Barrington Parish Council
To members of the Council:
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council of Barrington Parish Council to
be held in the Pool Room, Barrington Hall on Thursday 9th September 2021 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.
The Public and Press are invited to attend.
Due to covid restrictions and social distancing requirements please book your place with the Clerk if you intend to attend the meeting.
Please be advised that attendees are expected to:
a. Bring a face covering with them, and to wear it whilst entering the venue.
b. To maintain a 2m social distancing space.
c. Attendees will be required to give a name and contact telephone number to the clerk to her
to contact all those present should a case of Covid be reported to it.
d. Anyone experiencing Covid or cold symptoms are asked to refrain from attendance.
e. Anyone who experiences Covid or cold symptoms within 10 days of attending the meeting is asked to report this to the Clerk who will contact all attendees and will also advise the NHS Track and Trace programme. Tel 01223 845328 03/09/21
Agenda for Full Parish Council Meeting – September 9th 2021
1. Apologies welcomes and introductions. (2mins)
2. Declarations of Interest and dispensations (2mins)
3. Public Forum
To allow any member of the public to address the Council. This session is to last no more than 15 minutes.
4. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 20th July 2021. A draft copy of the Minutes is attached. (5mins)
5. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports (15 mins)
Matters Arising – (2 mins)
Item 6. e) Repair of glass in the phone box with clear laminated glass will take place on 10th
Items for consideration
6. Finance (20 mins)
a) To approve the payments listed below.
81 Ranger duties – cut back school, paths Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 49.50
82 Ranger duties – Strim Challis Green pond Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 39.60
83 Ranger duties – Cut back woodland Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 89.10
84 Ranger duties – Cut back boot lane Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 89.10
85 Ranger duties – litter and cutting school paths Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 108.90
86 Cut of sports field 9/7 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 172.80
87 Cut of sports field and strimming 16/7 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 216.00
88 Playground inspection 16/7 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 114.00
89 Cut of Glebe Road areas, Cut of Sports Field, strim villlage and Cut of Main Green 22/7 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 672.00
90 Cut back surface and overhang of back lane path and paths down to river besides and behind shop Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 336.00
91 Cut of verges 30/7 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 228.00
92 Cut of sports field Aug 21 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 228.00
93 Playground inspection 6/8 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 114.00
94 Cut of Glebe Road areas, Cut of Sports Field, and Cut of Main 20/8 GreenHerts & Cambs Ground
Maintenance Services 468.00
95 Cut of sports field 13/8 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 144.00
96 West Green pond work Repayment 126.60
97 West Green pond bridge repair Repayment 69.91
98-103 Staff pay, PAYE, pension and NIC Staff 2148.64
104 Electricity Charges Southern Electric 148.16
105 Electricity Charges Southern Electric 157.35
106 Bank Charges Lloyds July Lloyds Bank 7.85
107 Bank Charges Lloyds Aug Lloyds Bank 7.85
108 Repairs to the roadways VAT claimed for Green Charity Green charity 2,652.92
109 Charging cable for Clerk laptop Reimbursement 19.99
Total £8408.27
b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation.
Unity Trust
From Accounts 52,480.97
Payments not cashed 619.72
Receipts not entered 0.00
Statement should be £53,100.69
From Accounts 166,980.25
Payments not cashed 0.00
Receipts not entered 0.00
Statement should be £166,980.25
Unity Trust S106
From Accounts 15.58
Payments not cashed 0.00
Receipts not entered 0.00
Statement should be £15.58
To note this account is not being used but there are charges for it.
From Accounts 1,500.00
Payments not cashed 0.00
Receipts not entered 0.00
Statement should be £1500.00
Total in reconciled accounts
Unity Trust 53,085.11 (£53,100.69 less Debit balance £15.58)
Lloyds 166,980.25 (includes traffic tender monies)
CBS 1500.00
Total £221,565.36
c) Review of budget 2021/22 to date.
d) to consider supporting the Youth Club with paying for the hire of the village hall £15 a session.
e) to consider the installation of permanent bridge warning signs. Further details have been attached
for information. The cost is £98.75 per sign with installation the total will be £155 per sign.
7. To consider the adoption of the new Code of conduct (10mins)(copy attached for information). There is additional guidance can be found here Guidance on Local Government Association Model Councillor Code of Conduct | Local Government Association
8. Preschool Provision update (5mins) – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
9. Positions for VAS speed sign update (5mins) – the Clerk
10. Update on local vandalism (5 mins) – storage sheds, woodland picnic tables and pavilion
11. To consider the request for fire lighting in woodland from Guides and Scouts- the clerk (5mins)
12.The Gathering on the Green (5 mins) – Cllr McBride
13. Update on Promap (5 mins) If council decided to use Promap we would get the higher access for the first 12 months of our agreement at the lower price so £20/month per user. This would give us to all the mapping and the viewable layers. This could also be run quarterly from an access point of view.
14. To consider trying to recruit more volunteers for the Community Gritting Scheme (5mins) run by SCDC further details were sent to Councillors by email.
15. Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read. (10 mins)
a. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard Cllr McBride
b. Footpaths – Cllr Day
c. Ditches including an update on the ditch beside the school – Cllr Bird
d. Play areas – Cllr Day
e. Challis Green Pond – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
Council to note a funding application has been made to Natural Cambridge – Community Grants for
Nature Recovery
f. Traffic Management – Cllr Rhodes- Kemp
g. Green Charity – Cllr Day
h. Website – Cllr Hopewell
16. Highway Issues – reporting of any issues or updates (5 mins)
17. Planning (30 mins)
Council to note:
No comments were made on the following 2 applications as they were made during the summer
break and extensions were not possible.
21/03190/HFULProposal: Single storey rear extension.
Site address: 12 Foxton Road Barrington CB22 7RN
Proposal: Single Storey lean-to extension.
Site address: 5 Boot Lane Barrington CB22 7RA
Permission Granted:
Description: Retrospective erection of garden room and shed to rear
Address: 3 Rhee Meadows Barrington CB22 7GA
Description: Single storey rear infill extension.
Address: 1 Rhee Meadows Barrington CB22 7GA
For info only
Proposal: Submission of details required by conditions 3 (Materials) and 4 (Contractors
Arrangements) of planning permission S/2304/18/FL
Site address: 9 Back Lane Barrington CB22 7RF
Public Access link:
20/03389/CONDB and 20/03388/HFUL
Proposal: Submission of details required by conditions 3 (External materials), 4 (Windows) and 5
(Details) of listed building consent 20/03389/LBC
Site address: 20 West Green Barrington CB22 7SA
Public Access link:
Public Access link:
Proposal: Installation of fixed-line broadband apparatus (1 x 9m and 1 x 10m wooden poles (7.2m
and 8.2m above ground))
Site address: Site Office, Redlow Homes Chapel Hill Barrington
Proposal: Non-material amendment on 21/01474/S73 for a Garden Pod to plot 142
Site address: Barrington Cement Plant Haslingfield Road Barrington
Public Access link:
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness under S192 for the siting of a caravan in the garden, for the use of
an elderly family member incidental to the main dwelling
Site address: 2 Slid Lane Barrington CB22 7RD
To consider
i) 21/03779/S19LB and 21/03673/S73
Proposal: S73 to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of ref: S/2303/18/LB (removal of existing C20 side
extension to the south side and erection of new (replacement) extension to the south side. Removal
of 3no. C20 outbuildings and erection of new (replacement) single garage). The amended drawings
for consideration are as follows: 21/1154/PL-02 revB, 21/1154/PL0-3 and 21/1154/PL-04.
Site address: 9 Back Lane Barrington CB22 7RF
Public Access Link:
ii) 21/03885/FUL
Proposal: Demolition of an existing dwelling/house and outbuildings and the erection of 2 No.
dwelling/houses together with a single garage associated with each dwelling
Site address: 7 West Green Barrington CB22 7RZ
iii) 21/03895/HFUL
Proposal: Single storey rear extension, alterations and new front porch, Children’s tree house,
erection of new fence adjacent to highway and the addition of trellis toppers to existing fence (Resubmission of 21/02616/HFUL)
Site address: 40 Shepreth Road Barrington CB22 7SB
Public Access Link:
iv) Digital consultation launched to shape the future of the OxCam Arc – The Government has
launched a 12-week consultation on the future vision for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc; the Spatial
Digital consultation launched to shape the future of the OxCam Arc – GOV.UK ( the website. and
Creating a vision for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc – GOV.UK (
v) Local Plan Greater Cambridge Local Plan ( and
18. S106 update – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp (15 mins)
a) Traffic Management Tender update
b) Village Facilities Tender Update