needs to be rebuilt.
- Other updates. At the recent liaison meeting CCCllr Kindersley pushed for the Deed of Variation to be signed by the 8th of October. This has not happened and both SCDC and Redrow claim the delay is with the other party.
It also appears that the SCDC S106 officer has no idea of the changes being made in the Deed.
There has been communication with the S106 officer on the additional S106 monies if the planning applications for additional houses are approved.
- Public Consultation. This needs to be postponed maybe until February 2022. Action the Clerk.
- Vandalism. Clerk including damaged memorial bench near the cricket nets on West Green. The bench may need to be replaced as the Clerk cannot find anywhere to order a replacement concrete end. She also suggested we try and check whether there are any relatives of Maurice, Beryl and Roger Challis still in the village so we can update them on the situation. Action Cllr Day.
- Gathering on the Green. The Parish Council would like to record thanks all those involved in organising such a positive and well attended event.
- Recruitment
- i) RFO. Work has begun on reviewing the RFO job description. The Council are hoping to appoint a new RFO in January 2022. Action the Clerk.
- ii) S106. It was agreed that the Council would start the process of recruiting a project manager for the village facilities projects. The current thought is to use a consultancy. Action Cllr Rhodes-Kemp and the Clerk.
- Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read.
- QE11 woodland and Community Orchard. Volunteer sessions are taking place in both sites this month. A visit to the Orchard from younger pupils at the school is being planned for November.
b. Footpaths. A report has been circulated and Cllr Day has asked for a quote for some work which is required with general cutting back and tidying.
c. Ditches. The annual ditch review was carried out this week, Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance are preparing a quote which we should receive in time for the budget discussions. One suggestion that was made was for the ranger to trim back the growth along the ditch behind the MUGA regularly through the summer which will prevent a build-up of work in the autumn. Warning signs have been put up on the damaged bridge at West Green and Council thanked the residents for their help with this.
d. Play areas. The A frame has been removed and Kompan, Playdale and Proludic asked for ideas and quotes for a suitable replacement.
e. Challis Green Pond. Council noted the funding applications granted.
f. Traffic Management. This was covered under Traffic Calming (Item10a).
g. Green Charity. Councillors were reminded to review the updated conservation area.
h. Website. The site continues to be updated by both Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk. Please send any updates to both. - Highway Issues. The Clerk has reported the chevron sign that has been broken along from the equestrian centre on Foxton Road.
- Planning
For info only
21/01474/CONDA: Submission of details required by condition 9 (Secure Cycle Parking), 11 (External Lighting), 13 (Land Contamination), 22 (Post-Excavation Assessment) and 23 (Fire Hydrants) of planning permission 21/01474/S73
council noted that this application has submitted the incorrect plan that they do not currently have planning permission for.
To consider
If Council has no objection, it does not need to respond. Details have been circulated and were attached for information. It was resolved to reply and state Council supports this application.
- ii) 21/04087/FUL
114 dwellings (re-plan of northern parcel of development site for an increase of 38 dwellings above approved scheme ref: S/3485/18/RM).
It was resolved to recommend refusal for the following reasons:
- There are concerns over the surface water management which will put additional pressure on the village ditch system. It was noted that the Environment Agency has stated that the number of extreme weather events are likely to increase.
- There are already pressures on the sewage system and Council is not convinced that the current Anglia Water system will be able to cope.
- Impact on local infrastructure – the additional houses will affect the highways with more vehicle movements and the PC are currently waiting for a traffic survey report.
- Over development and encroachment of green areas around the site- the whole site is becoming more suburban with the loss of a village feel with all affordable housing pushed to the edges.
- There are implications that will need to be discussed regarding the S106.
iii) 21/04088/FUL
35 dwellings (re-plan of south-eastern parcel of development site for an increase of 2 dwellings above approved scheme ref: S/3485/18/RM).
It was resolved with all in favour to recommend approval.
- iv) 21/03826/HFUL Erection of a shed and a greenhouse in the rear garden following demolition of an existing shed and greenhouse.
Site address: 4 Rhee Meadows Barrington CB22 7GA
It was resolved to recommend approval.v) Update on working group meeting to local development threats. A response was drafted agreed and submitted. The document raised many points and is available on the website. It was also agreed this should be sent to Anthony Browne. Action The Clerk.
Meeting was closed at 10.30pm