Barrington Parish Council
Minutes of the Discussion Meeting held on February 10th, 2022.
Present Cllrs Bedford, Bird, Day, Hopewell, Kemp, McBride, Rhodes-Kemp, Walker, CCllr Kindersley, SCDCllr Van der Weyer and the Clerk.
- Apologies welcomes and introductions. There were no apologies, and everyone was welcomed to the meeting.
- Declarations of Interest and dispensations. No declarations of interest were made.
- Public Forum
The Clerk received a phone call about the football goal and dog fouling on the grass area at the end of Malthouse Way. It was agreed the Clerk will ask for the goal to be removed and the cost of a sign sought. - To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports CCCllr Kindersley
A written report was received from CCCllr Kindersley and circulated the main points of which were:
Thakeham – Local PC representatives have been invited to attend a virtual meeting with the Head of Greater Cambridge Shared Planning, in early February, for an update on the Local Plan and OxCam Arc in relation to Thakeham’s ‘Southwest Cambridge’ affected villages.
Virtual decision-making for local councils – The Local Government Association is lobbying government to reinstate provision for meeting virtually where councils feel the need to, but so far Central Government isn’t changing its position.
Household Support Fund Reminder! This fund aims to help those struggling to pay for food, energy or other essential items this winter. Details of how to access the scheme are available here:
Health and social care reforms – major reorganization is happening now
10 mph zones – Plan to introduce 20mph speed limits to improve transport safety will be discussed at an upcoming meeting with Members of the Highways and Transport Committee.
Barrington All Saint’s Gardens Thanks to officers at South Cambs and to Redrow who between them have given the go ahead for up to 10 occupations at All Saint’s Gardens despite the various legal processes being not quite complete.
Cambridgeshire County Council Budget the Joint Administration is to consider a 4.99% rise to close the authority’s £16m budget gap this year.
Fire Authority Budget. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Fire Authority is asking residents to have their say on proposals to increase the fire service’s share of council tax for 2022/23. The Service is looking for a below inflation increase of £1.44 (around 2%) for the year, making the total contribution for the year £74.97 for a resident living in Band D property.
Mobile Library –update
Civil Parking Enforcement. SCDC has written to the CC to ask them to apply to the Department of Transport asking them to approve Civil Parking Enforcement for all South Cambs. Green Bins – collections have restarted.
May Elections – SCDC will be holding elections on 5th May. If you would like a postal vote, a proxy vote, or indeed if you are not on the Electoral Register – all the forms are there.
Water Resources East –has just published its very significant report and has opened a consultation on it
Biodiversity SCDC has now approved its Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document.
More grants for Business. Covid continues to damage many businesses especially those in the hospitality sector.
More Grants for Communities. SCDC Community Chest Grants have increased their maximum award from £1500 to £2000 and have been extended temporarily to allow pcs and community groups to bid for money to help them run events to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee.
Local Plan The First Proposals consultation for the joint South Cambs, Cambridge City Local Plan 2020-2041 concluded in December 2021.Addressing climate change was the top priority, so climate change, net zero and doubling biodiversity was put at the heart of the emerging plan.
East West Rail – the first of 17 regional meeting was held on the 9th of Feb. The meeting on 28th Feb is for the area including Barrington. There is some concern this is just a tick box exercise.
SCDCllr Van der Weyer gave a verbal report and further to the points made above the following were highlighted:
SCDC Budget – SCDC is proposing to raise the precept by £5 on a Band D house.
Planning Committee- The deed of variation has been signed and the requirement for flexibility in the S106 allocations for community facilities made clear.
Combined Authority – are working to improve the areas chalk streams
Water Contamination – there have been recent reports suggesting water from the Duxford bore hole was contaminated. This is being investigated but it has been stated that no houses received contaminated water.
This was followed by some discussion on rumours that Michael Gove is working with planning in Uttlesford.
Matters Arising.
From June 2021 Item 12. Retrospective approval of the gifting of land by QEII woodland. New documents have been signed as the ones received in June were incorrect. This was formally noted by councillors.
Items for consideration
- Finance Cllr Walker
a) To approve the payments listed below. It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Bird, and agreed with all in favour.
192 | Bank Charges Lloyds Dec 21 | Lloyds Bank | 7.00 |
193 | Electricity Charges | Southern Electric | 211.57 |
194-199 | Clerk Net Pay Jan 22 | Staff- salary, pension, PAYE, NI | 1698.35 |
200 | Bank Charges Lloyds Jan 22 | Lloyds Bank | 7.00 |
201 | Repairs to rocking horse on Challis Green & and readjust auto gate shut U5’s | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 168.00 |
202 | Queen’s Green Canopy Plaque | Reimbursement To Clerk | 61.80 |
203 | Replace lighting fitting outside the village hall with a vandal proof bulkhead. | Powerlite Fire Safety Ltd | 60.00 |
204 | Install client supplied noticeboard | Greg’s Handyman Services | 180.00 |
Total | 2,393.72