Barrington Parish Council
Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on July 20th, 2021.
Present Cllrs: Bedford, Bird, Hopewell, Kemp, McBride, Walker, and the Clerk.
- Apologies welcomes and introductions. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Day, Rhodes-Kemp, and the Responsible Financial Officer all for personal reasons.
- Declarations of Interest and dispensations. Cllr Kemp made a declaration of interest for Item 11 d) d) 21/02907/HFUL and 21/02908/LBC as the applications are for his property.
- Public Forum there were no members of the public present. Cllr Kemp gave a brief overview speaking as member of the public of the planning application for 33 High Street to be considered at the end of the meeting.
4. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22nd June 2021. It was proposed to accept the Minutes as a true record of the meeting by Cllr Bird, seconded by Cllr Kemp and agreed with all in favour. - To take CCC (Cambridge County Council), SCDC (south Cambs District Council) and Clerk reports
CCCllr Kindersley sent a written report the main points of which were
Covid has not gone away. The largest increase in cases in the County is in our district. It is vital that people get their jabs.
Free School meals the numbers receiving these has increased.
Unemployment is also going up in South Cambs.
New Business Growth Fund has been launched by SCDC or by email
Home Improvements – report .
If you or a relative needs help to stay in their own home, please contact
Landlord Enforcement – SCDC approved a Private Sector Housing Policy which allows the council to intervene and take action.
Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document – The new Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document from South Cambs is now out for consultation.
Community flood planning SCDC are working with CCC on this.
Combined Authority It was disappointing to see a very lightweight response to the East West Rail consultation from the Combined Authority at their last board meeting. After a long debate it was agreed that it would be ‘beefed up’ considerably to better reflect the responses that were submitted by both councils
The new mayor is moving forward with bus franchising proposals.
The Mayor declined to declare a Climate Emergency but has established a Lead Member role for Climate Change and Environment which he has offered to Bridget Smith.
National Air Traffic/Luton Airport Consultation report
South West Cambridge Action Group (SWCAG). SWCAG invited Thakeham to a public meeting to answer questions from the public, but Thakeham has so far declined. The May 26th SWCAG meeting for parish council representatives with the Head of Greater Cambridge Shared Planning, focused on the OxCam Arc.
Thakeham has to date not lodged a submission to the South Cambs Call for Sites.
A response has been received on an appeal to a Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government’s Freedom of Information Act refusal – the appeal was denied on the basis that it was not in the public interest.
Thakeham have confirmed that it has commissioned surveillance work on its proposed site and the flurry of helicopters overhead in early June were part of this. A local landowner has shared a copy of a letter received from Thakeham in 2019 in which the developer suggests that compulsory purchase will be deployed if the landowner chooses not to participate in the Thakeham project.
Parliamentary boundaries – The Boundary Commission for England has published proposals for new parliamentary constituencies, which are now open to consultation until 2 August. This is the first stage of a review which will conclude in 2023. For the East of England, the proposals would mean three more MPs, and the effect of this is to create an additional ‘St Neots’ seat in Cambridgeshire.
Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport Project
SCDCllr Van der Weyer gave a verbal report the main points of which were:
Local Plan – SCDC will publish the preferred options for consultation at the end of August.
Thakeham – there has been no application in the Local Plan call for sites.
EWR – the Combined Authority response was initially weak. Decisions may be influenced by Governments view on the Cambridge Oxford Arc.
Cllr Rhodes- Kemp asked SCDCllr Van der Weyer for his support dealing with all the local development pressures and issues facing Barrington. This was echoed by Councillors and Cllr Van der Weyer assured Council of his full support.
The Clerk had nothing further to report.
Matters Arising
21/02099/FUL 9 Back Lane, Barrington – a letter is being drafted as Council feel that due process has not been followed and there maybe a case for a Judicial Review.
Items for consideration
6. Finance
a) To approve the payments listed below. It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Hopewell, and agreed with all in favour.
64 | Bank Charges Lloyds June | Lloyds Bank | 7.85 |
65 | Electricity Charges | Southern Electric | 139.45 |
66 | Bank Charges Unity Trust | Unity Trust Bank | 18.00 |
67 | Bank Charges Unity Trust S106 | Unity Trust Bank | 18.27 |
68 | Cut of sports field 15/6 | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 144.00 |
69 | Cut of Glebe Road areas, Cut of Sports Field, and Cut of Main Green 15/6 | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 468.00 |
70 | Cut of cricket pitch 18/6 | Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Services | 48.00 |
71 | SLCC Full Membership | SLCC | 185.00 |
72 | SLCC How to use Graphic Design Software – Clerk | SLCC | 36.00 |
73 | Microsoft 365 1 YR TO 23 June 2022 | Reimbursement to Clerk | 59.99 |
74 | Green Charity Annual Lease | Green charity | 150.00 |
75-80 | Salaries, PAYE, NIC, HMRC, Pension | Staff | 1,646.35 |
Total | 2,920.91 |
At time of publication the payroll has not been completed so figures are estimations.
- b) Balances and Bank Reconciliation.
Total in reconciled accounts
Unity Trust 60,922.39
Lloyds 73,722.75
CBS 1,500.00
Total £136,145.14
- c) Council noted all documents were submitted for audit.
- d) Review of budget 2021/22 to date. The RFO had sent a brief report.
Expenditure currently stands at 20% of the budget.
- e) To consider the repair of glass in the phone box with clear laminated glass which will crack but not shatter from 1st Glass at a cost of £300. It was proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Hopewell, and agreed to get the glass replaced. Action The Clerk.
- Communication
- a) Review of Communications Guidance a copy of attached for information. It was resolved to use these guidelines.
- b) Review and adoption of Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy. It was agreed by all to adopt this policy.
- c) Electronic Communications Update Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk. The report was received, and it was resolved to keep using the Facebook Page and work will continue building the new website. The clerk and Cllr Hopewell are watching training videos on how to continue to upload documents to the new site and ensure all mandatory documents are included. Action Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk.
7.Promap Review. It was proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Bird that we this has been a useful tool that the Council could join Promap on a monthly basis as and when required. Cllr Hopewell explained that the service to view utilities will not be included in Parish Council agreements. Action Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk.
Cllr Hopewell and the Clerk were thanked for their work on this.
- Housing Needs Survey
As BPC has a history of supporting affordable housing (Primes Close and Heslerton Way). Additionally, the village is to grow by about 50% with at least a further 220 houses including 104 affordable housing at the Redrow Garden Fields site on Haslingfield Road. Council does not see the need to go down this route at the present time. - Reports: The following reports have already been circulated and taken as read
a. QE11 woodland and Community Orchard
The humps and holes made to create jumps for bikes have been removed and moved edging logs replaced. Councillor Hopewell has been able to engage with the youngsters and explained that the ramps on the Playground are designed for bikes.
Restoration of the picnic tables has been undertaken by the Cubs. The Guides/Brownies have been asked if they would like to do the other two benches.
A volunteer session was organised for tidying work and some bark spreading. More bark has since been delivered so a further session is planned.
Nettles have been strimmed in some areas.
Community orchard. Trees and fruit bushes all growing well. Ongoing watering from volunteers and Cubs. Other plants and herbs being introduced. Main challenge is managing perennial weeds Central seating area in planning stage.
b. Footpaths – the gratings have been removed on the accessible path done to Little Rivers and replaced.
c. Ditches – The Council thanked the Puddlers for working on the bridge at West Green Pond to ensure it is safe to use. There are several logs which have been thrown into the ditch behind houses on Heslerton Way. It was agreed to ask Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance to remove them, and they can be used to edge the pathways in the woodland. Action The Clerk.
d. Play areas – Cllr Day
Council to note Herts and Cambs Maintenance are looking into the repairs highlighted in the recent Rospa inspection and a protruding nail and rotting post spotted in a recent (July 7th) weekly inspection.
e. Challis Green Pond. Council to note a funding application has been made to the Pebble Fund (Cambridge Water) and a representative from The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire visited the pond to discuss restoration, but the pond does not meet their criteria for funding.
f. Traffic Management – three tenders have been received and these have been reviewed and reported under Item 12 S106 Update.
g. Green Charity – there was no report
h. Early Years provision – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp and the Clerk have met with CCC representatives. A feasibility study has been carried out by Concertus and the report has only just been received this afternoon. - Highway Issues – the grass has grown and is obscuring the view lines from some of the permitted ways particularly near the village sign. It was agreed to ask Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance to reduce the height of the grass. Action Cllr Day.
The Clerk has received an email from a resident complaining that vehicles are driving too fast along the permitted ways.
- Planning
Council noted
For info only : S/3341/19/CONDA
Proposal: Submission of details required by conditions 3 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 4 (Biodiversity Enhancement), 6 (Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Strategy), 7 (Carbon Emissions) and 8 (Water Consumption) of planning permission S/3341/19/FL
Site address: Land At Wilsmere Down Farm Orwell Road Barrington
For info only: 21/00908/CONDA
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 3 (Materials) of planning permission 21/00908/HFUL
Site address: 2 Mill Lane Barrington CB22 7QY
21/0828/TTCA Tree works
Section 1 – T1 is a holly, T2 is a birch, T3 is a an ash. These three trees are standing very close together in a row next to an LPG tank (1.5 meter away from it) and their lower branches are now directly over the LPG tank. It is proposed to clear the branches of T1, T2 and T3 away from the object (LPG tank) by drop crotching the branches above the tank by 1m.
Section 2 – T4a, T4b and T4c are all hazel trees – previously coppiced. They are growing on the edge of an old clunchpit by a sheer drop of approximately 1.5 m. It is proposed to do some selective pruning by part coppicing the hazel on their Eastern side to promote healthy growth and save the trees. We are looking to reduce the tree size by up to 25% by coppicing the eastern shoots of the tree, but not touching the centre of the tree stool.
Site address: 2 Shepreth Road Barrington CB22 7SB
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 3 (Materials) of planning permission S/2303/18/LB
Site address: 9 Back Lane Barrington Cambridge
To consider
- a) 21/02616/HFUL
Proposal: Rear extension and alterations and new porch. Children’s tree house.
Site address: 40 Shepreth Road Barrington CB22 7SB.
Although Council is supportive of this application a request for more details will be submitted as no design and access statement was submitted or current and proposed floor plans.
b) 21/02555/HFUL
Proposal: Installation of mobile home in garden for use as an annex, ancillary to main dwelling
Site address: 2 Slid Lane Barrington CB22 7RD.
After much discussion it was agreed that the Council will recommend refusal on the grounds that the property is outside the village development framework and will be in the revised Conservation Area, it is a large mobile home which may lead to issues of accessing the site down the narrow lane. Council also raised concerns that the mobile home is not ‘ancillary to the main dwelling’ and that precedent will be set for future similar developments.
- c) 20/02528/CONDD
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 20 (School Car Park) of planning permission 20/02528/S73
Site address: Former Barrington Cement Plant Haslingfield Road Barrington.
Cambridgeshire County Council policy is not to build car parks for school as this encourages car use. Additionally, access to the school would involve crossing the Haslingfield Road. Council is however concerned about providing some parking for visitors as it is felt that the public open space will be a recreational area that people from a geographical area will visit.
The following planning application was moved to the end of the meeting.
- d) 21/02907/HFUL and 21/02908/LBC and 21/02907/HFUL
Proposal: Two-storey side and rear extension
Site address: 33 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX S106 update – Cllr Rhodes-Kemp
a) Traffic Management Tender update – 3 quotes were received and have been reviewed by the agreed tender committee comprising of Cllr Kemp, Cllr Walker and a speedwatch representative. - b) Village Facilities Tender Update – the pavilion and VH have recently been surveyed.
c) Update and discussion following update with Redrow – there was a meeting held with Redrow (6th July). Further planning applications will be submitted to alter the housing arrangements on two areas of the site. It was proposed and agreed that the implications of these changes particularly in regard to drainage will be considered at a future meeting in preparation to respond to the applications.
Cllr Kemp Left the meeting.
11 d) 21/02907/HFUL and 21/02908/LBC and 21/02907/HFUL
Proposal: Two-storey side and rear extension
Site address: 33 High Street Barrington CB22 7QX
It was resolved to recommend approval subject to the provision of an acceptable traffic management plan and consultation with the Green Charity. It was also noted that all applications adjacent to The Green should be treated in the same manner.
The meeting was closed at 9.30 pm