December 2021 Parish Council Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Uploaded on April 11, 2022
Barrington Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held December 9th, 2021
Present – Cllrs Bedford, Bird, Day, Hopewell (from 7.40pm), McBride (from 7.55pm), Rhodes, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker, the Clerk and one member of the public.
1.Apologies, welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted from CCCllr Kindersley and SCDCllr Van de Weyer both for personal reasons.
The Chair Cllr Rhodes-Kemp explained that the Parish Council had opted to meet by zoom as it was in danger of not being quorate and therefore having to cancel the meeting. She also highlighted that this meeting would be for discussion purposes and decisions would be ratified at the next meeting in January.
- Declarations of Interest and dispensations
- Public Forum – no one wished to speak.
- To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 11th November 2021. It was proposed by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Day and agreed to accept the Minutes of the meeting of the 11th November to be a true record of the meeting. They will be signed in due course.
- To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports
A written report was received from CCCllr Kindersley. The main points were:
Household Support Fund – Cambridgeshire’s Household Support Fund, has been created to help people experiencing immediate financial hardship. The scheme will run until 31 March 2022.
New Golden Number – SCDC has introduced a single Golden Number to be used to contact the council. The number is: 01954 713000.
COP26 – It is within the powers of local government (parish, district, and county) to reduce our carbon emissions by 30% so it is vital that we have the powers and the money to be able to do this.
Primary Health Care – We know it can be frustrating not being able to see a GP face to face. Primary health care will not return to the way it was pre Covid. GPs surgeries are dealing with a 25% increase in their workload. This is a consequence of Covid and the build-up of untreated cases. It seems a long time ago that we were clapping all of our NHS and we must not forget that they have saved thousands of lives and worked in the most terrible circumstances without a break. They are exhausted and we must continue to be kind to them. There are far too many stories about GPs, nurses and reception staff being abused and threatened. That’s not right.
COVID – As we write our numbers are still rising and we are now designated as an Enhanced Response area by Government. We are 27% above the national average.
Finance & Audit – Recent comment on the South Cambs Audit process has been muddled. South Cambs finances are in good health, and it is one of just 5 councils in the country not facing a budget shortfall which is tremendous.
Chucking old Tech? The County Council is partnering with @cambsyouthpanel and @cambridge2030 to refurbish and donate essential technology to families in need. Visit to find out how you can help. Plus, it’s good for the planet!
Innovate & Cultivate Fund – The County Council’s next deadline for Innovate & Cultivate Fund applications is 1st February 2022.
Free Trees Scheme has been a great success.
Waste – SC won a grant to run a trial scheme aimed at reducing waste by helping to take back packaging thereby reducing what goes into landfill. We have a further grant to set up centres for recycling electrical goods
Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority – There is a newly created Climate Working Group. This group will be responsible for creating an action plan out of the recommendations of the Climate Commission.
Visit South Cambridgeshire – The new Visit South Cambs website is now up and running.
Business Support- SC Cambs is unusual for a district council in that it is heavily involved in supporting local businesses through the regular newsletter and a programme of webinars and events.
New County Chief Executive – CCC has appointed Stephen Moir as its new chief executive.
Treasure! A total of nearly 200 objects have been found near Royston, dating mainly from the mid-late Bronze Age. The hoards were buried in an ancient ditch line. This is one of the most important treasure finds from Cambridgeshire in recent years.
There was no report from SCDCllr Van der Weyer.
The Clerk circulated a written report which included a note on the Barrington Liaison meeting and that :
The glass at the bus shelter on West Green has been smashed, Herts and Cambs will make safe and then replacements will be investigated.
The light above the defibrillator has been vandalised a vandal proof external bulkhead fitting would be best for the replacement unit and would cost around £60.
Due to the recent winds we are waiting for the last tree work quote.
The meeting with Whitworths who surveyed the Village Hall and Sports Pavilion should be confirmed for the 20th December.
Matters Arising
From November 2021 Item 8. Consideration of damaged bench. This needs to be replaced. The best option is Phoenix Bench from Glasdon for £482.37. No response has been received from the Parish Councils insurers. The Clerk has had an initial response from insurers but has asked for more information.
Items for consideration
- Finance
a) To approve the payments listed below. It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Kemp, seconded by Cllr Bird, and agreed with all in favour.
151 |
Electricity Charges |
Southern Electric |
196.34 |
152-160 |
Salaries, pension, PAYE, NI |
Staff |
2213.26 |
161 |
Bank Charges Lloyds Nov 21 |
Lloyds Bank |
7.00 |
162 |
Remove fallen tree and one leaning tree on BT cables |
384.00 |
163 |
Cut of sports field 15 Nov |
144.00 |
164 |
Playground Inspection Nov 21 |
114.00 |
165 |
supply and installation of glass- phone box |
1st Glass Services |
300.00 |
166 |
ZOOM Nov 20, 2021-Nov 19, 2022 |
Clerk |
143.88 |
167 |
Annual Support Cost Year 5 :Defib |
Community Heartbeat |
151.20 |
168 |
Cambridge Search and Rescue (CamSar) £250 |
Cambridge Search and Rescue |
250.00 |
169 |
Royston and District Community Transport £250 |
Royston District Community Transport |
250.00 |
170 |
Rowan Humberstone Arts Centre for people with learning disability in Cambridgeshire £125 |
Rowan Humberstone |
125.00 |
171 |
To support the school choir trip to the O2 £100. |
Barrington Primary School |
100.00 |
Total |
4,378.68 |
b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation.
Total in reconciled accounts
Unity Trust 78,074.37
Lloyds 165,227.20
CBS 1,500.00
Unity Trust s106 5.72
Total £247,800.29
c) Review of budget 2021/22 to date. It was noted that 43% of the budget for the year has been spent but there is still the ditch and tree work to be carried out. Additionally, 2 very old streetlight electricity bills have appeared. One has been paid previously and the Council would like to thank the RFO for his work confirming that.
d) To consider the quote of £740 for work on footpaths and play areas. It was resolved to ask Herts and Cambs to go ahead with these repairs but to seek an itemised invoice.
e) To consider the draft budget for 2022/23. It was proposed by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp, to agree the budget seconded by Cllr Hopewell and agreed by all. The Clerk will discuss the grass cutting with Herts and Cambs maintenance and get a breakdown of frequency of cuts in different areas. Action the Clerk.
7. Consideration of declaring a Climate Emergency. A copy of a briefing paper and ideas for an action plan are attached for info. It was resolved to consult with the community on this next year, but it was agreed to approach this in a positive manner with ideas of what we can all do.
8. Consideration of the plaque for ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’. Cllr McBride has found two suitable A5 size plaques. It was proposed by Cllr Bedford, seconded by Cllr Hopewell, and agreed to order a plaque from The Workshop Aberfeldy.
It was also agreed that £70-80 is the budget for the Wild Cherry Tree. Action the Clerk.
9. Consideration of A frame replacement. It was resolved to ask Proludic if they do the equipment in metal and to carry out some consultation through the website and Facebook page to ask children in the village what they would like. Action the Clerk and Cllr Hopewell.
10. Consideration of Supporting the Repair Café. The PC support the work of the Repair Café. It was proposed by Cllr Rhodes-Kemp, seconded by Cllr Kemp, and agreed to donate £100 which can be used towards the cost of insurance, but it was felt this should be organised by the group themselves. Action the Clerk
11. S106 Updates
a. Traffic Calming – 2020 Consultancy have gathered information and produced a report with some proposals for the village. An initial meeting has been held and the report is currently being finalised. It can then be presented to residents for discussion. Once options have been decided the consultant will work with us and the County Council.
b.Village Facilities. An initial survey has been carried out to answer the question of whether the village hall and sports pavilion can be refurbished or whether a rebuild is required (or a combination of both). A report has been received but the VHT had several questions. These have been put to Whitworths who carried out the survey and a meeting is planned with them and the Tender Team to discuss these on the 20th December. The report can then be finalised and sent out to the wider working group and Village Hall Trustee and a meeting organised to finalise next steps to enable to a tender document to be drafted and sent to interested architects.
c.Other updates Redrow are still waiting for the planning response on the applications for additional housing.
The PC has requested monthly updates and the first occupancy is expected in January.
The PC has requested that the bus shelters that are due to be installed are more in keeping with those already in the village which have a more rural look than those currently proposed.
The foul drainage will be connected during February half term and then the path to the site constructed.
The Deed of Variation has still not been signed because of problems to do with bonds. The S106 Officer at SCDC has raised an issue which means it may need to go back to committee.
A brief discussion was held on whether the Village Guide should be updated and reprinted. Cllr Hopewell will get an idea of costs and the item be brough back to the Council for consideration. Action Cllr Hopewell.
12. Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read
a QE11 woodland and Community Orchard. Cllr McBride nothing to report.
b. Footpaths – it was agreed that up to £750 could be allocated to footpath work. It was agreed to request bark chippings are put on Back Lane.
c. Ditches– There is a meeting tomorrow to look at the ditch beside the school.
d. Play areas – a report was circulated.
e. Challis Green Pond – a report was circulated.
f. Traffic Management – nothing further to report.
g. Green Charity – there is a further application for 7 Back Lane.
h. Website – good to receive enquiries through the website. It continues to be updated by both Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk. Please send any updates to both.
13. Highway Issues – reporting of any issues or updates to include bus shelters to be provided under the S106 agreement. It has been requested that more rural bus shelter designs are considered.
14. Planning
Council noted permission has been granted for
Description: Two-storey side and rear extension and detached car port
Address: 33 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX
For info only
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 5(e) (Insulation) of listed building consent 20/03389/LBC
Site address: 20 West Green Barrington CB22 7SA
Reference: 20/03389/CONDC
Public Access link:
a) CCC/21/253/VAR Barrington Quarry, Haslingfield Road, Barrington
Proposal: Importation by rail of suitable restoration material over a period of 5yrs to partially infill an existing quarry void to provide for the restoration of the western and north-western areas of Barrington Quarry to a combination of agriculture and nature conservation after-uses and all associated works including railway refurbishment and the retention and continued use of existing weighbridge, office and workshop Informative: Section 73 planning application to develop land without complying with condition 2 of planning permission CCC/20/089/VAR to allow restoration of land bordering North Pit to continue for a further 2 years until 31 December 2023.
The Council have no problem with the application but there are some errors within the supporting documents there may be a discrepancy in the drawing 18_C043_BARR_001_A dated October 2018 which was included in the application.
This is a small-scale Location Plan with a legend denoting the relevant components of the Application Site amongst which, marked in blue, is “Other Applicant Controlled Land”.
The extent of the area enclosed within this blue perimeter seems to overlap with Plan 2 of Schedule 1 of the signed S106 Deed dated 27th October 2016 associated with an application for outline planning permission from South Cambridgeshire District Council, reference S/2365/14/OL, for a housing development on some of the land controlled by the applicant.
In addition to this anomaly, the far southern boundary of the blue area appears to run along the footpath bordering the pavilion on Barrington Green and extends to the wooded area. This area includes private property belonging to an adjacent Barrington resident.
BPC therefore requests that CCC investigates and clarifies these matters with the applicant, and with SCDC and Redrow in connection with S/0057/17/VC prior to determining this application. As an interested party, BPC is keen to establish who actually owns and controls this land.
b) Greater Cambridge Partnership Consultation – having your say on Greener Travel in Cambridge. Cllrs can submit their own
The Parish Council’s response to the Local Plan will be submitted.
Cllr Hopewell presented the following questions to the GCP Executive Committee this afternoon.
- Is the GCP confident that the Safety Case for the proposed “Foxton Hub” is robust and that the risk of fatality or serious injury – especially amongst the vulnerable when crossing the A10 is acceptable?
- Is the GCP confident that the Business Case for the proposed “Foxton Hub” passes the appropriate tests? Has any allowance made for substantial s106 payments to Foxton, and to Barrington to support traffic calming through the village?
- Is the GCP convinced that the proposed “Foxton Hub” passes the Sustainable Development test? Is this a truly environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable multi-modal “travel hub”, or is it just another station car park?
- Is the GCP aware that this proposal does not address, but will most likely worsen, the already significant traffic hold-ups at the Foxton Level Crossing?
- Is the GCP confident that the current proposed location for the Travel Hub and the timing of its implementation, is consistent with the CPCA’s Local Transport Plan (2020) which recognises the rail crossing as a “Pinch Point”?
- What data has been used to properly consider the traffic impact on local villages? Our independent consultants found excessive speeds through Barrington from traffic avoiding the Foxton crossing.
- Why has the Choice of Site not been reconsidered, given so many objections on the grounds of safety, environmental impact, sustainability, and the lack of a convincing business case – for this “wrong side” southern location? Can the GCP please defer this proposal and consider a more holistic approach to the complex problems arising from the A10 / Foxton Level Crossing?
This proposal for the Foxton Travel Hub was passed and it will go forward for as a planning application.
The meeting was closed at 10.15pm