
May 2021 Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and May Full Council Meeting

Meeting Minutes Uploaded on August 30, 2021

Barrington Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and May Full
Council Meeting held on May 4
th 2021 by Zoom.

Present Cllrs Bedford (joined late), Bird, Day (joined late) Hopewell, Kemp, McBride, Rhodes-Kemp,
Walker, and the Clerk.

1. Election of the Chairman for 2021-22. Cllr Rhodes- Kemp was proposed by Cllr Bird, seconded by
Cllr Walker, and re-elected unanimously. Cllr Rhodes-Kemp thanked members for their support. The
Acceptance of Office form will be emailed for signature.

2. Election of the Vice-Chairman 2021-22. Cllr Walker was proposed by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr
McBride elected unanimously. Cllr Walker thanked members for their support. The Acceptance of
Office form will be emailed for signature.

3. Apologies were received and accepted from the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO), Cllrs Bedford
and Day had informed the Clerk that maybe late due to personal reasons. CCllr Kindersley joined the
meeting briefly but apologised that he had other meetings this evening.

4. Declarations of Interest. Cllrs Kemp and Rhodes-Kemp declared an interest in Item 18. a) 2
planning application 21/01159/LBC as it is their chimney. They did not participate in any discussion
and were muted.

5. Appointment of Independent Internal Auditor. It was resolved unanimously to work with LGS

6. The membership of:

a) Committees

Finance Committee will consist of Cllrs Bedford, Bird, Rhodes-Kemp, and Walker. Proposed by Cllr
Kemp, seconded by Cllr Day and agreed.

Personnel Committee will consist of Cllrs Day, Rhodes-Kemp and Walker proposed by Cllr Bird,
seconded by Cllr Kemp, and agreed.

Planning Committee will consist of all Cllrs proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr McBride, and

b) Working Groups

S106 Steering Group – will consist of all Cllrs proposed by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Bird, and

Water Management – (including ponds and ditches) – Cllrs Bird, Day, McBride, Rhodes-Kemp the
Clerk and 4 residents.

Cemex – Cllrs Bedford, Bird and CCCllr Kindersley.

Public Open Space and Recreation – all Cllrs.

Traffic Management – Cllrs Kemp, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker and two residents.
Speedwatch – Cllrs Kemp, Walker and 7 residents

Website – Cllrs Bird, Hopewell, Kemp, McBride and the Clerk

Footpaths – Cllrs McBride and Day

Woodland and Orchard – Cllrs McBride, Rhodes-Kemp, and residents

Local Development Threats: Foxton Hub, Thakeham, Local Plan Submissions, EWR – Cllrs Bird,
Hopewell, Kemp, Rhodes-Kemp and residents.

c) Councillors Responsibilities as above plus

Car Scheme – Cllr Bird

7. Policies. All policies except Social Media and Electronic Communications have recently been
reviewed. This will be reviewed as the website is changing and further checked to ensure the policy
and the communications guidance support one another.                             
Action Cllrs Hopewell, Kemp and the Clerk.

8. Emergency Plan – it was resolved that Cllr Rhodes- Kemp would amend this and the plan will be a
future agenda item.                                                                                                 
Action Cllr Rhodes-Kemp and the Clerk.

9. To Review terms of Reference (ToR) for the following:

a) Personnel Committee
b) Planning Committee
c) Finance Committee
d) Open Space Sub Committee
e) QE II Woodland Group
f) Reduce Speed Plan Sub Committee
g) S106 Working Group Community Facilities Key Roles and Responsibilities

It was agreed to adopt the Personnel, Planning and Finance Committee ToRs and the remaining ones
will need to be reviewed once the organogram is updated.                                                                               
Action the Clerk

This was followed by the May Meeting of the Parish Council

10. Public Forumthere were no members of the public present.

11. a) To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 22nd April 2021.
It was proposed to accept the Minutes of a true record of the meeting by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr
Walker and agreed with all in favour.

12. To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk
There were no reports presented for the meeting although CCCllr Kindersley will circulate a

Matters Arisingthere were no matters arising to report.

13. Finance
a) To approve the payments below.
It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Walker,
seconded by Cllr Kemp, and agreed with all in favour.

V/N Description Supplier Total
19 Electricity Charges Sothern Electric 344.57
20 Removal of fallen tree leaning over
woodland onto another tree
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 264.00
21 Clear fallen branch from school footpath Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 168.00
22 Cut of Sports field April 21 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 144.00
23 Ranger duties : tidying woodland Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 59.40
24 Ranger duties : clear school path of debris Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 59.40
25 Ranger duties : clear ditch @woodland rear
of school
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 79.20
26 Playground inspection April 21 Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 114.00
27 Tighten bolt on swing Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 24.00
28 Repair timbers & replace on multiplay
Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services 216.00
29 Stationery for PC , printing agendas for audit
Office Depot 29.84
30 Orchard weed suppressant matting Reimbursement to a cllr 92.82
31 APM Agenda and Reports 16pp A4 x 500 Victoire Press Ltd 258.00
Total 1,853.23

b) To consider allowing the payment of salaries/staff costs to be paid at the end of May when
payroll is run and payments to Herts and Cambs to be presented at the June (22
nd) meeting.
It was
agreed to continue these payments.

14. To agree insurance renewal. It was proposed by Cllr Walker and agreed to renew the insurance
for a year, to review the provider next year (April 2022) and check the VAS sign is covered.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Action RFO.

15. To review the Annual Parish Meeting. There has been positive feedback. Council would like to
thank Cllr Rhodes-Kemp for chairing the PC and to all residents who attended the meeting. The PC
will work together to try and work similar meetings in the future.

16. Reports: Council noted that as there have been 2 meetings in the last 2 weeks, the usual
monthly reports will not be received.

17. Highway Issues

a) Reporting of any issues or updates
Cllr Kemp reported that Seearo will be putting in a planning application for change of use and he has
also highlighted the implications for Barrington to the County Council.

There are safety concerns of the surface of the road along High Street and the pavement of Orwell
Road. These have been reported but the County Council are low on funds.

b) Review of Tender for Highways Consultant.
The final draft is ready to be sent out to tender. A list of organisations is being compiled and Cllr Walker has suggested sending the request to the County Council Highways Department.

                                                                                                                                   Action Cllrs Rhodes-Kemp, Walker and the Clerk.
18. Planning

a) Planning considered.

1. 21/01049/HFUL
Proposal: Construction of a garden store
Site address: 2 Haslingfield Road Barrington Cambridge
It was recommended to oppose this application as it is in the conservation area, will have a
detrimental effect and the building materials proposed are inappropriate.

Cllrs Kemp and Rhodes-Kemp left the meeting.

2. 21/01159/LBC
Site address: 33 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX
It was proposed by Cllr Walker Seconded by Cllr Day to recommend approval for this application.

3. 21/01234/FUL
Proposal: Two storey rear extension and new flat roof to replace existing flat roof.
Site address: 4 Old Mill Close Barrington CB22 7SD
Reference: 21/01234/FUL
It resolved to recommend approval for this application.

4. 21/01147/LBC
Proposal: Demolition of former stable and play barn, and erection of a new dwelling
Site address: Barns Adjacent To 20 West Green Barrington
It was proposed to raise objections that the conservation area has not fully been considered, there
are problems with the access way highlighted on the map and there is no clear management plan or
contact with The Green Charity.
The access and associated problems will be addressed by The Green Charity.

5. 21/01146/FUL
Proposal: Demolition of former stable and play barn, and erection of a new dwelling
Site address: Barns Adjacent To 20 West Green Barrington
This was discussed in the above item.

The meeting was closed at 10.40pm